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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Unbelievable ... In This Time of World Craziness ..The Toldos Aharon Rebbe Tells Chasidim: "Change To Plastic Glasses Frames"


Chassidisim  is becoming crazier and crazier following Rebbelich who are out of touch with what is going on around them...

People are dying like flies from Covid-19 in his own community and the Rebbe is busy with plastic frames for glasses...mamesh absurd..

It's no wonder that Chassidishe teenagers are leaving the religion by the thousands... with craziness like this ..why would any sane guy want to have any part in this ....

In an attempt to combat modernization creeping into his community, the Admor of Toldos Aharon has recently requested that his chasidim change their glasses to plastic frames. The unusual request was made when chasidim came to see their rebbe during the festival period.

Toldos Aharon chasidim say that this is a surprising and unprecedented step taken by the Admor, who does not generally involve himself in matters of dress and does not make requests on this issue from his chasidim.

However the chasidim have complied with the request and hundreds changed their glasses in order to follow the rebbe’s request. The chasidim report that there is also a special campaign within the community to try and prevent as much as is possible watching video clips sent through e-mail and to abstain as far as possible from using technological devices unnecessarily. Even those who require such means for a living were called on to prevent their children from exposure to modern technology and to install special software to prevent them from seeing video content.

It should be noted that in many chasidic communities plastic glasses are considered the norm, including Gur, Belz and Vizhnitz. 



Is the Rebbe becoming modern? said...

Modern plastic, made from petroleum, is actually a very new material in terms of world history, which did not exist when Hasidim started.

Anonymous said...

Plasic glassframes in conjunction with 3000 Shekel for Yanki Kanievski will save you from Covid19 and Kol Tzoro shelo tovo.
Talking about living in a bubble.
But if not for the suckers who believe in this nonsense this whole system would have collapsed like a house of cards a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I just found out that these various Rebbes shlitas have bought shares in Luxottica and they figure if they make all their Chassidim buy new glasses, they will make a killing. They agreed that TA will ban plastic frames and other Rebbe's will ban metal frames, and after a year they will swap and then ban the ones they promoted a year ago. This will continue until the Chassidim chap what's happening and not throw out their old glasses. At that point the Rebbe's will sell their shares.