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Monday, January 4, 2021

Meshiginar "Am Haaretz" Democrat Pastor Ends Congressional Prayer With ‘Amen And A-Woman’

House Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri ended the opening prayer for the 117th Congress Sunday with “amen and a-woman,” in an apparent effort to be gender- and deity-inclusive while omitting “aperson.”

The term “amen” is not even a reference to the two sexes, however, as Pennsylvania Republican Congressman Guy Reschenthaler pointed out on Twitter along with a clip of the pointless passive-progressive virtue signaling.

Cleaver, an ordained United Methodist pastor who appears clueless about basic biblical knowledge such as the meaning of the Hebrew word “amen,” offered the House prayer as Democrats in the lower chamber have prioritizedremoving references to the two sexes in House business in an effort to “promote inclusion and diversity.”



Zako said...

Progressism is a real bad disease.

Omein/Amen is roshei teivos for El Melech Ne'emon.

jancsibacsi said...

This country is getting crazier and crazier exponentially soon it will cease to exists if things keep on going the way they do

Anonymous said...

He should have said A-Hole