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Friday, January 13, 2017

70 Nations return to Paris to Condemn Israel ...... Prophetic Fulfillment

“They have said: ‘Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Yisrael may be no more in remembrance.’ For they have consulted together with one consent; against Thee do they make a covenant.” Tehillim 83:5-6 "
High ranking officials from 70 nations of the world will gather in Paris on January 15th in an attempt to force Israel to accept a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority. By so doing, they will be fulfilling a momentous Biblical prophecy foretold thousands of years ago.
When Israeli statesman Shimon Peres passed away in September, leaders and dignitaries from 70 nations gathered in Jerusalem to pay their last respects. The symbolism is no mere coincidence; the very same number of representatives will gather in Paris, but this time to deny the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel.
“Everyone knows already what the purpose of the conference is: it will be used as another opportunity to try to impose a settlement on Israel and avoid direct negotiations between Israel and it’s neighbors,” 
Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, director of Ohr Chadash Torah Institute, told Breaking Israel News. “What’s interesting is that it isn’t just one or two enemies with a specific grudge, like the Arabs or the Nazis. It is 70 nations, which in Torah terms, means all of the nations,” explained Rabbi Trugman.
Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf, a prominent Jewish educator and bestselling author, told Breaking Israel News that seeing 70 nations written in the headlines caught his attention.
“There is no question that the aspect of specifically 70 nations gathering is significant, the point being Israel is not one of them,” said Rabbi Apisdorf, citing the book of Numbers.
Lo, it is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations. Numbers 23:9
“We are fundamentally different,” stated Rabbi Apisdorf. “And as a light unto the nations, we are supposed to be separate and different.”
Rabbi Trugman understood a different message in the gathering of the 70 countries.
“There is no doubt this is a fulfillment of the prophecies that in the end of days, all the nations will come out against Israel,” noted the rabbi. He quoted the commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, an 11th century French commentator known by the acronym ‘Rashi’, on the first verse in the book of Genesis.
“1,000 years ago, Rashi said that in the future, the nations of the world will come and say we stole the Land of Israel. This is precisely what we are seeing now,” Rabbi Trugman said. “The majority of the nations say we have no claim to Israel, and the rest say we only have a claim to a small section of Israel.”
“Rashi told us how to answer this claim,” said Rabbi Trugman. “We need to remind them that the same God who created the heaven and earth gave it to them, and then he took it from them and gave it to us.”
The concept of 70 nations has its source in the 70 grandsons of Noah listed in the Bible.
These three were the sons of Noach, and of these was the whole earth overspread. Genesis 9:19
According to Bereshit Rabbah, a collection of homiletical teachings compiled around 400 CE, each nation is appointed an angel, except for Israel, which is protected by God Himself. According to Midrash Tanchuma, homiletical teachings believed to have been compiled around 500 CE, Jacob’s vision was of these national angels ascending and descending a ladder, determining the fortune of their nations.
And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. Genesis 28:12
Jacob’s vision is interpreted as a message that the nation of Israel was no longer part of this natural process. Though other nations will rise and fall, eventually disappearing into the sands of time, Israel will never disappear.
The concept of 70 nations also appears in reference to the 70 oxen offered in the Temple throughout Sukkot (the feast of the tabernacles) which the Talmud (Sukkah 55b) teaches are for the merit of the 70 nations.
In the wake of the recent United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 declaring Jewish housing in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem to be illegal, the outcome of the Paris conference seems certain. A two-state solution would call for Israel to relinquish territories conquered in the 1967 Six-Day War, and subsequently create a Palestinian State. This would include establishing a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, thereby removing the Kotel (Western Wall) and the Temple Mount from Jewish control. It is unclear whether the 800,000 Jews living over the 1949 Armistice Lines, comprising approximately 13 percent of Israel’s Jewish population, will be required to relocate, as they were when the Israeli government dismantled the communities of Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip in 2005.
Even if the 70 nations at the conference decide in favor of the two-state solution it is unclear how this plan will be practically implemented. On January 20, five days after the conference is set to take place, Donald Trump will take the seat in Oval Office, and he has already made his opinion clear that, like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he believes the only solution to be face-to-face negotiations without pre-conditions between the Israelis and Palestinians.

Read more at https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/81577/return-70-nations-paris-condemn-israel/#dKYwjXQIqi0PcCAB.99 


Harry said...

I was turned off from the beginning of this post and didn't read it in it's entirety. This is clearly a false interpretation of the verses in Tehilim 83. In Tanach Israel means The Jewish people and Eretz Yisroel means the land of Israel, meaning the land belonging to Israel, The Jewish people. So the verse is referring to the plan and covenant of the nations to annihilate the Jews Ch'v, not to take away land. You can say that their deeper plan with taking away land is to annihilate, but that isn't what's happening at the moment, so for the sake of honesty, this needs, at the very least, to be made clear. But this interpretation is intending to deceive, and in the greater picture only accomplishes to reduce credibility of Tanach ch'v in the eyes of readers, who after realizing that they are being fooled, might say that it's all not true ch'v. There is no political or even idealistic cause that justifies twisting the truth, because the truth is all we have to stand on and must be adhered to without falter. There is no point in pointing out lies of people of your opposing opinion, but then yourself lie to promote your opinions and ideas.

Anonymous said...

Harry? Are you also going to paris? You seem to be a great spoaksman for our enemies...

Harry said...

Anonymous, from the fact that you haven't addressed my actual point, I see that you feel that what I am saying is true. Thank you for your (indirect) haskomo.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you are a better spokesman for our enemies, because you seem to proclaim that if it doesn't say so in Tanach than there is otherwise no valid complaint. Why don't we just stick to truthful arguments? Even unlearned people who don't know any Tanach feel that Israel is being treated badly and unjustly.

Anonymous said...

the only Jew hating bastards missing at that Israel hating conference are the two TEITEL-BUM bastards Aron and Zalmen yemach shemom

Anonymous said...

Harry, the Psalm is clear, they are trying to destroy the Israel and the Jews in it and Jews all over. They tried during the holocaust, and now that there is an Israel, they're trying to do the same . Israel is the symbol of G-D's covenant with the Jewish people, and they want to destroy that symbol if nothing else.That's the truth and why you should argue with it is a mystery unless you're one who doesn't want a Jewish state. In that case, say it clearly and openly

Anonymous said...

Harry trusts the nations and he wants us to be gullible too.

Harry said...

Anonymous 6:59,
You write 'the Psalm is clear, they are trying to destroy the Israel and the Jews in it...'
That's a misreading of the psalm. It is only talking about the people, and not at all about the land.
I again beg that you stick to true readings, and to truth in general. Lying and misinterpreting Psalms just makes the rest of what you're saying lose credibility.

Anonymous said...

Read the words carefully. Especially read verses 5, 10 and especially 13. The UN passed 2 resolutions, the first sayinf that Jews have no connection to Jerusalem and the 2nd much the same and concentrating on 1967 borders. The conference today is to delegitimize Israel. These countries know full well that the PA and Hamas refuse to recognize Israel even a tiny piece. What else does it mean? The BDS movement, the UN resolutions are all for their intent to drive Jews out of Israel. They know it and you don't want to believe it.Verse 10 and 11Verse 13 is explicit specifically asks that G-D do to them like Sisra, who wanted to invade and take Israel away.Look in Rashi on verse 13 and also Radak there and especially verse 13

Anonymous said...

if they want to destroy the land they want to do the same to the people, it's simple so that even a baby can understand it. Nobody wants jews in their country and if they want to destroy Israel what do you think it means? What you're writing is incomprehensible

Anonymous said...

Don't you guys realize that "Harry" is nothing but a criminally insane brain washed Israel hating Romanian Satmar troll,we should ignore him

AishKodesh said...

#9:20, Dos is motzi shem raa. It looks like it wasn't enough for you to speak lashon hara - you had to do motzi shem raa too!!

In conclusion, Satmars are NOT Romanian "trolls" AND..... Harry is not Satmar or anything you accused him of. Rather, he is actually a pretty nice guy.

Harry said...

Anonymous 9:20

You revert to insults. That doesn't make you look like you are the right. It just makes you look like you don't have anything of merit to say.

Another lie about the misrepresentation of scripture here is the absurd 70 nations correlation. In today's world 70 nations isn't the whole world, so it's not at all like the 70 nations of scripture. And while the symbolism of the number might be noteworthy (by a stretch of the imagination) it doesn't apply here because the number 70 here is a lie. In fact the amount of nations scheduled to attend in Paris is 72.

Harry said...

Aish Kodesh, Thanks for your kind words. You are right that I am not Satmar, and I wonder how you knew that. But i take issue with all of the Jew hating Satmar bashing rhetoric. I think it's ok to converse, to debate, and to disagree. But I don't think it's ok to give personal insults to our Jewish brothers and sisters. That includes Satmar Jews and and Zionist Jews alike, event though they disagree fiercely.

AishKodesh said...

You're welcome! I very much agree with your haskafah. That is, in this case, Torah haskafah :)