Sunday, August 15, 2021

Did Lakewood Railroad R" Itche Meir Greenwald the Caterer?


Greenwald Caterers located in Lakewood, New Jersey started his catering operation in the kitchen of the Lakewood Cheder. The Cheder administration insisted that he be kosher certified by BMG’s KCL Hashgocha. Mr. Isaac Greenwald spoke to the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva that when he opens his own commissary for the tri-State catering operation, he does not want to use the KCL, they agreed that he could take whomever he wants.

Greenwald Caterers opened his large catering commissary in Lakewood, and he took Rabbi Gornish from Brooklyn, New York, as he was an established Hashgocha for some large caterers in the Metro New York area.

BMG’s KCL started  a vicious campaign against Greenwald caterers to take the KCL. The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva told Isaac Greenwald, “we know we told you that you don’t have to take the KCL for your hashgocha for your commissary, we changed our mind and you have to take the KCL, otherwise we will publicize that we will not eat from your catering establishment“.

Greenwald Caterers was forced to succumb to the threats and took the KCL and dropped Rabbi Gornish’s Hashgocha.

What is puzzling: at every affair, wedding, convention, etc. the Roshei Yeshiva attend and eat without even knowing if the caterer or Hashgocha are reliable; Yet by Greenwald, they will publicize that they don’t trust him because he does not use the KCL. A wake-up call?

Recently, at a Shabbos simcha catered by Greenwald, BMG’s KCL did not even send a mashgiach (Note: their mashgichim, often are not qualified). The host complained to one of the KCL Rabbonim, how come KCL did not have a mashgiach at my Shabbos affair? The KCL Rabbi got very upset on the host “one more complaint about the KCL the greatest Hashgocha, and we will remove our Hashgocha from Greenwald caterers”.

By the way, BMG’s KCL will never remove their hashgocha from anyplace, as long as they pay their fees and the additional “baksheesh”. BMG’s KCL has been milking heavy fees from Greenwald caterers among other certified establishments for the longest period of time. Isaac Greenwald is deathly afraid to get rid of BMG’s KCL, as the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva will force him to close up. 

Related: Is KCL Really Kosher??

Posted by Yudel Shain- – I had shimush in Kashrus and Halacha by Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Neuschloss, The Debreciner Rav, Rav Pam, Rav Eliyashev, Reb Shlomo Zalman, Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z”L. I was appointed by Reb Shnuer Kotler as the kitchen Mashgiach in Bais Medrash Govoha (BMG). 


  1. I don't know why Greenwald even Bothers with the KCL
    When he was sitting under Rabbi Cornish everyone in Lakewood and outside of Lakewood used him
    He can go under any Heimishe Hashgacha and people will continue to use him
    I am sure the Roshei Yeshiva eat under many reliable Heimishe and Non Heimishe Hashgachos in Lakewood and outside of Lakewood
    They do not only eat at KCL catered events
    What do the Roshei Yeshiva eat when they go to a wedding or dinner or Bar Mitzvah in Brooklyn or Monsey or Chicago

  2. I previously commented on KCL, but my post was not accepted. I suspect that it wasn't the content that was objectionable, but rather that my language may have been too harsh, and DIN may have feared legal repercussions. I shall therefore be more circumspect this time.

    First of all Reb Itche Meir Greenwald is a Tzaddik Nisgov from a noble family. He wouldn't even need a Hashgocha, but since it's a rule that everyone needs a Hashgocha so he used Rabbi Gornish as a token Hekhsher.

    Regarding criticism of KCL, well I don't want to put anyone on the spot, but there are some who are skeptical of Reb Yudel Shain's assertions, regardless of the credentials he puts out.

    I believe I have crafted this response vey carefully. VeHmayvin Yovin.

  3. The headline was supposed to read "IS A DICTATORSHIP BREWING BEHIND THE SCENES IN LAKEWOOD".

    Dictatorships, want full control of your life.

  4. Flatbush Fressers IncAugust 18, 2021 at 7:26 AM

    KCL has it's problems but if you know the inside scoop in Flatbush, Gornish was far worse. Yudel knew what was going on in Brooklyn, but he likes socking it to KCL. It is true however that Gornish had a real mashgiach by Itche Meyer, he wasn't paying peanuts to get monkeys like in Brooklyn.

  5. For many years, Greenwald was hiring Rav Shain as one of his rabbonei machshir at hotels. So RYS was really singing his praises in those days. Greenwald no longer wanted to pay for all the RYS hiddurim so he dropped him a few years ago. RYS is not criticizing Greenwald but now only praises him when he's a vehicle to slam another hashgocho.

    Even back in the day, Greenwald would not hire RYS as a hashgocho on one hotel for the modern orthodox crowd that a Lubav BT was Greenwald's shutef. And wow was that an eccentric hashgocho that Greenwald had there and this hotel continues after Greenwald pulled out. Officially it is a Lubav dayan who is considered respectable, but the rosh mashgichim who is sent is an unusual fringe Lubav who claims to have semicha from Shloyma Carlebach, the Holy Brother alein!
