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Monday, November 9, 2020

NYC to begin counting mail-in ballots tomorrow with several races at stake


New York City is set to begin counting its more than half a million mail-in ballots Monday — votes that could swing several local races.

While the deadline for the state’s local boards of election to receive absentee ballots is Tuesday, the city will at least get a jump on the ones it has so far.

As of Friday, the number of mail-in votes received by each borough was: 199,352 in Manhattan; 161,762 in Queens; 106,987 in Brooklyn; 52,049 in The Bronx and 31,351 in Staten Island.

The total is about half the 1.1 million absentee ballots requested by residents.

Local races yet to be called because of the ongoing ballot-counting include:

11th Congressional District

Republican Nicole Malliotakis looks set to defeat incumbent Dem US Rep. Max Rose in the 11th Congressional District covering Staten Island and southern Brooklyn.

The particularly bitter, multimillion-dollar race is virtually over, with Rose appearing to be too far behind to catch up to his foe even with the number of mail-in ballots yet to be counted. Malliotakis has already claimed victory, but Rose has non conceded.

“As a soldier who fought for our democracy, I believe every vote should be counted,” he told reporters on election night.


Assembly District 46

Republican upstart Mark Szuskiewicz could upset Democratic incumbent state Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus for her seat in Coney Island in Brooklyn.

Szuszkiewicz — who has voiced online support for the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon, which claims the country is run by pedophiles and Satan-worshipers out to get President Trump, according to the Brooklyn Paper — is currently leading by a slim margin in the typically safe blue seat.

But there are still enough mail-in ballots out that Frontus could overtake him in the district, which covers parts of Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights and Brighton Beach.

Assembly District 63

GOPer Anthony DeGuerre has a slim lead over veteran Dem incumbent Michael Cusick for a state Assembly seat on Staten Island, but the race is still very much up in the air.

Still, Trump handily carried the borough in this month’s presidential election, which may be indicative of why Cusick, who has been in office since 2003, is now in a fight for his political life.

Long Island

Meanwhile, on Long Island, three state Senate Democrats are still battling it out amid absentee-ballot counting. They are state Sens. Monica Martinez, Jim Gaughran and Kevin Thomas.

New York City is accepting mail-in ballots postmarked by Nov. 3, Election Day. Absentee votes mailed in the US have until Tuesday to reach the Board of Elections, while those from overseas and from residents in the military have until Nov. 16.



Anonymous said...

It's scary for Biden, really scary & the media know it. Thus, the rush to get everyone in line with a narrative that 78-year-old, early-dementia Biden, who can't draw a crowd larger than 12, just beat the Donald in a 'fair' election

Process for a moment

Start with Pennsylvania. Biden's 290 electoral votes with Pennsylvania's 20

I read Justice Alito's opinion & it's clear he wants after-8 pm votes separated for a reason. Biden's going to lose at the Supreme Court & they know it. 4 justices already said the State Supreme Court can't adjust rules. New arrival Barrett says she's there to apply Constitutional rules. Wanna bet she does?

Remove after-8 pm ballots & Biden loses Pennsylvania

Let's visit Nevada. I've lots of friends in California with condos in Nevada to evade taxes. It's not a couple people doing it; it's 10,000s. Everyone knows. California seeks them out

Our pal Harry Reid knows & apparently has them voting in droves this election. Probably not a big Trump constituency. Within 72 hours of the election, team Trump found, validated 3,500+ of them. I don't suspect Trump's people stopped counting

Every one of these is a ballot reduction for Biden

Nevada's well in reach for Trump — particularly when reducing Californians. A few of them may testify as a false vote's very bad, with jail time if convicted. Maybe a huge story

Remember, people. Biden's at 270 after a highly probable Supreme Court decision (read Alito & concurring opinions)

Lose Nevada, lose the election

It gets better

Wisconsin's 20,000 votes to Sleepy Joe. Lots of stories there, well below the Google fold, that there are way more Wisconsin votes than there are registered voters. Maybe the dead vote there — probably a Midwest thing

Last night, we learn Wisconsin election clerks were told & followed directions, to modify mail-in ballots, fill in blanks where witnesses left out critical info

I'm sure it was just good customer service. The problem's every such ballot's now toast

There were 1000s such prima facie wrongful votes. Oops. Biden up 20,000 — now that's in question. No more truckloads of votes coming in, so every ballot Trump's team eliminates gets Biden a step closer to former VP Biden in a basement. Not good there

North Carolina looks like it's over & Trump won it. Fox News is rumored to call it for Trump in April 2021

Remember, Biden will lose Pennsylvania, so if he loses even 1 state or Electoral College vote, ouch!

Trump wins outright, or it goes to the House, which means Trump has 4 more years

Anonymous said...

part 2

Michigan, land of the "glitches" in voting machines. 6000 votes for Trump given to Biden in 1 of 47 counties where that software's used. 150,000 votes in Biden's favor now

Google 130k Biden votes that show up in the middle of the night to see how wonderful Google fact-checked the "debunked" story. For fun, Google "Michigan voter fraud" for 3 pages of "fact checked & proven false" Why would Google be so assiduous?

They too see, Biden's 1 vote away from the basement

Lawsuits in Michigan & other states are launched & discovery takes place. Google won't be there

Voter fraud's like larceny. A little's ok, even entertaining

Dead people have been voting for a century in Democratic cities. It's so constant one would think Republicans consider dead voter outreach to get their share

But voter fraud on this scale isn't sustainable. It doesn't pass the common sense test

Bloggers with lots of time go thru voter rolls of person after person who voted in a swing state also fought in the Civil War or War of 1812. It was funny at first, but overwhelmingly now goes beyond humor & rubs our faces in it

I think Trump has to swing 1 state. Actually, 1 electoral vote. Not only is this not over, but team Biden must be sweating bullets

Voter fraud seemed really cool until Trump went to the mattresses. Now fighting it out a voter at a time, with the Supreme Court likely to create the starting point at Biden 270, Biden has everything to lose. Perk up!