Wednesday, August 30, 2017

14 Year Old Girl Under Chuppah with 20 Year Old Breslev Guy

Police on Tuesday night, the eve of 8 Elul, broke up a chasunah in which the kallah was only 14. The chosson is reportedly to be a man in his 20s, affiliated with the Breslov kehillah.
According to the Channel 2 News report, the father of the kallah was arrested, police arrived before the chupah took place. Police have alerted social services.


  1. child abusers and perverts

  2. Primitive wedding ritual stopped.

    Israeli police stop wedding of 14-year-old girl moments before ceremony and arrest father of the bride

    Officers arrest the groom and father of the bride

    Officers arrested the father of the bride, a rabbi in the Breslov Hasidic community, who had planned to carry out the wedding himself. The groom was also detained.

  3. what a CHILLUL HASHEM,and why wasn't the mother also arrested
