Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What A Crazy Story!!!!! .........."ACHDUS: Viznitzer Rebbes Reach Historic Agreement In Catskills Meeting"

I am going to comment within the Monsey Scoop article itself in red! 

MS: In a landmark meeting held last week in the Catskills, 

DIN: A "landmark meeting?" Does the Monsey Scoop even know what this term means? In what universe are they living in? 99.9% of the Frum world have no idea who these guys are? Who are they? 

MS: the eight Rebbes of the Viznitz dynasty reached a significant and historic agreement, Monsey Scoop is reporting

DIN: "Viznitz Dynasty?"According to the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, a "dynasty" is a "powerful group or family!" Viznitz is "powerful?" Where are they powerful? Do they have an army?  Outside of their "dalet amos" no one cares and no one actually knows who the hell they are! "Historic?' What? In what way was this "historic?" Not even in Viznitz itself is this nonsense "historic." 

MS: The Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey announced that, moving forward, Viznitzer Chassidim will be permitted to transfer brisim from one city to another. This new policy allows Chassidim to honor their chosen Rebbe by having him serve as the Sandek.

DIN: "Viznitzer Chassidim will be permitted to transfer brisim from one city to another!" 

They will be permitted? Who prohibited this in the first place? Who? "Transfer brisim?" What does this even mean? 

Listen guys! The world is falling apart as I am typing these words, and Viznitz make an "Historic Landmark" announcement that from now on, a Viznitzer Chusid will be able to take his crying screaming infant and transfer him to another city so that another Viznitzer Rebbe can hold him during the Bris! 

What's historic about this is, that the Viznitzer Rebbe in Monsey has absolutely nothing to do with his day while Jewish children are being murdered on a daily basis and is occupied with "shtisim & havalim" total nonsense! 

Tell me guys that I am hallucinating! Please tell me that this is all a dream! This made the front page of the YESHIVAWORLD! 

The Headline of the Monsey Scoop begins with the word "Achdus" 

I don't get it, can someone help me out? 

Doesn't "achdus" mean being together? And isn't this within the Viznitz Community itself?  So now after six years they decided to open more Viznitzer Shuls within the same community and probably on the same block and this is called "achdus?" Isn't this "pirud?" Wouldn't "achdus " mean davening together instead of davening separate. For Heavens Sake this is in Viznitz itself! 

So these eight guys gave a new meaning to "achdus", Viznitzer Chassidim will not daven together, G-D Forbid, but will now separate and daven separately!

Exactly Haman's words to Achasveirosh:

ישנו עם אחד מפוזר ומפורד ... "there is ONE nation that is spread out and separate! 

MS: Additionally, the agreement includes the establishment of new shtiblech independently by each community in cities where any of the brothers reside.

This agreement comes after six years during which the Viznitzer Brothers refrained from accepting Sandekois from Chassidim living in cities where another brother served as Rebbe. Furthermore, during this period, none of the brothers had opened a shtibel in a city where another brother was already leading.

DIN: Did anyone know that a Viznitzer Chusid couldn't get his rebbe to be a sandik at his child's bris if he lived in another city? Again, I'm asking if any one Jew knew this? 
And who cares? And why are people giving strangers the honor of being sandik of their child, in the first place? Are there no grandfathers there? Did everyone die?

When I was growing up there was no one who had a grandfather! They were all murdered in the Holocaust. Oh! What we would have given to have a grandfather be a sandik? 

It took "six years" to work this out? Wow! Isn't that longer than it took Kushner to work out the Abraham Accords?

MS:  "Furthermore, during this period, none of the brothers had opened a shtibel in a city where another brother was already leading."

DIN: We need another Viznitzer Shteeble like we need another war! 


  1. Dude. It’s the Monsey Scoop. It’s a local news site, which by definition focuses in an outsize manner on local news that is really pretty insignificant to the world at large. Most of what they cover is fender benders and floods.

    As for YWN, someone else can defend them.

    That being said, I value your perspective as far as creating a low bar for achdus.

    1. I believe "Monsey Scoop" is YWN's local division

  2. How many Vizhnitzer shtieblech are there in RBS? Does each branch have its own there? ;-)

  3. Relatives talking to each other and sharing simchas! Wow, what a novel concept! I'm in awe.

    Signed: dripping is sarcasm

  4. UPGERISENE MAMAROSHE FERDEN, the whole bunch.
    They should all go to work.
