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Monday, November 1, 2021

70 Men Women and Children from the Helbrans Cult Caught in Kurdisan Escaping Guatamala ...


70 men, women and children of the crazed and sick Helbrans cult,  managed to escape Guatamala in the middle of the night and flew to Kurdistan where they were detained by the Kurdistan army. 

They told the army that they didn't intend to enter Iran and just wanted to escape to take a break from Guatamala. Of course they were barking up the wrong tree as the army didn't believe them.

So now the escapees are sitting at the airport hoping that they can get a chartered flight out, to who knows where.

Question: Who is funding these sickos?


Frum but normal said...

Answer, their fellow sickos in Satmar and Neturai Marta, as long as you hate the MEDINA ,you can be the biggest pervert , murderrer,gangster .the Satmar gangsters will support you.

Can’t wait for rotten Frankfurter’s whitewash of these monsters in his Ami rag

LES AYM said...

YehudisFletcher @YehudisFletcher
Oct 31

Rabbis Ephraim Padwa; head of Union of Hebrew Congregation; Yosef Binyomin Wosner, the religious authority for the London branch of Satmar's Aharon faction; & Dovid Halpern (brother of Chaim, alleged sex abuser); were among the signatories on a fundraising appeal for Lev Tahor.



Anonymous said...

It's good public relations for Satmar. Satmar looks not so extreme, compared to Helbrans Cult and Neturai Karta.

It's also good for back-channels to shady characters.