Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Watch John McCain Cursing Like a Drunken Sailer At a Female Reporter


Sweet potato tempura said...

What is a sailer?

Anonymous said...

This is completely fake. Here’s the real video

Dusiznies said...

The video I posted is actually the genuine one ... the one you posted had been adapted so that it can be on Fox News
Watch MacCain lips on your video and you will notice that it doesn’t match up
Watch the video posted above and you will see that it matches perfectly
The video I posted is accurate

Anonymous said...

At about 12 seconds into your clip he says “there’s no f****g American” but on the fox clip he clearly says “no living American.”

This is fake news. Be honest.

Dusiznies said...

The video I posted is 馃挴% authentic
The one from Fox had been adapted .... otherwise they would be fined ....and this is not the only video where McCain curses like a wild maniac ....

Jonny said...

Anonymous said...

The woman wouldn't have asked why are you so angry, if the fox version is what happened.