Wednesday, April 10, 2024

"Aisle 9" In Jackson NJ Displays it's "fresserei" For Pesach



Agudah Fresser said...

Ahhh! A gantz Yuhr kent men Fressen vee bei inzerreh Convention, Peisach bichlal!

Heimishe FouFou said...

I need to speak to this guy's custom tailor. Surely he has a matching Veisseh bekishe with material sourced from Givenchy! If there are shirayim for another size 44, I'm in! Oui oui!

Anonymous said...

GG tried it years ago. DIDNT go off well. Was great for erev pesach week

Anonymous said...

Aisle 9 just displayed the Agidah Section for Paisich. But the Doiresh Kinyan knows nothing about the foods they will have plenty of flowers and 24/7 concerts throughout paisich - pre recorded when needed. Also the Doiresh kinyan fressers are all down south which the Agidah guys can't afford that. They don't get 'Florida" stipends.
For the erev Paisach siyum the top Doiresh Kinyan guys got to go to Egypt for a special siyum which the bechoirim all over the world can zoom into.
But the exact spot where the siyum is taking place is top secret.

The biggest scoop is that the Viznitzeh Doiresh Kinyan guys go to the Red Sea for the last days - as they have experience in this venture.

Maria said...

They should open cable channel on koshere phones where one can watch this performance regularly. Echte Kool food critic mit heimishe taam

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this store ,but seems to be wonderful service , helping people be Mekayem Simchas Yom Tov.
Why disparage?

Anonymous said...

Full Yiddish and English with Hungarian accent but calls it kosher for Passover. 馃ぃ

Anonymous said...

Are you jealous by any chance?

Anonymous said...

Just ridiculous. Stop. I shop there all the time. It’s not fancy food - the menu is the same as every other store in Lakewood. They’re even a little more innovative than most. They are providing a valuable service and should be commended, not ridiculed.

Ferd said...

It's alter neias that ignorant heimishe think that the word Pesach is too advanced for Litvisher "bums". I onced went into the Satmar owned Motty's Supermarket in Monsey (before the suspicious fire & before the controversy that Amtrak demanded back the land stolen from them & before the day of the big FBI raids in Monsey that had many of Motty's relatives in handcuffs). I asked for an item that is obviously Pesachdik. The Yoeli on duty asks "for Passover?"

Poshaya said...

Anonymous said...

Wow. I just got at least 3 Loshon hora / moitzee shem rah mitzvah
in few seconds

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! said...

DIN merely wrote the word "Fresserei" which is all it took to get Aisle 9 customers stomping their feet & bristling in the comments!

Sick out there said...

April 11, 2024 at 3:13 PM is a deranged OU mashgiach residing in Queens who does this shtick on other blogs too. He rails against you that you are saying lashon horah & worse even in cases where Shulchan Aruch is mechayev lehachriz befarhesya. That's because he is on a crazed binge to protect anyone & anything considered part of the establishment - and as long as he personally doesn't hate the targets for some corrupt personal reason. Now take a closer look! He is also the mechaber of the pathetic comment at April 10, 2024 at 9:30 PM because he is furious at Dirshu & anyone else who competes with his beloved Agudas Fressers of America! So while he screams out of one side of his filthy mouth against LH & MSR, he says out the other all kinds of letzonus, LH & MSR against the likes of Dirshu, Rav Hofstedter and similar profiles. The mashgiach is also often the one on heimishe blogs who is bashing anti-molester askonim - especially if they've got the goods on his relative Ephraim Bryks - AND bashing kashrus whistleblowers - especially if they've got the goods on OU & Queens Vaad!

Anonymous said...

Somebody is quite frustrated.
Either he missed his pills today or boom boom sold all their food today and left nothing for the frustrated Free fresser - also from kveens.