Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yisroel Duvid Weiss of NK Planning to go to the Levaya of the "Butcher of Iran"

 Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the notorious organization the Satmar branch Called Neturei Karta has reportedly stated that he will travel to Iran for the funeral of the President of Iran, Ebrahim Rais.


  1. I wonder if he is going with his streimel or w/o his streimel ?

  2. Where does this shtick dreck reside?

  3. This Rosho Weiss should drop dead at the funeral so they can bury him next to the Rosho Rais

  4. https://local.newsbreak.com/monsey-ny/3450676285815-israeli-flag-stolen-from-monsey-service-center-in-rockland-county

    One block from Rockland Kosher.

    Satmar thug Shia Mandel lives in walking distance. This kind of criminal act is up the alley of him & the tuchess lekkers trying to impress him.

  5. Halvayas hamas. Accompanied by hamas.

  6. Such a disgrace! 👿 Insanity 👺

  7. Why hasn't this filthy rabies infected sewer rat been exterminated.
    Exterminating this rat would be a KITZVAH of IVIARTA HARA MIKIRBECHA

  8. I would to clarify that these thugs are not satmar. Neutria karta starts and ended with viznitz chassides. Actually the satmar rebbe stated very clearly that these people are reshoim. Please do not put these people in the category of satmar.

  9. 10:46
    Ok so let me CLARIFY to you... We judge people not by what they state even if its "clear" but what they actually do!
    The rebbe did not throw them out of his moisdos, the rebbe didn't throw their mamzeirim from his schools, and his chassidim intermarried with them.
    They are all educated in Satmar moisdois even today and they quote from the Va'Yoel Moshe and in philosophy they are on the same page, so be very careful whom you call "reshoim"
