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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Shmuly Yanklowitz Fake "Frum" Shmendrik Rabbi rewrites prayer - to avoid blessing Trump

With Hollywood celebs, far-left activists, and even some congressional Democrats still unwilling to accept President-elect Donald Trump’s surprise victory in November's democratic elections, disavowing their new Commander in Chief with slogans like “Not My President” and a movement to boycott the inauguration, one prominent left-wing rabbi has found his own unique way to protest the president.

Shmuly Yanklowitz, a young punk,an Open Orthodox rabbi and dean of the Valley Beit Midrash in Phoenix, Arizona, has responded to the election of the 45th President of the United States by rewriting the traditional Shabbat prayer for the US President - so as to avoid actually blessing him.

Jews made it a custom to pray for the welfare of the nation and ruler in which worshipers reside. Most Orthodox prayer books in the United States contain this prayer:

“He who grants salvation to kings and dominion to rulers, whose kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternity, who releases David his servant from the evil sword, who places a road in the sea and a path in the mighty waters, may he bless The President, the Vice President, and all the Constituted Officers of Government of this Land. The King who reigns over Kings in his mercy may he protect them from every trouble, woe, and injury, may he rescue them and put into their hearts and into the hearts of all their councilors compassion to do good with us and with all Israel, our brethren. In their days and in ours, may Judah be saved and may Israel dwell securely, and may the Redeemer come to Zion. So may it be his will, and let us say: Amen.”

Yanklowitz, who founded the Uri L’Tzedek Orthodox Social Justice organization, on Monday publicized an alternative prayer, dropping the blessing for the success of America’s president and instead accusing the incoming president of promoting white supremacy.

Yanklowitz, who founded the Uri L’Tzedek Orthodox Social Justice organization, on Monday publicized an alternative prayer, dropping the blessing for the success of America’s president and instead accusing the incoming president of promoting white supremacy.
“Because of my commitment to the integrity of prayer, starting this week, I can no longer recite or say amen to the Shabbat prayer for the success of the U.S. President,” Yanklowitz wrote.

“I felt that it was not enough to simply avoid the U.S. President in the prayer for the government but to remind myself of the billions of vulnerable people who are at risk under his rule, and challenge myself each Shabbat to build up the strength for another week of spiritual resistance.”

The prayer itself reads in part: “Guide the incoming leader of this country away from his basest instincts, thwart his plans to target certain groups and strengthen white supremacy; for You know, God, that all were created in Your image.”

“We pray that the decrees from the Executive office do not harm the innocent. We pray that any policies that are meant to harm the vulnerable in prioritization of the powerful and privileged will be quashed. Should there be plans that will merely benefit the most privileged Americans, but not all of humankind and the planet we call home, may they fail. May our nation not consort or conspire with totalitarian despots but reaffirm our commitment to freedom and democracy. Grant us the strength to demonstrate spiritual resistance, to imbue our sinews with the highest integrity. Give us the wisdom and courage to do what’s right to protect the most powerless and defenseless in society.”

In the past, Yanklowitz has criticized Jewish supporters of Trump, writing that even “engagement” with the then-GOP presumptive nominee was “an embarrassment” to the Jewish people.

“Any engagement w/ Trump is an embarrassment to the holy descendants of Abraham & Sarah, the State of Israel, & to any person of conscience.
Let's wash out our ears for even listening out of curiosity! #DumpTrump


Anonymous said...

Yanklowitz is a fraud on many levels. Whether it is joining forces with radical anti-shechita seculars and various other Kapo-like projects.

And he may not even be Jewish. His mother supposedly converted. I say supposedly because the Open Orthodox don't give a hoot about kabolas mitzvos.

Abe said...

While Open Orthodoxy is a hashkafa whose time has come, some who embrace it have a political ideology that is just plain dumb as expressed by Rabbi Yanklowitz.
Is Donald Trump worse than Czar Nicholas Alexanderovich, the Czarina ,Nicholas's mother
and most of the royal family for whom prayers were cited in in late 1800's Machzorim for the Yomim Noraim. See here: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070114171938AAdKLYF
Has president elect Trump advocated for any pogroms? Rabbi Yanklowitz should peruse our tefilah history before making such rash changes.

AishKodesh said...

DIN, is Donald Trump important enough for us to be allowed to speak badly about another Jew? Which "king" do you follow? Hashem Yisbarech - or Donald Trump, Chas V'Shalom?

Mike Koplen said...

This should put to bed once and for all the stereotype that Jews are smart.

Barack Hussein Obumbum said...

First I got even with Bibi. For the next few days I am going to get even more under DIN's skin.

After already paying with your tax dollars for the sex change operation of cross-dressing traitor Chelsea Manning, she / he / it is getting out of jail because I have just commuted the prison sentence!

Go choke on the shirayim at an Aroni or Zaloni tish!

Anonymous said...

Open "Orthodox" is coming all right. Coming down the same road of self-destruction as the Conservative & Reform who will all be goyim soon except for their kids who come back to authentic Judaism.

Harry said...

Abe, Open Orthodoxy is kefirah. If someone believes that The Torah can be modified, that is in violation of the 9th fundament as taught by Maimonides. So I don't really know what DIM is all upset about, when someone who believes against The Torah, has yet another mistake, a big mistake, but relatively small in comparison to his HUGH mistakes

Abe said...

It's really funny that you should say that Open Orthodoxy is kefirah. The Vilna Gaon said the very same thing about chasidisism, calling their hashkafa lies and delusions. Chasidishe rabbeim were arrested and their books and writings were burned as kefirah.
Don't be so quick to denounce Open Orthodoxy.
In time it will attract a lot more Jews than chasidishe and Chareidi hashkafa which is beginning to implode under its own ponderous self-abnegation and insularity.

? said...

Is he a Liska Hasid?

Harry said...

Abe, What standard are we using to determine right and wrong, what is kefira, and what is not? Are we going by what people were suspected of, which turned out to be a false accusation based on misinformation, or are we going by just simple facts and rules? So let's define kefira. Kefira means denying the fundamentals of The Torah. Chasidim have not done that, as facts have shown. Charedi hashkafa does not allow that. I agree with you that some of the things that frum Jews do, are wrong. But that's inevitable that mistakes will be made and wrong things will be done. But Chassidism and charedism beleive that we must adhere to Torah laws without ch'v changing away from that at all. So while some things are done wrong, that's out of error in judgement etc, but all is within the ideal of following The Torah. But Open Orthodoxy, officially beleive they can go against The Torah. They show this with their ideas about LGBT and other things. That meant they think you can change the laws, so that goes against the fundamental I stated earlier.

Anonymous said...

Keira is listening to the insane rantings of zalman and aron teitelschmuck and practicing their insane agenda

Ezra the Kapo said...

As long as Yanklowitz defends Jerrold Nadler he is ok in my book.

Anonymous said...

He's nothing less than the Zionist rabbanut, they all cut the Halacha to match their agenda

Anonymous said...

Aish Kodesh
I have a simple question for you,i am sure you are aware that listening or reading LASHON HARA is the exact same sin as speaking it,if that's the case WHY the hell are you sitting at your computer day and night reading every post at DIN when you very well know that you will be reading LASHAN HORA,isn't this the height of hypocrisy ?


Harry said...

Aish Kodesh, I think that the disseminating and receiving opinions about things is important, educational, and therefor a toeles which is mutar. Don't forget that The Rambam says that speaking bad about bad people is also in the category of good talk.

AishKodesh said...

True, Harry. I guess. But can we judge this person to be bad? I don't know.... And, CHAIM, do you really think I read DIN's posts? Almost never! Rather, I go on comments in an attempt to stop lashon hara, etc.

Harry said...

We don't have to say judge the person as intrinsically bad, in order for it to be justified and correct to badmouth them. The Baal Hatania actually says that hardly any Jew is at the level that we don't have the mitzva to love them. But this is what The Rambam says.
אין צריך שידבר אלא במה שיבא לנפשו בו תועלת ... או לגנות גנות מגונה כי קלת בעלי החסרונות וזכרם לגנות אם יהיה הכוונה בו לחסרם אצל בני אדם עד שיתרחקו מהם ולא יעשו כמעשיהם הוא דבר מחוייב והוא מעלה

This is the reason I read DIN's posts and comments, and it's the reason I post comments. I am דן לכף זכות that most of the people here, at least at some level, are interested because they want to promote what they believe is correct. We just have some vast differences of opinion about what is correct and what is not, and we try to come together by using truthful discussion.

Anonymous said...

AishKodesh said...
True, Harry. I guess. But can we judge this person to be bad? I don't know.... And, CHAIM, do you really think I read DIN's posts? Almost never! Rather, I go on comments in an attempt to stop lashon hara, etc
AISH KODESH,what a insane and childish answer this was,hey idiot if you never read the posts at DIN then how the hell do you know it's LASHAN HORA? and if you only read the comments and all the LASHAN HARO is repeated there,then you are transgressing the ISSUR of LASHON HARO,therefore how dare you scream all day and give MUSSAR about lashan hara'
bottom line is you are nothing but a hypoctrical fake phony fraud who is bored out of his mind and busy trolling the internet all day long, go get yourself a job or if you are a dropout from yeshiva go back to school and don't bother us

AishKodesh said...


Abe said...

Harry 6:29 PM,

What is kefirah and what is not? Whatever you want to define it as.
In the time of the Vilna Gaon chasidisim/chareidim was deemed to be kefirah. As I said, chasidishe books were burned and their rabbeim were jailed. If that was not a reaction to kefirah, I don't know what is. It's obvious that the Vilna Gaon knew kefirah when he saw it and responded accordingly.
Open Orthodoxy believes that they are not going against the Torah, and you say say that they do. Just as the Vilna Gaon described chasidishe hashkafa as kefirah, you decry Open Orthodoxy as kefirah. In time, Open Orthodoxy will justify its inclusion in the circle of traditional orthodoxy with an assertion that your exclusion was an error of judgement. They will say that they did not change Torah laws as you assert.
When it comes to unfalsifiable doctrine, kefirah is whatever you say it is.

AishKodesh said...

Abe, not quite true.

Harry said...

Abe, what you're saying is not correct. I wrote an entire clear response to you, but it got deleted somehow.

Anonymous said...

Not one of you has the courage or conviction to his beliefs as does Rabbi Yanklowitz.

Before you judge, the facts are helpful. Like the Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi party that now has a platform.

There is nothing redeeming about this presidency.

Harry said...

Anonymous 4:36, Before you judge, the facts are helpful. You say that not one of us has the courag or conviction etc. You know not one of us, and yet you make such a statement. How ridiculous.

mmz said...

In all fairness, this is a very public post and the author would be happy that this is seen widespread as possible.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Shalom Baum, Head of the RCBC in New Jersey and Rav of Keter Torah in Teaneck, NJ gave a great shiur on this topic...


just a yid said...

this defines him perfectly

Anonymous said...

to notmypresident,
He's your president just like your beloved Kenyan Obama was my president. You're so scared of about 300 Alt right people when we have to tolerate millions of Left anti-Semites and haters of Israel every day. Trump for 8 years and make America great again.