Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Blacks sit with sad faces when Trump touts "Lowest Black Unemployment Ever Recorded"



  1. What can we expect from spoiled brats,they think that we owe them , ungratefull unthinking idiots is what they really are

  2. at least tgehy didnt have black face on

  3. jancsibacsi - how about the guys in New Square and KJ; "what can we expect form spoiled brats, they think that we owe them, ungrateful unthinking idiots is what the really are". Hows the employment rate?

    Just saying.

  4. these black pols are sad because if black unemployment goes down, they may be out of a job! Black politicians are none other than former community activists and troublemakers with a fancy suit and tie. No better example than the former prez Obama. A trouble maker in the neighborhoods of South Chicago who rose through the ranks with his big mouth. Black politicians need their black constitutents to be depressed, and angry. That furthers the politician's agenda and job security. If blacks suddenly have jobs, then these politicians have nothing to do for they are not capable of promoting other agendas other than to fight for blacks.

  5. You know, anyone who is sensitive to religious bigotry has no place in being racist. What is Twersky other than a shyster in a Cadillac living in a multi-million dollar home on the Hudson?


  6. 2:57, clearly a better person than you.

  7. 7:11 - please go on with facts rather than lame insults. What specifically is your point?

  8. 9:10, I mean the Skverer Rebbe is clearly a better person than whoever posted about "What is Twersky (i.e. the skverer) other than a shyster in a Cadillac living in a multi-million dollar home on the hudson?"

    No insults. just facts.

  9. umm 10:46?
    A "Better Person"??

    You are having a laugh.

    His House Bochur burns down and nearly kills a family and this"Better Person" throws him a kiddish and marries him immediately to a girl??

    All this for the aveira of davening at an old people's home to help make a minyan, instead of honouring the presence of the "Better Person"?

    Instead of kicking this criminal out of Skvere...unless it was done under the Rebbe's instructions??

    You clearly have a skewed moral set of values. Probably inspired by the same POS that told this 'Rebbe' that it is somehow OK to behave like some kind of Mafia GodFather.

  10. H, You're crazy. You have skewed facts. You are biased. why should anyone listen to you anyway? You've probly done 10 times the aveiros that the skverer has.

  11. 9:10 Facts and only the facts.

  12. facts facts facts. yup. done
