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Thursday, January 24, 2019

“Schnapps vs. Wine” For Kiddush Day ... A Halachic Analysis

DIN: I'm Surprised that Rabbi Hoffman totally ignores the Teshuvah of R' Moshe Feinstein z"l?
Rav Moshe Feinstein rules that you may make day-time kiddush on any alcoholic drink you would serve a guest. This leniency is because daytime kiddush is only of rabbinic origin, while night-time kiddush is of biblical origin. 

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

It can be called the Great “Schnapps vs. Wine” Wars.

Well, my father, and his father, had this minhag from Europe!”
“Yes, but the Mishna Brurah, holds that -”
“I don’t care what the Mishna Brurah says – that was written for those people without a family minhag!”
These arguments have been heard in shuls since this author was a child and probably long before that too.
It is Shabbos morning. You desperately need to hear Kiddush in order to eat or drink something or you will nearly pass out. Someone offers to make Kiddush for you and does so – on a small one ounce Schnapps glass of whiskey. What is the halacha?
In this week’s Parasha, we lein the Aseres haDibros – the Ten Commandments.  In commandment number four we read, “Remember the Shabbos day to keep it holy.”  From here, the Rabbis derived that there is a Torah obligation to sanctify Shabbos with Kiddush.  The Kiddush on Shabbos day (as opposed to the Friday night Kiddush) is a Rabbinic obligation.  On both Kiddush obligations, the Rabbis obligated its recitation upon wine (Psachim 106a) – when available.  On the Friday evening Kiddush, however, if wine is not available – it may be recited upon challah or bread.

Frum Family Kicked Off American Airlines Flight After Passengers Complain About Body Odor

The following is via Local10:
A family vacationing in Miami told Local 10 News they were booted from their flight after passengers complained about their body odor.
“There’s no body odor that we have,” Yossi Adler said Thursday morning at Miami International Airport. “There’s nothing wrong with us.”

Adler, his wife and their 19-month-old daughter were preparing to fly back home to Detroit on Wednesday night when they were escorted off their American Airlines flight.
“All of a sudden, as soon as they took us off, they closed the gate and then they said, ‘Sorry, sir, some people complained you had body odor and we’re not letting you back on,'” Adler recalled.
The Adlers said they were told their luggage would be taken off the plane, but that didn’t happen, leaving them with only the clothes on their backs.
“They have our car seat, stroller, everything,” Jennie Adler said.
American Airlines sent a statement to Local 10 on Wednesday night acknowledging the reason for their removal.

6 Biggest Losers of Last Week’s Fake News Fiasco

This is an analysis of “reputational damage,” meaning organizations and individuals who have damaged (or further damaged) their public standing. 

For that reason, you won’t find CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, NBC News, or Bill Kristol on this list. As reprehensible as their behavior has been over the past week, their reputations are already in the toilet.

But there were those with residual integrity who did take a hit, and in some cases, a major one.
BuzzFeed’s fake news about President Trump suborning perjury and the media jihad to demonize the innocent boys of Covington Catholic High School came with a real cost.

Democrat Presidential Hopefuls Court Anti-Semite Al Sharpton, Ignore That He Was Responsible For Killing Yankel Rosenbaum

Dumb Jew Bloomberg hugging the Jew Murderer 

Democratic presidential hopefuls are courting Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network (NAN) as they jockey for support in the increasingly crowded 2020 primary field — ignoring Sharpton’s controversial history.

Kristen Gillibrand Elected by Jews in NY

Former Vice President Joe Biden and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg both joined Sharpton and NAN for a breakfast in Washington, DC, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day on Monday morning.

Sharpton has a long history of controversial racial rhetoric. In the notorious Tawana Brawley case in 1987, Sharpton backed a teenager’s false accusations of rape, stirring racial divisions in New York and across the country. When he was successfully sued for defamation, he refused to pay the judgement, and supporters had to step in on his behalf. Sharpton still refuses to apologize for his role.
In 1991, Sharpton helped incite riots against religious Jews in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn after a black child was killed in a car accident. An enraged mob murdered a visiting Jewish religious student, Yankel Rosenbaum. 
Rosenbaum’s brother told Breitbart News in 2012: “I have never seen a person be able to avoid being held accountable in substantive terms for his various and significant serious otherwise well publicized misdeeds over such a prolonged period of time, as Sharpton. This is truly an indictment on all those who have done so in the past and continue to do so.” 
In another riot in 1995, Sharpton led protests against Freddy’s Fashion Mart, a Jewish-owned store in Harlem, after it was forced to raise the rent on a sub-tenant, a black-owned record store. (Sharpton called the owner a “white interloper.”) 
One of the protesters later shot four employees and set the store on fire, bringing the death total to seven.


The Palestinian Authority spent at least NIS 502 million in payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018, according to a report released Thursday by the Israeli research institute Palestinian Media Watch.
PMW has provided the Ministry of Defense with its calculations ahead of a first-time implementation of the Stern Law, an Israeli law that was approved in July 2018 and that is supposed to be implemented for the first time in January 2019.

The law mandates that the government deduct on a monthly basis one-twelfth of the sum given to support terrorists and their families from the taxes and tariffs Israel collects and transfers to the Palestinian Authority based on the amount distributed in the previous year – in this case, in 2018. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Israel Develops Cancer Treatment With 83% Full Remission Rate

Israel developed one of the most advanced methods of cancer treatment. Called CAR-T, clinical trials have given it an 83 percent full remission rate, even among terminal cases. CAR-T has been added to the list of cancer treatments in Israel’s healthcare system.

Chareidim in Brooklyn, All Supported Democrat Candidates And Now They Are Set To Legalize Abortion Up To Birth

It is a sad and evil day when the murder of our most innocent and vulnerable is celebrated with such overwhelming exuberance. 

We SHOULD be supporting and encouraging the building of families which are fundamental to any society.

And So I Thank  ...Boro-Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, Monroe, and Monsey "askanim"... ..... 
now your wives and daughters will able to abort right until they are about to give birth ....
Did you guys ever give any thought when you guys pushed these pro-gay/lesbian, transgender, candidates?
Is it only about how much money you guys get for the "moisdos?'....
Don't Jews stand for Torah values anymore?????
Stop screaming about "Gius" and how the Zionists are "shmading" Klal Yisroel in Israel....  
Hypocrites ...first clean up your own filthy houses!!!
New York state enacted one of the nation’s strongest protections for abortion rights Tuesday, a move that state leaders say was needed to safeguard those rights should the U.S. Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.
The Democrat-led Senate and Assembly passed the bill Tuesday, the 46th anniversary of the Roe decision. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo immediately signed it into law. At his side at a hastily arranged signing ceremony was Sarah Weddington, the Texas attorney who successfully argued Roe before the nation’s highest court.

Why Pelosi Doesn't Want Trump's State of The Union Message!! Watch!

Chelsea Clinton and husband Marc Mezvinsky Will Have A 3rd Goy While Preaching "Abortion" to the "Shvartzas"

While her Jewish husband Marc Mezvinsky is busy breeding more Goyim, his wife preaches to the "Shvartzas" they should abort.... 
Its ok for her to multiply like a rabbit but not for her black sisters!

Chelsea Clinton is pregnant.
It will be the third child for Clinton and her husband Marc Mezvinsky, who married in 2010 and have a four-year-old daughter Charlotte and two-year-old son Aidan. 
The former first daughter shared the news on Twitter, writing: 'Marc and I have loved watching Charlotte be such a wonderful big sister and we’re excited to watch Aidan become a big brother! We cannot wait to meet our newest addition later this summer.'
Clinton, 38, later noted that her parents are 'thrilled' to be welcoming a third grandchild.
She had been seen with her mother and Mezvinsky, 41, last week, catching a performance of The Ferryman on Broadway, where they were joined by Barry Diller and Annette de la Renta.

Fat & Angry Nadler warns Trump's acting attorney general "Answer questions on Trump, Cohen and Russia or I'll subpoena you"

Instead of working to destroy Iran's capabilities of manufacturing a nuclear bomb ..... this pompous ass, Ezra Friedlander lapdog, is busy trying t o destroy Trump! 

Partial List of Deliberate Fake News to Destroy Trump!!!

The New York Times and other media widely suggested or implied that Trump had not paid income taxes for 18 years. Later, tax return pages leaked to MSNBC ultimately showed that Trump actually paid a higher rate than Democrats Bernie Sanders and President Obama.

CNN claimed Nancy Sinatra was “not happy” at her father’s song being used at Trump’s inauguration. Sinatra responded, “That’s not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN?…Actually I’m wishing him the best.”

Press "Read More" Immediately Below To Read The Rest 

Rav Malkiel Kotler Goes to "Bingo" But Decides Not To Play!!

Messiach will come before the elections in Israel ....Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky

Let's keep in mind that Yaakov Aveenu didn't reveal when Moshiach will come ;;;;
I guess we live in a different world!

Egypt May Solve Its Shidduch Crises With Polygamy

What? Are they totally wrong? 
(i'm talking about Goyim, of course, even though in Judaism bigamy or polygamy is prohibited only by the "cherem Rabbeinu Gershom")

There could be an argument that most women would like to have children in their lives, the solution in the west is for them to sleep around and be single mothers, which is not good for anyone, or they just grow old alone and gather a bunch of cats as surrogates. 

Allowing multiple wives maybe a more moral way for dealing with this issue, it's not for everyone obviously, but for some people it seems like a solution!

From Palestinian Arab to Charedi yeshiva student

Eleven years ago, Ibrahim, a 14-year-old Palestinian Arab from Judea, came to pre-1967 Israel for the first time.
Today, Ibrahim is Avraham, a yeshiva student at a Charedi yeshiva in Bnei Brak.

When he first crossed the pre-1967 Green Line, Avraham was an illegal worker residing in the coastal city of Netanya.
After moving to Israel, Avraham – then still Ibrahim – became acquainted with Jewish law, Jewish tradition, and the Charedi community through a friend an employer who provided him with a place to stay, and eventually introduced Ibrahim to his family.

“I met a man who really helped me. He gave me a place to live. I worked for him for a very long period of time. He introduced me to his family, a Charedi family – they’re religious,” Avraham told Hadashot 12.

Spending his teenage years among haredi Jews in Bnei Brak and Netanya, Avraham picked up the basics of Jewish culture and tradition.

Fake News Speaks With Forked Tongue .... Made An "Alter Kocker Indian With A Drum" A Big Hero :)!

A group of Catholic high school kids from Kentucky participated in the “March For Life” last weekend.
They were waiting for their bus to pick them up at the Lincoln Memorial. They wore red “MAGA” caps. An older Indian gentleman happened to show up and he was beating on a drum. He walked right up to one of the kids and banged his drum within inches of the kids face while chanting in his native tongue in an effort to intimidate. Turns out, he’s a far left professional agitator and funded by Deep State outfits such as the Rockefeller Foundation.
The far lefty twitter mobs instantly began calling for the murder of the ‘racist’ young men claiming the “racist” MAGA kids were taunting and surrounding an Indian “veteran”. This assumption was biased on an edited video that was used to frame the young kids. One verified Twitter user tweeted that that they wished the young children’s school should be burned—with the kids locked inside. Twitter was OK with this. Another called for them to be put in wood chippers. We’ve heard these cries of violence from the left before. They scream out the ‘crime’ of racism toward targeted conservatives and then pronounce the sentence of violence.
The left is trying to turn Trump’s phrase, “Make America Great Again” into a meme of hate. MAGA hat wearers are called ‘white supremacists’ or ‘Nazis.’ That makes it OK for the left to dox Trump supporters and get them fired from their jobs and make them targets of violence. Their tactic is based on lies. Making America Great Again is open to all races and it will benefit everyone. The Deep State doesn’t want that. The Deep State wants us to be divided, fighting each other.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Iran Spending $7 Billion Annually to Destroy Israel.....

This is the same Iran, that R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe Monroe, supported, by writing to US Congressman not to invite Bibi Natanyahu  to address Congress and warn them of Iran's Murderous Intentions...

This is the Iran, that Ezra Friedlander, supported by writing letters to the Frum Jewish Community that they should support Fat Nadler in his quest to bolster the murderous "Iran Deal." 

Iran is trying to act against Israel from within Yehudah and Shomron, using funds in its annual budget that are dedicated to operating a terrorist network throughout the Middle East, Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., Danny Danon, revealed Tuesday to a special session of the Security Council on the Mideast situation.

Chareidie Mother of 10 convicted of injecting healthy son with insulin for welfare $$$

The Jerusalem District Court on Monday convicted a resident of the city of abusing her infant son after she repeatedly injected him with insulin in June of last year, even though he does not have diabetes.
The woman, a 30-year-old ultra-Orthodox mother of 10, admitted as part of a plea deal that she injected her one-year-old son on four occasions while he was hospitalized at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, causing his blood sugar levels to drop dangerously.
The mother supposedly did this to create the appearance that her child had diabetes in order to falsely claim welfare benefits. Though the police investigation involved suspicions that the mother had taken similar action with several of her other children, the eventual indictment only dealt with the infant’s case.
Her sentence will be given at a later date.
Police said at the time of the indictment that the woman and her husband, who was also arrested but later released, received some NIS 800,000 ($220,000) in total and that the benefit claim would be investigated.


The world is going to end in 12 years unless the government takes action, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Monday at a Martin Luther King forum in New York City.

Supreme Court Supports Trump Ban on Transgenders in Military

The Supreme Court, breaking along ideological lines, on Tuesday allowed the Pentagon to move ahead with a plan to limit transgender people from serving in the military while lawsuits contesting the policy work their way through the courts.
The high court in a 5-4 decision removed injunctions imposed by lower courts that blocked the plan.
The five conservative justices – Chief Justice John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and President Trump appointees Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh – moved to lift the injunctions.
The court’s liberal wing – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer – would have kept them in place.
The court decided not to take up the plan itself, as the Trump administration had wanted, opting instead to allow lower courts to hear the legal battle.
Lambda Legal, which focuses on gay and transgender issues, said it will redouble its efforts to fight the policy.
“For 30+ months, #transgender troops have been serving our country openly with valor and distinction. Now the rug has been ripped out from under them, once again,” the group said in a tweet.

President Trump first unveiled the change in policy in a tweet in July 2017 because he said transgender service members pose a threat to national security, declaring the US government “will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”
It reversed President Obama’s 2016 policy that allowed transgender men and women already serving in the military to do so openly.
A number of advocacy groups and lawyers for active-duty transgender military personnel sued to stop the policy from taking effect and courts imposed nationwide injunctions.
The administration’s policy – made official by former Defense Secretary James Mattis – bars transgender people from being in the military unless they serve “in their biological sex” and do not attempt to seek surgery for a gender transition.