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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Madeleine "Halflbright" Says She’s ‘Ready To Register As Muslim’

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the "alteh katchkeh," said Wednesday she is prepared to “register as Muslim” in solidarity amid reports that President Trump plans to take executive action affecting immigrants to the U.S., THE HILL report.

Madeleine Halfbright is a Jew, whose family escaped the Holocaust!

Albright’s tweets came amid reports this week that Trump was expected to sign executive orders including a temporary ban on most refugees and suspending visas for foreign nationals from seven countries.


AishKodesh said...

Is there a way to get in contact with her and perhaps help her?

Not very jewish said...

For many years she shyed away from looking in to her parents lineage, she was raised Catholic

Anonymous said...

maybe suggest she visits Yemen or sudan they just love "Jews" masquerading as a Mooselim

Anonymous said...

Looks like she just the satmar cult may allah phuqbar bless her

Anonymous said...

She's a MESHUMEDES actually her parents were already meshumadim so she's considered Jewish unless she does teshuva, and she's not a holocaust survivor her family was in England during the war, but as usual you're twisting the news so it should match with your agenda

Duck Season said...

The katchka's family are a bunch of stupid Hungarian MESHUMODIM who were baptized much before WWII. The still had to escape because the Nazis didn't give a rat's behind for apostates.

David Koster said...

I think that she would look good in a burka.

Not very jewish said...

Nothing to do about her looks, she will be ugly inside and outside no matter what her head gear is

AishKodesh said...

B'Ezras Hashem, perhaps one day she will talk to someone and decide to return to Yiddishkeit.....

Klaghorn Leghorn said...

If she registers as a Muslim, jihadis will invoke sharia and erupt in an honor killing because she is a Catholic masquerading as Muslim.

Anonymous said...

Can you please take her picture down? I can't help being oiver abeiros every time I see her beautiful face.