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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tel Aviv Massacre ..... and a disturbing conversation I heard in Monsey

There was a massacre in Tel Aviv and 4 are already dead r"l! 
And there isn't a Jew out there that isn't upset ........ you would think .... right?
Guess what I heard in a Monsey supermarket, at the check out!

Chassidisher guy #1: Yoi, a big tragedy in Israel, an Arab shooting Jews to death!

Chassidisher guy # 2: Where?

Chassidisher guy #1: In Tel Aviv!

Chassidisher guy #2: B'H......  it was in Tel Aviv, means no frum Jews were victims!

Me: Are you sick? Do you have any brains? How do you even talk like this? Jews are murdered on the streets and you say B"H ... it was in Tel Aviv?

Chassidisher guy #2: That's not what I meant ...!

Me: So tell us, what did you mean?

Chassidisher guy #2: I meant that if there was a shooting already, then I'm happy it wasn't someone frum ... but I'm not happy that not frum Jews are being killed!

I'm telling you guys ... this new generation of "Frum Jews" are sicker than sick...

Everyone is busy trying to be more "machmer" than his neighbor but don't give two hoots about another Jew!

This "shtams" from those hateful comic books the Satmar Rebbe wrote! And now you know why I scream and yell that this hate that the Satmar Rebbe implanted in his Chassidim is the cause of the hate against their fellow non-Satmar...
take your Bikur Choilim Chicken Soup and flush it! 

Security footage released tonight showed recordings from a cafe in a central Tel Aviv market where two terrorists opened fire and killed at least three people and wounded several others.

In the video, people are seen running from the Max Brenner restaurant at the popular Sarona complex where the attack took place.

One of the assailants was eventually shot and wounded. Security forces have arrested both attackers. 

Police said an investigation is ongoing and they have no details about the identities of the attackers. Israeli media reported that the two assailants had been sitting at the cafe and wearing disguises before they opened fire. 

Meanwhile, Palestinian media reported that the assailants were cousins from the West Bank town of Yata, located near Hebron.

Meital Ganon, a manager from one of the stores in the mall, said they had closed their doors and were getting ready to go home when they heard gunshots.

Moments later people began banging on the glass window asking to be let in.

“They were hysterical,” Ganon said in an interview on Channel 2.

“They were yelling ’there’s a terrorist!,” Ganon said. She let them into the store and tried to calm them down as they spook of having seen dead people and blood.

Police ordered everyone to stay where they were, so "we were in the store for an hour without knowing exactly what was going on," she said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed in Israel Wednesday evening from his trip to Moscow to news of the terror attack. He headed straight to the Kirya for security consultations along with Defense Minister Avigdor Liberian and Shin Bet head Nadav Argaman

The attack is the first shooting attack in Tel Aviv since New Year’s Day, when Israeli Arab Nashat Milhem opened fire at a Dizengoff bar, killing two before murdering a cab driver.


Unknown said...

Hate has no boundaries ...
You start hating non observant Jews ...
You will end up hating your own kind that is observant ...
Case in point Aharoni vs Zaloni ...
Satmaritis has its tentacles all over in the Charedi as well as the Yeshiva world ...

Harry said...

You might have overheard such a conversation but that isn't the general consensus among Ultra chassidisshe people. You can find people in any group with bad ideas about things. I am Ultra chassidissh and Iam appalled at those comments as you are. I will say though that there is a tremendoud anout of hate come from this blog agains satmar Jews and Ultra chassidishers in general. I think that while some of your complaints are justified, the general hatred to the whole lot of us is largely sinas chinom.

Dusiznies said...

There is no hate on this blog against anyone ...I am only exposing Satmar hate ...
if you say that you are "ultra-orthodox" then I invite you to read Satmar newspapers any week you choose ....then you will read hate equivalent to Nazi and Arab propaganda.....
Did you Al Hagilah? The Satmar Rav calling Gedoilie Olom ....Apikorsim and Meenim for one reason only ...because they Dont agree with his Shitah!
thats not a Jew that loved other Jews ...

Anonymous said...

Hey that's your version, but the original version of chazal is, you start loving none observant Jews you will end up hating the observant, and since you're a ignorant bum take a tehillim and look up the passuk MESANECHU HASHEM ESNA yes we have an obligation to hate those who hate Hashem, Zionists match this profile perfectly, and btw i don't know the reason why it happened but don't forget it's less than a week from the gay parade in TEL AVIV they got what they deserve, this donkey who runs this particular blog is as hateful to each and every frum Jew nothing less than the German shtirmer the only difference is that this blogger is a donkey with a brain of a monkey

Anonymous said...

Jews are not massacred, if you don't keep you're not Jewish besides that the attacks are a direct result of Zionism and the Zionist ideology, they didn't die al kiddush Hashem they died al mizbeach hatziyonos, whoever started the fire should extinguish it

Anonymous said...

You're a sick nivul peh mamzer and soneh yisroel, what about orthodox Jews getting killed even while praying in Har Nof. Better to die in Israel than in the tumeh Auschwitz,You don't know anything about these Tel Aviv kedoshim and you're calling them haters of G-D.

Anonymous said...

In which version of chazal does it say that? Youre a liar.

These words were based on a talk given by Rabbi Avraham Kahn, the Rosh Yeshiva and Founder of Yeshivas Keser Torah in Toronto.

We must love our fellow Jews unconditionally. Aaron helped others change their ways by conversing with them as if they were his best friends. Rabbi Meir listened to his wife's advice to pray for the criminals to return from their evil ways. The Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Sonnenfeld and Rabbi Feinstein exhibited such love for their fellow Jews that it brought them to feel an eagerness to observe Torah commandments. "Words emanating from the heart of one enter the heart of the other." In order for chastisement to be effective it must come from a loving heart. It is the holy duty of every Torah observant Jew to conduct himself in such a way that his love for every fellow Jew shines through his actions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliments and yes Tel Aviv is a city of toeivo and that city is the symbol of the Zionist slogan KECHOL HAGOYIM BAIS YISROEL, and regarding Har Nof that's the result of ANI MATIR ES BESARCHEM which is a punishment for the Zionist ideology and KIVON SHENITAN RESHUS LEMASHCHIS EINOY MAVCHIN

Anonymous said...

it's sickening, i can't say that i'm shocked or even surprised.

the late great Bob Grant, OB"M said it best... "IT'S SICK OUT THERE, AND GETTING SICKER"

Dusiznies said...

The gemarrah that you supposedly learn says "Kol She'poiel, be'meemo poisel"
You see Tel Aviv as a "toiaveh" city because you yourself have that tendency ...
You are not married and you live in Manhattan and all you do is comment on all the blogs ..nebech!
But we see Tel Aviv as a city that the Ribono Shel Olom gave us and it will survive long after you push daisies ...
You also see a beautiful country where the average life span is over 80 as opposed to the US which is 72!
You are jealous like the Arabs that you love .......I would wish you 72 virgins but you are a closet Homosexual ...so I wish you 72 goats....get your condom ready!

Anonymous said...

Well i wrote already in a previous comment someone who loves G-d haters automatically he hates G-d fearing Jews, and yes you should mourn those innocent victims and so should all those who celebrated Yom huatzomos, Yom yerusholayim and last week's gay parade, i BH didn't celebrate

Dusiznies said...

"well I wrote" ..... you wrote? who the hell are you? "I wrote" haha
BTW you should have celebrated the gay parade...as I pointed out to my readers , you have gay tendencies ...and that's why you are so obsessed!....
You should move to Iraq, where I understand they throw guys like you off buildings!

New Square Talking Fish said...

I get a real kick out of these super frum blog posters who criticize Jewish cities for being cities of TOAVEH when...

their "holy Gedolim Rabbis" tell their mindless sheep follower to vote for every politician that advocates HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING MARRIGE BETWEEN TWO MALES (VOMIT VOMIT VOMIT) ABORTION ON DEMAND, TRANSGENDER BATHROOM USE. as well as to vote for crooks, and every other type of low life politician. They tell their people to vote for these deviants and sickos! And then they have the chutzpah to criticize the beautiful cities of Eretz Yisroel because they have some of these aberrations in their communities. I call you phony "FRUMMIES" PHONIES! LIARS! and very very DUMB.

Anonymous said...

How come you hate the Zionists and not toevah Reform in N.Y.*
How come you guys support politiciians who support lezzie rabbis toevah*
How come you don't drink more fish oil to calm your nerves*

What is toeva* Is Medicaid gezayleh and Chelek 8 under 3 sheimos not toeva*

Anonymous said...

If you're asking such question in which version of chazal it says it's obvious how ignorant you are, so please learn parshes BECHUKOSAI and KI SAVOI and among all MEFORSHEI CHAZAL look in AHAVAS YONOSON from Reb YONOSON EIBESHITZ parshes voeschanan haftora
Reb Elchonon Waaserman has a small book with many expressions and statements of the Chafetz Chaim against Zionism and the same is with Reb YCS who btw ORDERED A FAST DAY ON THE DAY THE ISRAELI RABBANUT WAS ESTABLISHED BECAUSE IT WAS UNDER ZIONIST AUTHORITY
And finally do you love unconditionally the neturei Karta, Satmar chasiddim or any other anti-zionists who are fully shomrei Torah umitzvohs or unconditional love is only for Jewish atheists chazir fressers?

Dusiznies said...

Now that I have established that you are a gay single guy yourself ...you switch the subject and try to smear everyone with your lies again:
But for the readers that think this lonely bastard from Manhattan has a point...I'll write this:
There were many Gedoilei Hador that were for mass aliyah including the Gra, The Baal Shem Tov and the Talmidim of Reb Akiva Eiger...and the Netziv
The Gra's Talmidim and the Talmedie Baal Shem and the Talmidim of Reb Akiva Eiger made Aliyah ...
After the State was B"H established, even those Rabbanim that were initally aginst a State changed their minds after the fact ...
Some Examples: Rav Henkin who was a staunch anti-Zionist ...turned completely around and referred to the Satmar Rebbe as a Rodef!
Belzer Rebbi, the Gerer Rebbe, Lubavitcher Rebbe, Kloizenberger Rebbe, The Agudah, the avnei nezer,
I'm sure they were all familiar with parshas Bechuksai and Ki Savoi, and were familiar with the Ahavas Yonoson ( by the way, R' Yaakov Emdin called R' Yonoson Eibeshitz a Shabsai Tzvinik)
the Chafetz Chayim himself was always talking about making Aliyah and that was written by his very own son!
so Mr.1:18 get ready for your 72 male goats ...

Anonymous said...

The following is part of a menu in a restaurant where yesterday's attack happened
"נקניקיות פרנקפורטר , קריספי "בייקון
And they are kedoshim? FEH chazir fressers that's what they are

Anonymous said...

Henkin penkin belz gur Satmar lubab etc etc all of them combined have no power whatsoever and can't change a passuk in the Torah, and if cv they do they're apikorsim but they didn't change nothing and the rest of your blabbering is as usual the opposite of the truth, do we need more proof than reading your idiotic statement of Reb YE on RYE which only makes it clear what peace of human waste you are, i wonder what aveira your ancestors did to get punished with such drek like you
And finally like all your fantasies BH you have established what/where i am from please add it to the rest of your shit

Dusiznies said...

Go ahead Mr. GAYkill, you go ahead and believe your bunch of Amai Ratzim,and continue to quote passukim just like the missionaries...and continue to back a Rebbe that advised his chassidim to go to the ovens instead of making Aliyah !
Go back an idea that is bizarre and makes absolutely no sense...;the reality is just the opposite of those insane ideas...
go curse other Jews be they frum or not ...just like your Guru from Romania..who called Gedoilei Hador Apikorsim and meenim....
Go back a Chassidus that excludes Jews because its not their Shitah...
Now go screw your 72 male goats...Mr. GAYkill!

Anonymous said...

mr.Anonymous Sarona menu,
Unfortunately, some restaurants there serve chazir openly and on the menu for someone to choose ,but unfortunately, some mehadrin kosher veggie hcompanies serve bugs and not advertised on package but sold as kosher. Please advise what to do.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Dov Lipman, Jerusalem Post, 04/23/2012 23:02

King Ahab, who married a non-Jew, encouraged idol worship and stood silent while his wife killed prophet s was told by a prophet that he would lead troops to miraculous victory (see Kings I 20:13-14). Omri, identified as a greater sinner than all the wicked Jewish kings before him, (Kings I 16:25), merited a long-lasting dynasty because he added a city to the Land of Israel (Sanhedrin 102b) despite the fact that his intention in adding that city was to eliminate Jerusalem as the focus of the Jews! The secular leaders of the State of Israel most certainly have more noble intentions in building Israeli cities and, thus, can certainly merit playing a role in the redemption process.

Kings I, Chapter 14 describes Yeravam as a terrible sinner who caused others to sin, as well. Despite his sins, he led the Jews to victory in restoring the borders of Israel. The Bible its elf explains that the time came for this “redemption” and God used whoever the leader was at the time, despite his being irreligious.

Rabbi Chatzkal Sarna, Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach signed a document on 20 Tevet, 5709, (1949) than king God for granting them the privilege of witnessing “the first buds of t he beginning of the redemption through the establishment of the State of Israel” (referenced by Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef in Yabia Omer Orach Chayim 6:41).
According to the Maharal, there actually must be a secular government as a precursor to the arrival of t he Messiah. This means that God specifically chose a government made up of secular leaders to pave the way for the final redemption! But what about the haredi principle of “da’at Torah” which means an obligation to heed the opinions of t he rabbis even if these go against what we understand to be correct? Doesn’t this concept mean that we cannot pray for a state and its soldiers or celebrate its existence if our great rabbis do not identify with its importance or see it as a cause for celebration?

The following quotes from great haredi rabbis debunk this argument: Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank, a judge on Rabbi Shmuel Salant’s rabbinic court and former chief rabbi of Jerusalem, referred to the creation of the State of Israel as “the beginning of redemption."

Anonymous said...

So as not denigrate a rabid anti-Zionist but otherwise tzaddik as Rabbi Wasserman, do a favor and refrain from mentioning him altogether. You don't want to open a can of worms about what he said about Zionism and also America ,with some tragic results. Better keep quiet if you know what I mean

Anonymous said...

Who i am? A Jew BH not a Zionist, and yes I'm proud to be obsessed with those who desecrate the basics of our Torah of course your disgusting sick ass-mind an offspring of a father monkey and mother whore can't take it and hates the Jews like all typical Nazis

Anonymous said...

The Zionist Nazis killed much more Jews than Hitler and Stalin combined GADOL HAMACHTIOY YOSER MIN HAHORGOI

Anonymous said...

To Harry,
I'm a Yeshivish man with beard , hat and whole 9, so I'm not a problem. But tell me if my nephew who shaves, no hat, kippa srugah, etc. wants to daven at your ultra chassisish shul's amid if he's a chiyuv , would they let him? If yes, then please give the name and address so he can both come. If not, then you're just talking.

Anonymous said...

I should refrain from saying the truth because it contradicts your dumb twisted brainwashed monkey brain?

Dusiznies said...

Hitler & Stalin YM"S together killed about 70 million
So how many did the Zionist kill?
Is that what your Rebbe taught you? GAYkill?
BTW Hitler killed Gays too, so your'e lucky you weren't around then...

Anonymous said...

Unbeleivable how much hate theese satmerers have it is beyond the pale

Anonymous said...

One Jew is worth more than all goyim but again your goyishe monkey brain couldn't figure this out besides the point that Nazi ancestry will never admit to it

Anonymous said...

And btw a mechalel Shabbos in public and mechalel shem shamayim you're not allowed to defend him, so these "victims" who were fressing in a store that sells bacon are mechalel shem shamayim so we have to say BARUCH HAMAKOM SHEHORGOM like this they won't continue doing more aveiros, and if those Zionists won't do teshuva hopefully they'll have the same end as we pray everyday velamalshinim

Gatesheader said...

What "can of worms" & "tragic results" altz America with R' Elchonon Wasserman ztl?

He had 3 negative comments about America

There is tumah in Times Square - True

There were baal habatim all over America who don't learn a word of Torah - True. Many of the shuls he visited no longer exist and their kids married goyim r"l

He had a problem with YU post-R' Shimon Shkop - but Meir Kahane got it wrong when he started the campaign to mistakenly attack R' Elchonon as choosing to die & take everyone with him rather than submit to YU. There is a British family in possession of correspondence with R' Elchonon who was planning on moving the Baranovitch yeshiva to the English countryside. The Nazis cut off all the escape routes faster than anyone thought. Rabbonim have been shown this correspondence. R' Elchonon was vindicated with his opposition to YU as well, unless that is you agree with Norman Lamm giving up principals on abomination for money and protecting child molesters & sadists in the high school who fondle or sodomize talmidim with a toothbrush.

Anonymous said...


Not just am haaratzus but only a finsterra neshomo could say such a thing because most Chilonim today have a din of tinokos shenishbu. Apikorsim nebich zeinen apikorsim ober al pi roiv zei hobben nisht kein chinuch.

Anonymous said...

Kahana and others had it right he was not mistaken,you're spinning a yarn and shove your correspondence. Some of his students were prevented to emigrating to Chicago, some who even had boat tickets in hand, and they were murdered at the 9th Fort along with so many others who were talked out of emigrating. Look at the Torah in America today and Israel to see how wrong he was. Like the Satmars, you're mixing in off the wall irrelevant nonsense to throw blame on fondlers, toothbrushes and Zionists. Basically, you're a revisionist and the facts at the 9th Fort speak for themselves. My close friend's ( who now in his 80s)immediate family along with others were shot there, he told me all about it. Stop covering up and lying.

Dusiznies said...

So you are with us ....America is Tumei and we all have to make Aliyah!
R' Meir Kahana z"l was absolutely correct for attacking R' Elchonon Z"L, absolutely and the results proves that R' Kahana was correct!

11:11 (aka GAY"kill)
I know that living up there in Manhattan all alone ....you will never understand a parent whose child r"l goes off the derech ....so would you want him murdered ....you farshinkene chayeh?
But maybe you have a brother or sister, or a nephew or niece that went OTD.... how would you feel if they gor murdered in a cafe ....
Would that be ok?????? You little mamzer!
Soon G-D will supply you with the 72 male Goats!

Dusiznies said...

What is interesting is ...that the Satmar Rebbe and the Minchas Elozer and R" Elchonon called America Tumei , Europe (a place where millions of Jews were murdered and massacred and a place that breeded the Haskala and Reform ) holy .......and now the Satmars are calling America holy ...and Eretz Yisroel Tumei ....
A country with over 6 million Jews living there and over 50,000 bochrim learning!
Crazy mishagoeim!

Gatesheader said...

R' Elchonon said Times Square is tomei, not gantz America.

Anon using the "lovely & diplomatic" language to shove the correspondence is obviously not interested in working with facts.

What is so hard to understand that R' Elchonon thought he could send the bochurim to England instead of America but unfortunately was overcome by the unexpectedly early blitzkrieg? Maybe there was an iota of being wrong which only der Eibishter veisst but certainly he is no premeditated accessory to murder like Kahane & his followers put it. And you know, Kahane is not exactly immune from getting over-hyperbolic. There is a reason why they call his brother Mei Menuchos & him Mei Merivus.

Anonymous said...

Why do you only talk about Kahana when others said the same thing? Until you wrote it, I had no idea that Kahana said anything about it.
What are you talking about?

Harry said...

To Anonymous who posed a question to me.

The answer is as follows. If a person who davens nusach Ashkenaz will want the amud, that's fine, but he will have to daven that tefilah in nusach Sefard. We accept him and love him as who he is, but he must conform to our minhagim in order to lead our service. The same applies here. If the person you described wants to daven for the amud, his kipa seruga is fine, but he will have to wear a hat hat(or for shacharis a talis covering his head) and jacket for that tefila, because that is our rule. If he refuses to conform and insists on being able to lead our services in his way, then he is trying to change our minhagim, and believes that we don't have the right to hold on to our minhagim, so it is he who hates us and not the other way around.

Dusiznies said...

R' lEchonon made many mistakes .....and those are the facts ...and the facts are very stubborn
#1 He refused to listen to Zev Jabotinski that predicted that Hitler will take over the entire Europe and warned the Jews to escape to Palestine
#2 He was in the US at the time of the war and went back to get murdered...He was asked by the Gedoilim in the Us to remain ....R' Moshe Feinstein, R' Aron Kotler all were in the US at that time
#3 According to you ...he wanted to send the Bochrim to England.... well England was already in the war and was being attacked by Hitler .....that would have been a suicidal mission .....
interesting, that Palestine was not even in his thoughts because of his anti-Zionist obsession!

Also interesting is that the Satmar Rebbe had more seichel than R' Elchonon and decided to make a pact with the Zionist "devils" and got out with his entire family .... and to where did he go? to Palestine! .....hmmm and he set a minhag for his chassidim that when they get indicted in Chutz L'aaretz they run to the Zionist State!
Looking back in history it turns out that "mei Merivas" was 100% correct and R' Elchonon was wrong!
And the biggest "Mei Merivus" was the Satmar Rebbe who fought with everyone including his own brother the Atzie Chayim z"l.... Ve'hameivim Yovin!

Anonymous said...

You're obviously avoiding the issues of emigration from Lithuania and Zionism as pertains to Rabbi Wasserman. you're desperately trying to steer the conversation to YU, Lamm, America, sadists,molesters , Blitzkrieg and Kahana. You're not fooling anybody.

Anonymous said...

It's paythetic howyou try to blame it all on kahana instead of whre it belongs and do a mass coverup. You must think we're stupid

Gatesheader said...

Some here obviously have the same agenda as Kahane which is beat up on an adam gadol if it promotes their ham fisted Rak Kach macho feel good swagger.

The Frankfurt yeshiva already escaped to England. The Messerschmidts were not bombing the English countryside.

Since when did R' Elchonon ever meet Jabotinsky? And even if he did, the Brisker Dayan Rav Rieger was asked and answered it is impossible for anyone to give a psak or predict how far Hitler yms will reach because it is a tzeit of hester ponim when the ability to know things is taken away.

R' Elchonon Hyd left America to be with his talmidim. Certainly if he was trying to save them that is the definition of a hero. Avremel Zelmanowitz Hyd was lauded as a hero by the entire world when he died because he stayed to help a quadriplegic at the World Trade Center on 9/11. According to the R' Elchonon bashers, Zelmanowitz could not have made a kiddush Hashem, he must have kaviyochel been a reckless idiot who wasted his life when he could have ran across the bridge to Brooklyn & saved himself.

Anonymous said...

You piece of drek Ben drek you are really so low and deep in tumeh, i have no doubt that you're a mixed breed and physically mizera amalek,so if an ignorant bum who has all simanim of a mamzer can have the chutzpah to say on a GADOL HADOR that he made mistakes which according to chazal you are a disgusting apikores which is MORIDIN VELO MAALIN, i have no doubt that very soon you'll join your mentor the mad-dog TH and have the same faith as him you'll be wiped off completely AD SOF KOL HADOROS
Since you say you know already everything about me... so my next move is to really expose you once and for all
In the meantime drop dead

Anonymous said...

Who of any importance criticized REW besides RMK?

Dusiznies said...

Please don't utter the name Zelmanowitz who I knew very well ... Your crazed meshiginer...
The comparison between Zelmanowitz and R' Elchonon z"l is insane
Zelmanowitz wasn't outside the building when the planes hit and then decided to go in to save someone.....
He was already in the building and took the chance to save someone .... A real hero
R' Elchonon was in the US and was warned by gedoilei Yisroel from the US not to go back to the fire ... That's a major difference! And that is knegged Halacha ... You are not supposed to save someone that's driving if you cannot swim ! You don't go back into a fire .... And if he was going back to Barronowitz when the yeshiva was already in England makes your case extremely bizzare!
The Belzer Rebbe also wrote a Sefer called ספר פרידה I which he states that Hitler will never come to Hungary and that was his goodby .... But he took his entire family and ran to Palestine
The Satmar Rebbe was asked by the Jewish Agency to combine forces in Roumania to save at least the children he refused to deal with the Zionist and the children perished ... The Satmar Rebbe himself was subsequently saved by a Zionist Rudolf Kastner
The Nazis tried to get the Rabbonim first .. So it's extremely bizzare that unlike Zelmanowitz .... R' Elchonon saved no one and not even himself
R'Kahana was right and it's important to say that he was right because it's a lesson in the future .... It's important to point out when a Gadol is wrong too so we don't follow leaders that make mistakes ...
Its crazy to say that Gefoilim are not human and make no mistakes the Torah pointed out all the mistakes of all our gedoilim including Moshe Rabbeinu ... The gemarrah also debated if R' Yoichinin made a mistake by allowing the Bais Hamikdash to be destroyed when the Roman Emperor gave him any wish!
The point is we are absolutely allows to look back in history and see what mistakes our leaders did
Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it !
The Satmar Rebbe in his defer V'Yoel Moshe calls out Gefoilei Hador and states that not only are they making mistakes but he calls them Apikorsim and Meenim
I had a great rebbe to learn from

Anonymous said...

@2,34 **
The story of Rabbi Wasserman was around long before Kahana. You know that rabonim are generally loathe to criticize other rabonim especially if they are murdered. Survivors spoke, wrote and gave testimonies to media and conferences .Rabbi Wasserman to his great creditperished along with his students. But the truth is that he wrote a directive not to emigrate to America and Israel. This document exists and can be seen online. He made a mistake and nobody is criticizing his greatness or holiness, but made a miscalculation, which was due in great part because of his fanatical hatred of Zionism, whether you like it or not that's true. But your anger against Kahana is misplaced because you attack the messenger. He was the only rabbi that wasn't afraid of anybody and during his JDL days, many rabonim secretely supported him with money and words of support, eben though in public many vilified him.

Dusiznies said...

Mr. GAYkill stop getting so worked up and go eat cheese CRAPlich
My readers need to know that your're an alter bucher so that's why you will never ever understand the pain of a Jewish father losing a child to murderes even if that child isn't frum But your Gay tendencies make you obsessed with the gay parades in Tel Aviv .... Which mirror your true inner desires .... We understand
And may the רבש״ע grant you speedily what you wish for me
"The 72 male goats are ready for you"

Salted Pretzel said...

What I find odd is that captains who decide to go down with their ship instead of saving themselves are called heros by many of the big opinionated people who criticize Rav Wasserman, Hashem yinkom damav. The hero captains wait until all of their crew are saved first and they would even get on the ship if possible. What is the difference?

DIN, you are off on one point about Zelmanowitz. There was a first responder who could have stayed with the crippled co-worker but Zelmanowitz decided he would not budge until a group of firemen were available to carry the wheelchair bound fellow down so many flights of stairs. Zelmanowitz still had the right under halacha to do this because the Arab terrorists wanted to kill any Jews in the Towers and it is mutter lehalacha to die al kiddush Hashem as a choice. It is known that Zelmanowitz had recently learned pshat in a sugya along these lines in a group shiur - which is really spooky.