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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mazal Tov to Donald Trump ...Jewish Grandchild


Unknown said...

Kibudim ...
Al HaKiseh ........ Bernie Sanders
Mohel ............. Ted Cruz
Metzitza B'Peh .... Bill Clinton
Krias Hashem ...... Donald Trump

Unknown said...

Sandak ....Barack Hussein "Insane" Obama
Eved ki Yimloch ...
He might not show up ...
Busy playing golf in Cuba or dancing Tango in Argentina ...

Anonymous said...

Sam Kay
LOL,that was hysterical ,thanks for the laugh


Anonymous said...

Yes he did something good to be zoicha to have Jewish orthodox defendants, and the ex-head of the ADL and so are many many more who don't, this above mentioned ADL guy does have the nachas he chose homosexuals and other trash

shvantz said...

Let me guess ... DIN is waiting for pictures from the Bris so he can superimpose Aron Teitelbaum's kup on to the sandek.

Anonymous said...

Jewish man arrested in Yemen due to ‘smuggled’ Torah scroll:

Among the people arrested by the Houthis in Yemen following the “smuggling” of a 600-year-old Torah scroll by the 17 Jews who were brought to Israel in a secret operation on Monday was a member of the Jewish community who remained in the country, British weekly The Jewish Chronicle reported.The Houthi rebels launched an investigation and made arrests following what they considered to be the smuggling of the ancient Torah scroll, which they view as “the property of the Yemeni people.” Photos of the new arrivals with the Torah scroll caused an uproar in Arabic-language media and enraged the Houthis, who have been in control of the capital Sana’a for over a year now. Moreover, it seems that among those arrested was a senior official of Sana’a’s airport. Senior officials of The Ministry of Immigrant Absorption strongly criticized the Jewish Agency on Friday, claiming that the publication of the operation damaged efforts to increase similar efforts in other dangerous areas of the world in the future. “The publication endangers Jews remaining in Yemen and those involved in the matter,” they stated.Moti Kahana, president of the relief organization Amalia, who orchestrated the covert operation to bring the last Jews of Aleppo to Israel told YnetSaturday, “When the children of those immigrants from Aleppo landed in Israel a few months ago our operation in conjunction with rabbis from New York, we kept the matter secret so as not to endanger those left behind. When I saw the media coverage now, I knew that whoever was left behind is in a very dangerous situation. Our goal now is to keep those who remain in Yemen safe.”The Jewish Agency said in response that “The publication was done in full and careful coordination with the authorized parties, with consideration of the rules of censorship.”There was also embarrassment in Jordan following the publication in the newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, according to which the Yemeni emigrants first landed in Jordan’s Queen Alia International Airport before arriving in Israel.

A spokesman for the Satmar Aroni faction in Kiryas Joel, NY, stated it was ironic that they were criticized by the DIN news site for not being visibly involved in the rescue when it was the site that was among those publishing pictures of the ancient scroll.

Echter yid said...

I am totally skeptical about ivankas singing that she became Jewish, and she is shomer Shabbat, what we no for sure is that the baby got his name right after birth, (( not normal for a Jewish tradition )) and especially a baby boy would get his name by the bris, And not before that,?, and the baby got a ,non Jewish name,, and no proof that a bris was being done,,and its hard to believe that ivanka running her father's business and especially now when her father is running for president its hard to believe that she is not picking up her phone on Shabbat it's very very hard to believe that,?,

Unknown said...

Ivanka ... Yael Kushner keeps Shabbat & Taharas Mishpacha ... she does not answer her father calling her on Shabbat ...
The boys name Theodore James will be renamed Todros Yoel ...
Nothing comes close to the Chilul Shabat that went on in Miron Shabbes Tish from Reb Aharon Teitelbaum when Zionist waiters were driven in on Shabbat as well Zionist photographers recorded the spectacle ...

Chazir fresser said...

"Shomer Shabbat" zugst dee??

UOJ had links to her Twitter feed - time stamped on Shabbos - where she was oohing & awing over maacholim assurim she was savoring in treifenna restaurants! It was right after the wedding. And she was living before the chassuna b'issur with that bucherel who went off the derech 10 years earlier while in university.

YU's Hershel Schlechter zet men will be megayer anyone
not rauy or the right price $$$

Anonymous said...

Echter Yid, while I am sympathetic to your pain, sometimes you need to take a step back and learn to think before you type. The fact that they gave an english name is not against halacha. They entered it on the birth certificate. You have to learn that if someone doesnt do it your way, that its automatically wrong.

Chazir fresser, have you ever heard the term baal tshuva? What he did 10 years ago may very well have changed. Besides, are you perfect? I have no idea if you are yeshivish or chasidish, but you would be very surprised to know just how many yeshivish and chasidish folks are mechalel shabbos on a regular basis. Be it texting, talking on the phone. driving. Even eating tref. Lastly, Rabbi Lookstein did her conversion, not R' Hershel Shachter.

So, to both of you, learn a little tolerance. (except for satmar, they are just plain assholes)

Echter yid said...

To you with respect (( anonymous)) I never said that giving, an English name is against halacha,? (1) there is no proof that a bris (circumcision) was being done on this baby, (2) the baby got his name before the bris,? And not after why,? O but ivanka is Jewish right ? when she wasn't even aware of the Jewish laws the Jewish tradition,? (3) if ivanka is supposedly Jewish why didn't she give the baby some Jewish name,? (4) if ivanka didn't no that a baby boy's name is being given by the bris,? I doubt that she became Jewish I doubt that she is eating kosher,? I doubt that she is shomer Shabbat,? She is not even talking about a bris being done or will be done on her baby,? And running around with her father till she delivered her baby boy, to campaign with him in places where there is no kosher food or kosher/chickens/meat/ or any good hechsher on food,? do you really really want to tell me that she was never ever eating in a non kosher restaurant together with her father in the time of campaigning ?? Are you kidding me? When she was with her father on campaign trails was she really still makpud on kashrus,? Baloney, what else are you going to sell me ? That when she was on the campaign trails she closed her cell phone to right ? And she keeps taharas hamishpacha ? Come on sell your baloney stories , goldy lox stories

Echter yid said...

O by the way, I am sure that when she gave birth to her baby in the hospital she only strictly asked for kosher food for her hospital stay ,and she even asked for ,hisachdus shechita, or bies yosef shechita, or nurbaters shechita, she even asked for, meal, mart,meat, definitely,

YU - Torah Madua said...

Haskell the Rascal Lookstein was involved in her "gerus" altz rabbi of the shul they attend. It is called KJ lol despite being the furthest thing from Satmar. But Hershel Schlechter was the 2nd dayan on the phony beis din. A heimishe ferd from Monsey iz geven der dritter.

There is such a thing as Teshuva but not applicable to people who are not frum, are still mechalel Shabbos and still eat treif.

Especially when it is a matzav of gerus where even a single mitzva kala deRabonon is meakev.

Teaneck said...

His parents were very embarrassed & against the "shidduch" at first.

Even if it's not embarrassing that daddy went to jail for crimes of corruption I guess they have to draw the line somewhere. He tried to entrap his own relatives with zonas to send the video to the wives. One conquered his yetzer hara and another succumbed.

Echter yid said...

I really wonder, was there done, metzitza bepeh on this ( supposedly) Jewish baby ? And who got the peace?

Anonymous said...

Echter Ferd.
you just proved to everyone you are mentally retarded and a real GEZINTE BEHAIME,please get yourself admitted to an insane asylum

Zalmi Teitelbaum said...

Nechemya Weberman is trying to apply for a prison furlough to be sandek "sheini". He wants Ivanka on his lap.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe just how stupid and hateful you guys are. Being that you have a computer, feel free to Google and read about her conversion. Yes, they are modern, but they keep shabbos, they keep kosher altho they do not eat meat. They shut their phones off on shabbos, unlike so many chasidim who text on shabbos. Lastly, Mr echter putz, the baby's bris is sunday, so there was no metzitza yet. As far as the piece, they will plant in the ground, and it will grow to be a putz like you.

Unknown said...

*** זה הקטן גדול יהיה ***

Echter yid said...

Anonymous,are you married,? I am very curios why are you so addicted to ivanka trump,? Why are you so crazy to this bitch,? End of game is that I don't believe for a minute that since her father started to run for president she kept all ,,Jewish laws,,like eating kosher, keeping her cellphone closed on Shabbat, I don't believe that she kept on eating only kosher food on the campaign trails,, don't sell me your mikva news, its old old news, bring some fresh news to the table,, o by the way don't get carried away for ivanka,? She is a very cute bitch, nothing more,

Anonymous said...

Echter guess what? There is something in our religion called דן לכף זכות.
I guess u didn't learn about that. You confuse that with "liking the bitch". Until u can provide proof of all the things you say, I will do the above. Until then, fuck off.

Anonymous said...

No one is addicted to ivanka for but one thing is clear that you are addicted to being a hateful ignorant idiot

Echter yid said...

If you're talking about,(,hevie dun udum lekaff zechuss,?) Preach what you talk,? you always cursed me, using terrible fowl language against me,? But to who do you have mercy or respect? on a ,goyete,? on a bitch ivanka trump,? Who always kept herself as a bigshot because she was the daughter of the billionaire Donald trump,? but on a hero who saved thousands and thousands of yiddisha kinderlech till today of being molested or raped, every single day, such a person has to be degraded by you right? Or called fowl languages, but ivanka who was always a mechalel Shabbat and a nothing and is still a nothing on her you have mercy right,? Because? Because you are sick of looking and thinking about other married woman what you can never get or have? Fool you,,your sick,? Go for help your sick as hell,,what do you have with ivanka trump,? She wouldn't even look at the peace of your poop,? So think about someone else dud,

Echter yid said...

And what about you,( anonymous) f..k off ? I hope your not going to start to stalk ivanka,? You're messing around with the wrong people ,with the wrong woman, don't start with Donald trumps daughters,? O my god,

Unknown said...

With all due respect ... Ivanka now "Yael" has Midos & traits such as derech eretz; No Nivul Peh ... unlike others born with a golden spoon are haughty, crass & crude ... Ivanka's tznius & soft spoken demeanor with all her responsibilities at Trump Organization are to be emulated ...

Anonymous said...

Get a clue Sam about all the genaivos, chamsonus, etc from Trump Org

They are a horrible company to do business with. When you shake a Romanisher's hand you should count your fingers afterward. When you shake their hand, make sure you are not in gantzen shmettered.

Unknown said...

Clarification: I am not endorsing The Trump Organization certainly not the gushing adulation Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum has for his richness ... Ivanka Yael Kushner has fine midos, finesse & modesty are to be emulated ...

Anonymous said...

Sam, looks like you and me are both in love with Ivanka (as per echter shavantz)
I stopped arguing with him, cause he is totally clueless. Before the bris, he was already hollering about metztitza. I think he is jealous of the baby, he wants hsi own too. All we do is say "think before you attack" and he goes nuts. Poor thing really needs help fast.

Rodney King said...

Can we all get along?

Echter yid said...


Echter yid said...

Excuse me,,anonymous,,It says in the holy Torah, ( kull hamatzil nefesh achas meyisroel keuli he matzil olem muleh,) was it ivanka who did it,? Or the person who you keep on bashing,,? Can you imagine every child from/Brooklyn/to Monsey/Monroe/the Catskills//to Lakewood//and all around new york, are much much safer today, as one of the biggest dangerous sickest pedophile was taken off the streets of New York,,? No not ivanka did it, but a person who you keep on degrading on and on again and again,? But ivanka became your savior? You're , holy friend,? Did ivanka ever lost her /dignity/ respect/her good name/ her friends/family/shulls where to daven,?/ her ,parnasa/ because of saving Jewish children ? Did she ever went trough ( shiva mederie giehenem)) /tzar/ agmas nefesh/ bizyonas/ shunned/ ostracized/ degraded/ because of trying to save the next generation of children,? Was it really ivanka,,? Now keep on loving ivanka ,,who never ever did anything for society but kept herself as a big shot because she is Donald trumps daughter,? And watched how her father would scream on people,,your fired,,

Anonymous said...

Isn't it obvious by now that this MESHUGENER UPPGERISENER FERD calling himself "ECHTER YID" is absolutely insane and needs to be locked up in an insane asylum together with his hero and REBBE Nuchem Rosenberg yemach shemo.
Why anyone would lower himself and argue with this UPGERISINER MESHUGENER is beyond me.


Echter yid said...

Chaim,,yemach shemoi ,to you and to your parents, and to your entire family who ever is cursing, should be cursed

Echter yid said...

Rabosie,watch out, anonymous has the same dirty mouth like ivanka trumps father, if he doesn't like what your commenting he will be cursing you, the way he was being,educated at home, the way his father always did to his mother, we can see on this person from which kind of home he comes , a home of cursing and harassing every one who doesn't go in there way ,or doesn't hold like them come on chaim keep up your dirty education ,your,(( farfolteh chinuch,))