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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Jewish Doctoral Candidate Who Wanted To Prove Justice System Was Racist Against Blacks Was Stabbed To Death By Black Man In Chicago


Anat Kimchi, a 31-year-old Israeli-born doctoral candidate and scholar at the University of Maryland, wrote a paper published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology in 2019 attempting to prove America’s criminal justice system was racist against “young black offenders” and “black drug offenders.”

While visiting Chicago over the weekend, Kimchi was ambushed and stabbed in the back and neck while walking near a homeless encampment at 401 South Wacker at around 3:35 p.m. Police said witnesses told them the assailant was a homeless “slim black male with long dreadlocks who wore a red bandana and a blue tank top,” CWB Chicago reported.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Monday that police know the man who fatally stabbed her and are “scouring the various homeless encampments downtown” to find him.

While speaking with CBS 2 Chicago, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown expressed bafflement that Kimchi would walk on such an “obscure route” which only leads to a freeway and an underpass with a homeless encampment.

Given her field, one can imagine she may have purposefully gone to the encampment to see first hand the horrible oppression that “white supremacist America” was subjecting these disadvantaged, underprivileged victims of white supremacy to due to no fault of their own.


Frum but normal said...

hope and pray same thing happens to all the filthy leftist Marxist America hating treasonous DemonRats

LES AYM said...

You're disgusting, of course her views are wrong
, but doesn't make it right to wish her and her friends dead!

Dusiznies said...

Les Aym
Where in the entire article does it say that anyone wished her or her friends "dead"
did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a mental disorder and its killing us

Frum but normal said...

Yes, it does make it right, these filthy treasonous America hating Marxist DemonRats are out to destroy our once great nation and turn it into another Marxist hell hole like a Venezuela or Cuba.
These are evil monsters and must be treated exactly as you would rabies infected sewer rats, because they are much more dangerous

Josh said...

@Dusiznies I believe @Les Aym was referring to @frum but normals comment...not about your article..