Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Yisroel Dovid Weiss ימ"ש awards Abbas with an award ,the killer of Jews


  1. He is not YM"Sh, but...... I honestly can't believe this would be done.

  2. here you have proof of G-D's sense of humor and in reincarnation...

    Here you have Hitler dressed like a Jew.

  3. The NK nuts insulted Abbas and other Muslims - they used the Christian year/date (2017) and not the Muslim year (1438). A shandeh.

  4. More proof that pro-toyava & seemingly anti-Semitic is in fact anti-Semitic.

    British newspapers are reporting that an Amazon employee in England who is probably an Arab has been placing anti-Semitic notes in packages of Jewish customers. Amazon tried to ignore complaints & cover it up but were finally forced to fire the employee after a campaign on Facebook exposed them.

    Scotland Yard's hate crimes division is now investigating.

  5. Ezra Friedlander group phony scam watchJanuary 18, 2017 at 9:09 PM

    Some news about Ezra Friedlander's buddy Obama advisor Ben Rhodes (who you recently ran a photo of him with at the recent White House Hanukah party) -

    1) Ben Rhodes exposed over false charge re settlements -

    2) Obama blasted over Rhodes appointment -

    The tuches lekker Ezra Friedlander should go be sent home, ship him back to Boro Park, he can sit in his Liska shtibel there, instead of going around flattering any bareheaded person he sees posing as a Jewish representative. The fraud of Ezra Friedlander needs to be exposed and put to an end.

  6. Ezra Friedlander and John Lewis leftist buddiesJanuary 18, 2017 at 9:17 PM

    Ezra Friedlander with his buddy John Lewis, just exposed for his lying -

    What a nice couple. Two liars get along well. :)

  7. Weiss should drop dead.

  8. 7:13, Chas V'Shalom! Even a person who does that shouldn't drop dead....... and he can still change, B"H.

  9. Netureis a bunch of brain damaged retards.

  10. Yisroel Weiss and his gang are sick weirdos.
    They are a disgrace.

  11. Even though Satmar claims that they have nothing to do with these criminally insane bastards and they cannot control these animals,still theY cannot claim " YADEINU LO SHOFCHU ES HADAM HAZEH" because most of these Jew hating bastards received their Israel hating education in the insane Satmar education system and are a product of that brainwashing,it is that ugly and disgusting Israel and Jew hating book " VAJOEL MOSHE " (will not dignify it by calling it a SEFER ) that brainwashed these antisemitic zombies,these are the animals that reb yoilish has spawned with his life of unadulterated hatred

  12. 7:49 AM---I remember talking to satmerer hassidim over 50 years ago mentioning this vayoel moishe crap those hassidim are the fathers and grandfathers of todays mindless moronic neturei,every generation becomes more and more insane this neturei is the culmination of all the satmerer generation before them,they have become worse then animals an animal at least uses his mind not theese beheime gases they just act on emotion

  13. Many years back Freiman (from the Bronx) a member of the NK cult, walked into the BMG dinning room, in Lakewood. A Moroccan bochur sitting there, said he don't know Arab, I tell when (if) Arab take Jerusalem he be the first cut off his head.
    You get it, these people will be executed first if there is ever a Palestinian State Chas Veshalom. Arabs don't have hakoras hatov, & if they owe someone something or someone thinks they are owed something, they kill them. They have much more resect for an oppressor.
