Sunday, March 3, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 89,90, 91,92,93,94, & 95

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

"דף פ''ט "מעלת הענוה        
Page 89  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Virtue of Being Humble" 

Rebbi Eliezer states: "Hashem says: 
"I love the Jewish a whole lot, because even at a time when I grant and bestow greatness upon you, you humble yourselves before Me."

And this is exactly what Moshe Rabbeinu meant when he said before his death:
לא מרובכם מכל העמים חשק ה' בכם ויבחר בכם כי אתם המעט מכל העמים
"Not because you are greater than all the nations did Hashem desire you but because you are small in number "

Though המעט in the literal sense means a "relatively small number," 
the verse can also be understood as referring to Klall Yisroel's humility."

When Hashem bestowed greatness upon Avraham Aveenu and promised him that his children will grow into great nations and other blessings .... Avraham Aveenu responded:
ואנכי עפר ואפר  "I am only earth and ashes"

When Hashem bestowed greatness and royalty to Moshe and Aharon ..... making Moshe a leader and Aharon the High Priest .....
they responded with humility:
ונחנו מה  ..... "What are we?" in other words: "We are not worthy"

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"דף צ' "כבוד בית המקדש        
Page 90  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Great Honor That Was Bestowed Upon the Bais Ha'Mikdash" 

Two particular  incidents occurred in the Bais Ha'mikdash that gives us an insight to the great honor the Jewish people bestowed upon the Temple during its existence....

The Talmud on this daf relates that there was a "golden grapevine" that draped the entrance of the "heichal" (the Temple sanctuary).
 People would donate a golden "grape" or a golden "cluster of grapes" to the Temple coffers, and would hang it on that grapevine.

Rebi Elazer son of Rebi Tzadok stated that it happened that so much gold accumulated on that "grapevine" that they needed many kohanim to clear the donated gold.

Another incident witnessed by Rebi Shimon Assistant to the Kohein Gadol, is related on this daf:

The talmud describes the beauty and the intricate ornate designs of the "curtain" the "paroches" that covered the entrance of the "ulam." 
The Talmud adds that it was very thick, approximately a "Tefach" thick.
But if and when for some reason the "curtain" became "tamei" it was so heavy that it took many kohanim to carry it to the mikvah to immerse it ...

"דף צ''א "שתים עשרה האבנים        
Page 91  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Twelve Stones" 

We all know the story: Yaakov had to flee the home of his parents because his brother Eisav vowed to kill him, and so he hid in the Bais Midrash of Eivar, where he studied Torah for 14 years.

He then decided to travel to Charan to his Uncle Lavan.
On his way he suddenly remembered that he had passed Har Ha'Moriah the place where his parents prayed and was disappointed that he didn't stop to pray there...
Hashem performed a miracle and he was miraculously transported to Har Ha'Moriah
When Yaakov finished davening he wanted to continue on his way because it was still day, however, Hashem had other plans, and made it turn dark, suddenly  .... so that Yaakov would sleep over for the night on this sacred mountain where Akeidas Yitzchok took place!

Yaakov prepared a place to sleep and gathered the 12 stones that were previously used for the alter of the Akeidah."
He placed one stone under his head to serve as a pillow and with the rest of the 11 stones he made a fence to shelter him from the wild animals that were roaming around.

The talmud relates that each of the rest of the 11 stones wanted that Yaakov should place his head on them.
Hashem made it so that all the stones merged into one stone..
and this is the source of the famous Rasi in Chumash!

"דף צ''ב "רמזי החלום        
Page 92  Mesectas Chullin  
"What Do Our Dreams Teach Us?" 

We all remember that when Yoisef was jailed in Egypt, he met two of Pharo's servants and was able to interpret their dreams.

The Talmud on this daf states, that the dream of the שר המשקים, the dream of the servant that served as a wine butler, has in it embedded the future of the Jewish people!

ובגפן שלשה שריגם והיא כפרחת עלתה נצה הבשילו אשכלתיה ענבים 

The phrase שלשה שריגם, "three branches," 
is an allusion to Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov, 

and והיא כפרחת עלתה נצה, 
"And it was as though it were blossoming" 
is an allusion to the four matriarchs!

 הבשילו אשכלתיה ענבים
"Its clusters ripened into grapes" 
is an allusion to the 12 tribes of Israel!

Rebi Yehoshia states: that גפן, "the grapevine" is an allusion to the Torah, 
שלוש הזמורות .  "three vines," alludes to Moshe, Aharon and Miryam...
הניצנים .... from the verb נצה.... alludes to the Sanhedrin
and finally ענבים grapes alludes to the Tzaddikim of each generation.

Rebi Yermiah bar Abba states:
הגפן .... "the grapevine".... alludes to Klall Yisrael
שלוש הזמורות "the vines" allude to the 3 holidays that the Jewish people made pilgrimage to Yerushalyim.

"דף צ''ג "מליחה הבשר        
Page 93  Mesectas Chullin  
"Salting Meat" 

The Torah prohibits the consumption of blood, therefore after the slaughter of the animal, we salt the meat, since the salt has a tendency to draw the blood out.

The Talmud on this daf prohibits cooking the meat before it was salted, because explains the Talmud, once the meat is cooked, the salt loses its potency, and has no effect to draw the blood out!

"דף צ''ד "הלכות דרך ארץ        
Page 94  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Correct Way To Deal With People " 

Reb Meir states on the daf, that one shouldn't speak and act insincerely. 
For example:
A person shouldn't invite his friend to a meal, when he knows for sure that his friend cannot come. His real intention is really not to invite him but he is deceiving him by inviting him so that his friend will think that he is a nice guy!

One should act אחד בפה ואחד בלב with "his heart and his mouth on the same page," so to speak.

The question comes up when you send out an invitation for a  wedding to a family that you know for sure will not attend...
is this permitted?
The latter day Poiskim actually discuss it and say it is permitted.
The reason? ...
the invitation today also serves as a way to keep in touch, letting them know that you are thinking of them at a time of joy, and notifying them that you are marrying off a child.

"דף צ''ה "לוח שנה לשישים שנה         
Page 94  Mesectas Chullin  
"A 60 Year Calendar "

Shmuel, the Amoreh, was known to have many nicknames. One of them mentioned in Talmud was: "The Lunar Shmuel"

The Talmud in Berachos 58b, relates that Shmuel was a master astronomer who was proficient in the celestial paths of the sun and moon and the calculations necessary to fix the Jewish calendar.

On this daf theTalmud relates that when Rav was alive and living in Bavel , Reb Yochanan who lived in Eretz Yisrael would address his correspondence to Rav with the title:
לקדם רבינו שבבל ....... "To our teacher in Babylonia"

When Rav subsequently died, Shmuel replaced him as the Torah authority in Bavel. 
But when Reb Yochanan now corresponded with Shmuel, he addressed him with the salutation of : לקדם חבירנו שבבבל 
"To our colleague in Babylonia."
Shmuel to impress Reb Yochanan with his Torah knowledge sent him a 60 year calendar!

Reb Yochanan wasn't impressed until Shmuel sent him wagon loads of Responsa of questions and answers dealing with "tereifos."
Reb Yochanan from then on addressed him as רב בבבל .... Teacher in Babylonia...

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