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Monday, October 28, 2024

Kararchnif Rebbe Wakes Up his neighbors with his "Simchas Bais Shoeve" Shenanigins and Cursed Those who called the Police!

The revised story below was posted by VIN! But of course, its backward and you need DIN to tell you what really happened!

What really happened was that the Rebbe and his followers were singing on top of their lungs past 11:00 PM disturbing the sleep of the neighboring toddlers and the elderly! Young mothers couldn't get their children to go to sleep with the crazed tumult caused by this "rebbele" ! 

When the police came to shut it down, the rebbe cursed his neighbors and wanted a list of the names of those neighbors so he can curse them! This was the original story posted by Be'Chadrei Chadarim! A rebbe cursing his frum neighbors! 

I didn't post the story because I didn't want my readers to have a bad Yom Tov! But when I saw the new version I was outraged! 

For some bizarre reason the Police commander came to the "rebbele" and like the coward that he was came to ask  forgiveness for enforcing the law! The "rebbele" then after getting huge flack on social media said that he forgives those who "massered" on him! This "rebbele" who was never in his entire life in the city of "Kretchnif" should take off his colorful "dress" and do tesuvah for his awful middos! 

Here are some of the comments on social media:

 15 hours ago

isn’t it the rebbe who should be asking forgiveness for disturbing the neighbours? even a mitzvah doesn’t give you the right to disturb others in their own homes. he isn’t some kind of rock star.

Look it up
 7 hours ago

In the sefer “Ashrei haIsh” (perek 19) section on Asseret yeMey Teshuve, Rav Elyashiv is quoted that it is not allowed to hold a loud tehillim group for children on Shabbat afternoon when the sound of children saying Tehillim will disturb neighbor’s nap without permission from the neighbors. Rav Elyashiv continues to say the psak is based on it being obviously not allowed to disturb neighbors late at night. Similary Rav Elyashiv says it is not allowed to have a simcha banquet hall in a residential area “even though the banquets are Simcha shel Mitzvah”.

Look it up
 7 hours ago

Munkatcher Rebbe in Boro Park is very careful that his chassidim all be very quiet while escorting him home on Simchat Torah late at night and very early morning. Their having been involved in Simchat haTorah does not permit them to disturb people from their deserved quiet and needed sleep which they are entitled to (sleep frum Jewish people who need to sleep s that they too can be rested to do Simchat Torah of their own during the day.)

 police commander visited the home of a Chassidic Rebbe to apologize for the police disrupting a Succos celebration.

According to Charedi news outlet B’chadrei Charedim, Kiryat Gat station commander Michael Ohana visited the Karatshniff Rebbe on Erev Hoshana Rabbah to apologize for stopping a celebration held by the Chassidic court, after local residents complained about noise from his Beis Midrash after 11:00 PM, the source of which was a Simchas Bais Shoeva.

“The Rebbe is greatly appreciated in the city and we have no intention of disturbing,” the commander told the Rebbe. “But since there are those few who call the police frequently at every neighborhood event after 11 PM, we have to show up at the event,” he explained.

Later during the ‘Tish’, the Rebbe announced to his Chassidim that he was forgiving those (non-Chassidic0 locals who complained, adopting the same wording used for annulment of vows: “I want to say now to all those Jews that I forgive them completely and let everyone hear – forgiven are you, forgiven are you, forgiven are you, there are no curses, no reproaches, no excommunications, and no other outstanding accounts.”

The Rebbe said: “The problem is that they don’t feel the purpose in the mitzvah. Now I forgive all of them, and they should know no sorrow.”

According to the Rebbe’s shamash, several residents from the neighborhood asked for the Rebbe’s forgiveness for contacting the police and causing distress.


Anonymous said...

This Rebbe threw
His own mother out on the street after Reb Hershel died, she was forced to live by her daughter, this disgusting person wouldn’t even let his own mother take her newish fridge that was purchased soon before the Rebbe z’l passed away

Garnel Ironheart said...

Like the Reformers, he makes up rules as he goes along.

Gershon himel said...

I don't know the story but this rebbe's father was not called r Hershel ur mixing up