Thursday, August 31, 2023

State Senator Kristan Gonzalez the co-sponsor of an anti-semitic bill Runs Like a Poisoned Rat when confronted


Following a Town Hall meeting in Queens Tuesday, discussing the antisemitic “Not on Our Dime Act” being sponsored in the NY state legislature, Hamodia reporter Reuvain Borchardt attempted to ask NY State Senator Kristen Gonzalez some basic about the bill, which she is cosponsoring.

“Which parts of Israel do you consider to be unoccupied?” he asked

Gonzalez first stammered and then said she would prefer to remain “off the record”. Borchardt replied, “You already said that I could ask you a question. Did you only decide to go off the record after you heard my question?”

Gonzalez dodged the question and muttered a pretty incoherent response, while she was busy scurrying away from Borchardt, refusing to stop or even turn to face him.

She made zero effort to defend her position, and in fact, did not seem to have an understanding of the bill that she herself is sponsoring.

The antisemitic “Not on Our dime” bill claims it “would prevent NY-registered charities from funding illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine.”


  1. Filthy rabies infected DemonRats (sewer rats), you don’t interview or debate, you fumigate..
    What is absolutely mind boggling, is how these treasonous antisemitic and America hating DemonRats still manage to get 80% of the Jewish votes

