Wednesday, May 4, 2016

UN Claims Har Hazeisim Graves Are “Fake”

Image result for har hazeitim
It seems that it doesn't bother the "uber Asken" Avrohom Lubinsky that UNESCO passed a resolution that the Har Habayis doesn't belong to the Jewish People..... what got him upset is that they included Har Hazeism ...
Mr. Lubinsky .... wake up and smell the coffee ...
If you are going to keep quiet and stay in the background when Arabs claim that the Har Habayis is theirs ..... then go into another business ....
this job isn't for you! 
A Jew should scream at the top of his lungs and defend the rights of every single square inch of Israel .... 
Hashem has given you and your cronies ... a sign ... that since you didn't scream when they took Kush Katif, you didn't scream when they took the Har Habayis .... you didn't scream when the EU prohibits us from building ... you didn't scream at the BDS movements ....
then Hashem says I"ll have them  take your graves too....
Why is this now so important and it isn't important for these askanim to protest the EU when they prohibit us from building much needed houses on our own land ....
Now you scream ......
The recent UNESCO resolution claiming that Israel planted “fake Jewish graves” on Har Hazeisim is “a cynical attempt to deny the Jewish people its rich history and its future,” said Avrohom Lubinsky, Chairman of the International Committee for the Preservation of Har Hazeisim (ICPHH). The reference to the historic cemetery of the Jewish people was part of the UNESCO resolution passed at the end of April which denied Jewish claims to the Kosel Hamaravi and the Har Habayis and instead designated them as Muslim holy sites. The motion passed with 33 votes in favor, six against, and 17 abstained. France, Spain, Sweden, Russia and Slovenia were among the non-Arab nations who supported the resolution. Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States objected.

Mr. Lubinsky added: “The UNESCO resolution is an incredible insult to the memories of the 150,000 Jews who are buried there, dating back 3000 years and including the Nevi’im Malachi, Chagai and Zecharia as well as Chulda Hanevi’ia. It is a disgusting act to do to the families of loved ones who are buried there from around the world, including an estimated 20,000 Americans, some 14,000 Frenchmen and 12,000 British citizens. We never heard a word of condemnation about the 45,000 graves that the Jordanians destroyed and used to build a hotel and roads before Israel recaptured Jerusalem in 1967. Nor has there been a word against those Arabs who desecrate graves and heave rocks at worshippers, which thankfully security forces have sharply reduced in recent months.” Mr. Lubinsky said that despite a restoration program by the government several years ago, 23,000 graves remain unrestored.

“Jews don’t plant fake graves. We as a people have too much respect for the dead to even consider such a disgraceful thought,” said Mr. Lubinsky.


  1. Fake is the Arab claim to Har HaBayis they call Haram Al Sharif or Ansar bait al Maqdis referring to Beit Hamikdash of Solomons Temple ...
    We have areal photos of the Har Habayis that are 100 years old showing full vegetation & almost no traffic from the Arabs ...
    Jews came back to liberate Jerusalem in 1967 & suddenly the Arab leechers appeared claiming the Temple Mount as theirs.
    Jerusalem is mentioned in our Bible over 410 times as our holiest site ...
    not once in the Quran ...Mecca, Medina then Jerusalem is No# 3

  2. Well they say what they see, and what do they see a bunch of fake Jews who desecrate anything and everything connected to Judaism including chazir fressers shabbos desecration and the burning of tffilin rach"l so they think everything's fake, and btw yes in your state of Israel which according to your twisted retarded mind this is what Hashem wanted, under that atheistic regime tfilla and sifrei kodesh are being burned the same way as their predecessors all sonei yisroel did BECAUSE IT HAS NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER TO JUDAISM

  3. Dear Comfortable Anonymous ...
    The Reform movement also felt comfortable in Berlin & removed Zion & Jerusalem from their prayers ... They found Berlin as their new Jerusalem in the Exile ...
    The comfortable, corpulent & content Jews of The Diaspora, the term Exile is too harsh of an expression in the fleshpot, have found their Jerusalem in Boro Park, Lakewood or Eretz Goshen (KJ) ...
    You can eat Glatt Kosher CRC Chasidishe Shechita yet you are still dwelling in Eretz HaAmim & are worshiping Avoda Zara ...(Talmud Bavli, Avoda Zara 8a)
