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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Frum Guy Massacres his Family and Neighbors Child in Migdal

Dor Karsenty and her two children murdered

Ravit and Eitan, parents of the late Dor Karsenty, mourn the horrific murder of their daughter Dor and their two grandchildren, Binyamin and Yosef Nachman, and the son of their neighbors, Nachman Atiya.

"It is indescribable, they took my daughter and two grandchildren. Killed them, massacred them. You all know the pictures from the scene. They really slaughtered them. I had a beautiful girl, a devoted mother like no other - she took care of the kids and let no one touch them. She would not allow anyone to take care of them - not a daycare center or anything - because she was the best treatment.

"She took care of two babies alone, from morning to night she was alone with them and she gave him quiet to be able to Torah study alone."

The mother added that the suspect "planned the murder, I'm sure a million percent - he went and said his good-byes to people; only Friday evening he sat at my table and apologized to my son-in-law Daniel. He said to him, 'Forgive me if I hurt you, I'm sorry if I slandered you...He also took leave from others in the community like this.

"My daughter lives next to Eitan (Dor's father), the very next apartment. He was just waiting for Eitan to come out and he carried out the massacre; a slaughter that Eitan and I saw with our own eyes - my grandchildren stabbed, our daughter lying on the floor.

"I ask the entire Jewish People to come to the funeral and see what treasures were taken from us. They should see a mother and father leading their daughter and grandchildren to burial," said Dor's mother. At 15:00 the funeral of Nachman Atiya, the family's 11-year-old neighbor, begins. At 18:30 Dor Karsenty, 2 1/2-year-old Yosef, and one-year-old Binyamin will be laid to rest.
Ten Year Old Natan who escaped

Natan, Atiya's 10-year-old son and the little brother of Nachman, managed to escape from the murder scene and told rescue teams that he pretended to be dead to escape from the murderer and slip out the window. Nathan went a few hundred meters until neighbors spotted him and alerted rescue services. The father was arrested in an orchard near the house.
The Nazareth Magistrate's Court extended the suspect's arrest until next Wednesday. In addition, the suspect was sent for psychiatric examination.


AishKodesh said...

Baruch Dayan HaEmes. What a tragedy.

Ma Rabbi said...

Change the title from "frum guy" to "insane guy."

Anonymous said...

Ma Rabbi, Neither "frum guy" or "insane guy" is appropriate. The title should read "Breslover guy" (which automatically includes the two adjectives).

AishKodesh said...

2:56, mamash sheker