Thursday, January 4, 2018

7-Eleven Monsey Serves Kosher Hot Dogs!


  1. They've been open for a few years already and I hope they continue for many more years!!!!!!!

  2. This is from 2012!!!!!!

  3. Hey Guys
    Cut it out .... this is a blog not a news site ....
    from time to time I will post interesting stuff and it may not be new ......
    I happen to live in Monsey and know the 7-11 vey well ..

  4. Thought you lived in Far Rockaway DIN,,,

  5. YSV recently assered all students from eating there altz kashrus.

    And 2 years ago a bunch of chassidishe dayanim assered this 7-11 for a different reason.

    While I don't even like YSV, they happen to be right about this place that is run by Pakistanis with only certain things supposedly kosher under Zusha Blech while customers take liberties on things he doesn't even claim to certify.

    And I am also not a fan of those chassidim but they are also right in this instance for a reason that is so disgusting I prefer to not publicize it.

  6. Yeah it was sold to chaim (from Canada) a long time ago!!!

  7. I go to Mechel's. Why support the Pakistani 7-11 when we have Jewish people who need to make a living?

  8. Uh, DIN, I'm not sure if you realize, but there's a lady in the video.

    1. omg a female in the video! !!
      Did it make your charedi pee pee tingle

    2. Awww did it upset your pecker

  9. Please tell us what is disgusting there? What should we know about?

  10. Got to make it happen Lakewood now on rt 9 it would be great

  11. Aish putz kodesh will save the world he'll not allow any female pictures

  12. @9:06 PM, What do you mean? I don't think it is so terrible to have females in pictures as long as they are dressed properly. What is the difference between seeing them dressed modestly in real life vs. in a picture?
