Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Having a beard reduces your risk of cancer

According to a recent study from the University of Queensland, facial fuzz can protect a man’s face from 90 to 95% of harmful UV rays from the sun.
This means that a large portion of a man’s face is protected from being sunburnt – which can help prevent skin cancer.
Dr Adam Freidmann told the Independent: “Sun exposure is the primary cause of photo-ageing and skin damage, so it makes sense that if your face is covered by a heavy beard, it may well protect your skin from the signs of ageing.
“This means fewer wrinkles and a reduction in age spots (liver spots) commonly found on the face.
“People with a thick head of hair do not tend to get skin cancer or photo ageing on the scalp until they lose their hair. So we can see that there is a UV protective effect.”
However, these findings are only applicable to men who have a full beard – patchy stubble doesn’t count.


  1. Oy vey i must grown a lange burd and shokel alot that would also help against the uv effect, siz mamesh gevaldig, this piece of good news :)

  2. Well, good if it helps prevent skin cancer and anti-ageing. But that is just one type of cancer - and not much use as far as women and those who can't grow a beard are concerned.

  3. This news should encourage Satmar women to rid themselves of those ugly double-thick stockings and replace them with a healthy growth of leg hair . This would give them the same protection as their husbands.
    Besides, those Satmar men like hairy-legged women and this would serve as a perfect pretext to lose those disgusting stockings and grow some protective hair on their bodies. It might even remind them of what their bald heads used to feel like.

  4. Baruch Hashem, Who gave us the command not to destroy our beard!

  5. 12,10 @@ _ I don't get you. If they like their style, why should it bother you?
    They look much better than the guys with crazy haircuts, tattoos and
    dirty jeans, and the ladies also with tattoos, green hair , nose rings and shorts exposing their fat thighs. What's your problem?

  6. Abe" is either a criminally insane pervert and sex maniac,who needs to be locked up in an insane asylum,or he is a pimple faced idiotic teenager posing as grown up,either way this guy should be banned from commenting

  7. Annonymous 1:53PM,

    Their style is a mirror of their cult hatred for Eretz Yisroel. So when you see a cult display hatred to the only country that is a refuge to Jews ( and I don't consider Satmar Jews) , any news story that can be used to mock and ridicule these sonay Yisroel , should be used to that end.
    Oh yes, their hashkafa and community protects and advocates for sexual predators and pedophiles. Remember this video? That Satmar principal pedophile is still there.

    They all deserve a Meesa Meshuna.

  8. My study, yet to be published, shows that staying indoors 24/7 eliminates skin cancer from UV rays entirely.

  9. My study, yet to be published, shows that staying indoors 24/7 eliminates skin cancer from UV rays entirely.
