Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Daughter of Radio Host Sid Rosenberg Suffered Unthinkable Harassment by Fellow Students


The daughter of Sid Rosenberg, legendary Jewish talk show host on 77 WABC radio, recently revealed that she was viciously harassed and doxxed by fellow students at her university in the UK. In fact, Ava Rosenberg was accused of endorsing genocide, and forced to remain away from campus for months.

The unthinkable ordeal began several weeks after October 7, and has continued for many months.

Ava’s father Sid Rosenberg has been one of the most outspoken supporters of Israel since October 7. He has discussed his daughter’s experience on the air, and it was elaborated on by ‘World Israel News.’

The outlet reported that Ava faced profound challenges as a Jewish student at Cardiff University in Wales, with “severe antisemitism and harassment that have marred her academic and personal life.”

Ava is one of only 25 Jewish students on campus, according to the outlet. In November she began to sense a great deal of friction and animosity from the majority of students who are pro-Palestinian.

As reported by WIN:

“The situation escalated rapidly when Ava Rosenberg, along with her family, embarked on a trip to Israel to show solidarity with the Israeli people following the atrocities of October 7th. During this trip, a photo of Ava holding a gun was maliciously misrepresented online, leading to widespread social media backlash.

“This backlash not only falsely branded her as a murderer but also incited violence against her and her family, including her neurodivergent minor brother.

Ava experienced severe cyber attacks in Cardiff, where her personal information and photos were maliciously shared, falsely accusing her of endorsing genocide and being in the IDF with claims of killing people.”

Multiple social media influencers spread these vicious and baseless posts, leading to terrifying threats of violence.

The WIN story added:

“Ava, identifying as a left-leaning Jewish Zionist, has felt politically homeless, experiencing the materialization of the horseshoe theory where political extremes converge, excluding her viewpoints.

Her sense of abandonment was exacerbated on campus by the distribution of flyers falsely accusing her of breaking the school code of conduct and endorsing genocide.

These flyers, partially distributed by an individual elected as a student anti-racism officer for the following year and bearing the Cardiff University logo, received an inadequate response from the university. This underscored a significant lack of institutional support.

Adding to the absurdity, a video circulated showing staff and students in front of the student union, where a student spread false, libelous claims about Ava, alleging she poses a threat”

Ava’s mother Danielle slammed the institution: “The university’s overall response has been an epic failure. Its inability to condemn the incident and correct the lies being spread about her, along with permitting the distribution of flyers bearing the school logo without clarifying that they were neither approved nor endorsed by the university, is unacceptable.

“These failures compromise her safety and imply that the university is condoning and endorsing the hatred directed at our daughter.”

Despite her unthinkable ordeal, Ava is bravely returning to the university for her final year, which is “a testament to her ironclad resolve.”

“I won’t let them drive me out or ruin my education,” she said. She never took off her Magen David and even bought more, as “a fierce symbol of her identity and strength.”

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