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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Harav Tuvia Schlesinger Rules that Walder's Body Must be Exhumed and Re-buried Somewhere Else


Listen to Harav Amnon Yitzchak talk about this psak and says he must be buried in a place with people who were not Shomrei Torah Umitzvot



Anonymous said...

Where is this from so we can read the clearer original?

hmm said...

He must have Ruach Hakodesh. The letter is dated almost a year ago.

(He presumably was referring to Meshi Zahav.)

The fault isn't yours, it's Shaulson's..)

Dusiznies said...

#1 Meshi Zahav is still alive
#2 תשפ"ב is this year

hmm said...

#1 This letter is a follow up to one he sent previously, where he was discussing what the Halacha would be if Meshi Zahav Would die.

# If you look closer you can see that the letter is dated Sunday Parshas Emor 5771. Here you have a clearer view of the page.