Tuesday, July 30, 2024

'Show up at Draft Office': Charedi minister opposes Shas rabbis' bizarre position


Welfare Minister Yakov Margi (Shas) has clarified that a Charedi youth who receives a call-up order must appear at the Draft Office.

"The law of the land - that is the law," Margi told the Knesset Channel. "If the country calls you, then first of all, you go show up, tell them what is bothering you, ask to learn Torah or ask for a Charedi track. I am not one of those who will tell you not to show up, to throw off every burden. The law of the land is the law."

Earlier this month, Sephardic-haredi rabbis urged young men who received draft orders not to appear at the Draft Office.

This is not the first time Margi has voiced a more liberal stance: Last Thursday, he spoke about the Charedi frameworks in the IDF, saying that a Charedi framework would bring "great benefit."

"If we are speaking about Charedi brigades - there need to be adaptations," he told Kikar Hashabbat in the mid-July interview. "I have no doubt that the rabbis will discuss the core of the matter and understand that the benefit is great and the young man is in a Charedi framework, and it will look different."

He also said that the required number of Charedim can be drafted without affecting those who learn Torah: "The Defense Ministry knows who to draft, and also the goal that the Defense Minister set for himself - and that is a goal which can be met without [affecting] the Torah world."

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