Sunday, March 3, 2019

MBD & Yaakov Shwekey Singing ‘Racheim’ in Krestir But Take the wrong "key" !

Next time when you go to the Heiliger Kever of R' Shayele Krestirer, don't embarrass him...
I don't know what happened but it seems that both MBD and Schweky aren't a good team for this particular tune ...
It was too high even for Schweky .... and the low part was too low ...
MBD tried harmonizing ..... this key certainly isn't for him and they both sounded like a bunch of amateurs!
Next time practice!

Question: Is this a new Minhag now .... to have a concert at an Ohel of a Tzaddik in Jewish blood soaked Europe???
Wondering: How many Jews were deported to the gas chambers from Kerestir? 
Would those Murdered Jews be happy that a bunch of guys came to have a kumzitz in the city they were deported from, by their neighbors?
Asking for a friend!


  1. There are concerts at Uman around Rosh Hashanah.

    There is music at Meron on Lag Baomer.

    I am not saying that such things are correct, just pointing out that those practices seem similar to the one you are questioning now.

  2. 2:38
    Read what I wrote.....
    "in Jewish blood soaked EUROPE!!!!!!!"

  3. The whole "kerester" kerfuffle is a political and investment endeavor, who and what is behind it, many don't even go to the kotel in Israel for fear of being exploited by Zionism's propaganda machine, why give support, any support to this ארץ הדמים .

  4. Wonder: "a kumzitz in the city they were deported from, by their neighbors? Asking for a friend!"

    still wondering?

    Over 33,000 Israelis have taken German citizenship since 2000

  5. DIN Bear in mind that your beloved Zionist State benefits from these visits of her citizens to Eastern Europe.
