נצחונו הגדול של הראי"ה קוק על שונאיו - קנאי ירושלים
מכתב שיטנה שנכתב נגדו ב-1920 ונחשף עכשיו, מבטא את עומק התיעוב שרחשו הקנאים לראי"ה
"The Great Triumph of Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook Over His Enemies. The Yerushalyim Extremists"
"Hate letter that they sent to Harav Chaim Ozer in 1920 reveals the deep hatred the Extremists had against Harav Kook z"l"
כתב פלסתר שכולו גסות רוח ושיטנה, שכתבו קנאי ירושלים כנגד הראי"ה קוק, במגמה ברורה והשמיץ ולהכפיש, נחשף מחדש בימים אלה ומוצע למכירה פומבית. מכתב השיטנה, המשתרע על פני שלושה עמודים, מעורר עניין רב בקרב היסטוריונים ואספנים, ולהערכת בית המכירות 'ווינרס' שוויו מגיע היום ל-15,000 עד 20,000 דולר.
על המכתב שנכתב ערב הימים הנוראים, אלול תר"פ (1920), חתומים רבני היישוב הישן: הרב יוסף חיים זוננפלד (שהטביע לצד שנו גם את חותמתו), הרב יצחק ירוחם דיסקין (חתימה וחותמת), ורבני הבד"ץ הירושלמי הרב משה נחום וולנשטיין, הרב מרדכי ליב רובין, והרב יצחק פרנקל, עם חותמת הבד"צ.
זהו המכתב הרשמי הראשון של בית-הדין של 'עדה החרדית' בירושלים, ועניינו ביקורת חריפה ביותר כנגד רבי אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק, שהתמנה זה עתה כרבה של ירושלים. המכתב נשלח אל 'מנהיג הדור' רבי חיים עוזר גרודז'ינסקי בווילנא.
מסתבר שמינוי הראי"ה קוק לרבה של ירושלים, גרם לגל אדיר של מחאות וגינויים. כבר במחלוקת הראשונה סביבו, פנו הרבנים האולטרא חרדים לרבי חיים עוזר מווילנא והציגו לפניו את הקטעים מספריו של הרב קוק שבעיניהם: "אסור לשומעם וכל שכן לכותבם ולהדפיסם". אחרי שהם מצטטים כמה קטעים 'מסוכנים', הם מגלגלים את השאלה לרבה של ווילנא, שהוא יכריע מה דינם של הספרים: "האם כ'ספרי קוסמים', ואסור לעיין ולסמוך על כל הבליו וחלומותיו".
המכתב גדוש ביטויים חריפים שקשה לחזור עליהם, בפרט בחלוף כל כך הרבה שנים. אך הוא מראה עד כמה חששו גדולי ישראל, מדרכו החדשנית של הרב קוק.
ההיסטוריון וחוקר תולדות הישוב משה נחמני, אמר כי המכתב מייצג "סיפור עצוב של קנאה ותחרות, על המקום שנתפנה עם פטירת רבי שמואל סלנט. הרב דיסקין והרב זוננפלד, ובעיקר תלמידיהם, התרעמו למה הרב קוק ולא הם. מאותו יום החלה מלחמת קודש נגד רעיונותיו של הרב קוק, שכללה זריקת אבנים ויריקה ברחוב ופשקווילים שנשלחו לגולה ובהם ציטוטים מסורסים ומקוטעים מכתביו על מנת 'להוכיח' שמדובר בהוגה רפורמי ואולי אפילו נוצרי".
אלא שרבי חיים עוזר גרודזינסקי, שהכיר היטב את הראי"ה, לא התייחס להבלי הקנאים וכלל לא הגיב למכתבם. כך נהגו גם שאר גדולי התורה בגולה שקיבלו את העתקי הפשקוויל המכפיש.
כעבור זמן מה הקים הרב קוק את ישיבת מרכז הרב, ולתדהמת קנאי ירושלים, ראשוני הלומדים בה היו עילויים מבני הישוב הישן דווקא. היה זה נצחונו של הראי"ה קוק, שנמשך בעצם עד היום. נחמני: "מי כיום לומד את תורתם של הקנאים? אין היום חוג תלמידי הרב זוננפלד וחוג תלמידי הרב דיסקין, אבל הארץ מלאה רבבות שלומדים עד היום את תורת הרב קוק, כולל חרדים, ליטאים וחסידים. ככל כחולף הזמן לומדים יותר ויוצר צאצאי יריביו עד כמה עמוקה יראת השמים שבכתביו, שבהם דווקא נמצא מזור לבעיות הדור ותחלואיו הרוחניים".
A letter full of rudeness and wickedness, written by Jerusalem zealots against Rabbi Kook, defaming him, is being auctioned off; the value of the letter anywhere from $ 15,000 to $ 20,000.
The letter, written on the eve of the High Holidays, Elul, 1920, is signed by the rabbis of the old Yishuv: Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (who also left his stamp), Rabbi Yitzchak Yeruham Diskin (signature and stamp), and the rabbis of the Jerusalem Badatz, Rabbi Moshe Nahum Wallenstein, Rabbi Mordechai Leib Rubin, and Rabbi Yitzchak Frenkel, with the Badatz stamp.
This is the first official letter of the court of the Haredi community in Jerusalem, and contains harsh criticism against Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, who had just been appointed rabbi of Jerusalem. The letter was sent to the 'leader of the generation', Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski in Vilnius (Vilna).
It turns out that the appointment of Rabbi Kook to be the Chief rabbi of Jerusalem caused a huge wave of protests and condemnations. To legitimize their concern the ultra-Orthodox rabbis turned to Rabbi Chaim Ozer of Vilna and presented him with excerpts from Rav Kook's sefarim and quote some 'dangerous' passages, and so they referred the question to the rabbi of Vilna, to decide what the halacha of Rav Kook's status vis a vis his sefarim : "Are these 'books of magicians'? And is one prohibited to peruse those sefarim and put trust in all his vanities and dreams."
The letter is replete with such harsh expressions that one cannot repeat them, even after so many years have passed. But it shows how much the "great men" of Israel feared, Rabbi Kook's innovative path.
The historian and researcher of the history of the settlement, Moshe Nachmani, said that the letter represents "a sad story of envy and competition, about the place vacated with the death of Rabbi Shmuel Salant. Rabbi Diskin and Rabbi Sonnenfeld, and especially their students, resented why Rabbi Kook was appointed and not them."
" The zealots threw stones and spat at him in the street and Pashkvils were sent to the Diaspora, including censured and fragmented quotations from his letters in order to 'prove' that he was a Reform and perhaps even a Christian thinker."
But Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, who knew the rabbi well, did not address the zealots and did not respond at all to their letter.
After this letter, Rabbi Kook established the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, and to the astonishment of the zealots of Jerusalem, the first to study there were the immigrants from the old settlement. in Yerushalyim. It was a victory for Rabbi Kook, The Yeshiva actually continues to this day.
Nachmani asks : "Who is currently studying the teachings of the fanatics?
There is not today a chaburah of students learning the sefarim of Rabbi Sonnenfeld nor a chaburah of students of Rabbi Diskin, but the country is full of tens of thousands who still study the teachings of Rabbi Kook, including Haredim, Lithuanians and Chassidim.
"As time passes, as more of Rav Kook's Sefarim are learned, the descendants of his rivals are slowly realizing how deep Rav Kook's writings are, and this may very well be the solution for the problems of our generation and its spiritual ailments."
So the Eidah Charedis hated Rav Kook, ztk"l?
Dasan and Aviram hated Moshe Rabeinu, a"h. Look how that worked out.
Torah is the heritage of all Jews. Some, however, think that it's the personal property of their community and despite sharing it with others lest they understanding it differently.
Rav Kook wanted to share Torah with all Jews.
What gives Nachmani the right to decide that jealousy was the motive of these Rabbis? Maybe they really had problems with some of the things he wrote? Is that a real historian, or a mechutzaf?!
Nachmani is a well known and respected historian in Israel and did extensive research on the hate against RAYK. If you read that letter you could not come to any other conclusion, and it seems that Reb Chaim Ozer agreed that it was pure hate and jealousy. Nachmani asks a great question "why didn't Rav Sonnenfeld criticize him earlier, and only after Rav Kook was appointed Rav in Yerushalyim that this hate came out. It's important to follow and study the dates when this occurred. If the Mishna states that Jealousy is a bad trait, that means that every single human has that trait, and that it is a challenge to overcome those feelings, no one is immune to this, it's a life's work.
I always find it corny how a particular segment of morons pick and choose when to apply their "scathing" criticisms of others.
1. If you are insinuating criticism against RYCZ personally, all I can say is "God have mercy on your wretched soul".
2. If you are just commenting on his "chatzer", than you can save your fat trap and use it to spew your vitriol for the "chatzer" of RAYK. His handlers/feeders brought about about enough destruction to make the Armageddon look like a picnic.
Mr. Roeh Veinoi Nireh
It's interesting that you have no issues defaming Rav A Y Kook , ...and I would say that messing with R' Kook ""God have mercy on your wretched soul".
How crazy are the defamers of R' Kook when you touch one of theirs they go berserk.
Rav Kook was the Shadchan and Mesader Kiddushin of Harav Eliyashiv and the Mesader Kiddushin of Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and used Rav Kook as the Kohein when he had his first son R' Shmuel.
The fact is that RYCZ's community has grown immeasurably (and expanded worldwide) while there is not too much to show for RK's remnants.
Another fact, RK's chidushim and divrei Torah are lo yera'eh velo yimotze in 98% of the Torah world. In fact the Litvish world which in his days were more or less neutral (and quite a few positvie) about him - has since been more fanatical 'anti' than the kanoim!
But I suppose as long as this fine blog pushes the Rav Kook fables and folklore not all is lost
You are probably living in a cave. "at RYCZ's community has grown immeasurably (and expanded worldwide" must be some joke. Are you a standup comedian?
The "litvishe Worls are indeed Kanaim because they do not want to work, and want others to die for them. The Litvishe world is also against their talmidim making Aliya and that is for only one reason, the Roshei Yeshiva in America would lose their jobs, just like the Zohar Hakodosh writes about the meraglim in parshas Shlach!
Come on רעב כלב..
"The Litvishe world is also against their talmidim making Aliya"
There are more Litvishe benei torah and families in Israel than there ever was in Lita!
And they have become more and more "Kanoish" because they have seen the פירות ופירות פירותיהם of most of Rav Kook's (as well as the entire Mizrachi/Dati Leumi) followers.
But one should never ive up hope. After all
בני בניו של המן למדו תורה בב"ב
You hit the nail on the head
"בני בניו של המן למדו תורה בב"ב"
Those are sure the Litvaks
absolutely correct that : "There are more Litvishe benei torah and families in Israel than there ever was in Lita!"
In the Lita most Bnei Torah became maskilim, most Yeshivas in the Lita didn't even have 200 bochrum at one given time.
But the facts don't change, the majority of the Litvishe do not live in Israel but live in Chutz Le'aaretz, those that are in Israel are busy stopping traffic and beating each other up in Ponovitz.
The Briskers make up a very tiny part of the Litvishe Oilim and they are irrelevant in Israeli society. They don't vote, and they don't work, and contribute very little to society. Even on hashgachois they rely on the Eida, they do not have any businesses and I doubt they produce any meaningful Talmeidei Chachamim. Most of the Brisk Talmidim are actually from the USA and only go to Brisk so they can put that on the resume for Shidduch purposes, after sitting in Brisk they leave to the USA
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