Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sirens mark Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel

Yom HaShoah / יום השואה by Shmuel Knopfler 

 Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה; "Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day"), known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews and five million others who perished in the Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its accessories, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. 

In Israel, it is a national memorial day and public holiday. It was inaugurated on 1953, anchored by a law signed by the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion and the President of Israel Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. 

It is held on the 27th of Nisan (April/May), unless the 27th would be adjacent to Shabbat, in which case the date is shifted by a day. Yom HaShoah begins at sundown on Wed, 04 May 2016. 

 Historical footnote ... אױפֿשטאַנד אין װאַרשעװער געטאָ The 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising consisted of a handful of Jews that killed a few hundred Nazi murderers & kept them battling for 40 days. It took 40 days for the Nazis 40 days to occupy France.


  1. I don't agree often with Satmar but they are right to bash this inappropriate commemoration. All these kinds of things are supposed to be included in Tisha B'Av. And noch dem the secular Zionists made it lehachiss in chodesh Nissan when hespedim are not allowed. Their timing is an insult to the kedoshim.

  2. In observing the video you may see 2 kinds of cretins do not stop for the siren ...

    1) Some Arabs
    2) Some Ultra Charedi

    Nice Shiduch ... you never know ... whatever is Bashert ...
    Common denominator both are ingrates & untermensch ...

  3. Cheese fressing Surrender-MonkeyMay 4, 2016 at 9:31 PM

    When EuroDisney had the grand opening, a nearby French Army garrison was trying to surrender to them when the fireworks went off, not realizing the explosions were celebratory.

  4. Yom Zikaron lagevura? What kind of gevura was then or is now? Bunch of losing fools the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto ended in a catastrophe and the Zionist regime couldn't and will never be able to bring peace to their state which was founded as a revolutionary enterprise against Hashem and his Torah, and these donkeys are still celebrating like fools

    1. Are you calling the kedoishim who rebelled against the nazis fools???
      Yo punk!

    2. Yes i do, and the results of that uprising is the proof

    3. The only limud zchus on them is that being under the situation they were they lost their brains and they went on a suicidal war which they could of never won

  5. Mister Litvak ...
    You are right ... Let us commemorate The Kedoshim on Tisha B'Av ...
    Most of our youth are bereft of Jewish History ...
    Ask an average Charedi teenager the following questions:
    A) When did the Holocaust occur ... ? 100 or 200 years ago ...?
    Answer: 1939 - 1945
    B) How many of the 6 Extermination camps based in Poland does he know?
    Answer: Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor & Treblinka

  6. Litvak
    The Commemoration is actually appropriate especially in Nissan given the fact that the Hungarian Transports started around this time ...
    Who said that it should be included in Tisha beov? Someone made that up!
    And don't give me the "No haspidim in Nissan" crap!
    I was unfortunately at many levayis in Nissan and the fat Chassidishe Rebbes and the emaciated Litvak Roshei Yeshivas first start by saying that in "Nissan there is no haspeidim" and then they keep yakking for hours .....

    The Warsaw ghetto uprising was actually a Kiddush Hashem and resulted in the deaths of many Nazis and kept them busy there for months ...
    The advise that the Rabbonim gave the European Jews to stay in Hungary and Romania was a chillul hashem and was the real "catasttrophe" that caused the exyermination of 6 million Jews ...
    The Zionists that were in Israel at the time all survived!

  7. Historical footnote ... אױפֿשטאַנד אין װאַרשעװער געטאָ
    The 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising consisted of a handful of Jews that killed a few hundred Nazi murderers & kept them battling for 40 days.
    In contrast it took 40 days for the Nazis to occupy France.
    The uprising was supported by many Gedolim in the ghetto among them Rabbi Menachem Ziemba hy"d
    There are many books written & documentaries produced on the many heroic uprisings in the ghettos.
    It is mind boggling how bereft our charedi youth is of basic Jewish history when I read their apathetic, phlegmatic & stoic remarks.
    Hashem Yerachem ...

  8. Sam Kay
    Yeshiva boys and adults don't have a clue that pogroms, crusades etc are in the Kinnos...
    They do know, especially the Satmar boys, when Hay Iyur is

  9. Everyone knows Yom Hegeula 21 Kislev when Israel, Rudolph, Rezso Kasztner saved the ubiquitous & pristine Rabeini HaKudesh v'Hatuher Reb Yoel Teitelbaum ...

  10. First I can't believe that jerk insulting the Warsaw kedoshim when R' Menachem Ziemba poskened they are mechuyev to fight.

    DIN, you said it yourself the crusades etc are in the kinnos (those are read on Tisha B'Av)

    More Jews were killed in Tach veTat percentage wise so why so much emphasis on the 1940s Holocaust?

    The yapping for hours by Nissan levayos is sometimes inappropriate. I was just stating the actual halacha. I have heard 90 second funeral speeches for that reason.

  11. Last anon comment was Litvak

  12. 6:47
    3/4 of the entire Jewish population were murdered during the Holocaust ...
    Tach veTat was nothing in comparison ...
    My point was that this Holocaust was the worst tragedy to have befallen the Jewish people in its entire history and a special day is in order ...
    to put it into the Kinnos with the rest would not do it justice because this was the worst ever ...
    As far as Nissan is concerned ... that doesn't bother me since the Mishna Berura itself says that in Nissan we say Av Harachamin even though the Mechaber says we shouldn't ...
    of course the mechaber lived before Tach veTat ...and the gedoilim of that dor say fit to change the minhag ...
    Holocaust Remembrance Day is commemorated during Nissan ...and non-Satmar gedoilim saw fit to commemorate it in Nissan !
    The 90 second funeral speeches you heard is for the regular JoeShmo .... the Shiner Yid get 8 hours of Hesped even on Nissan ....

  13. 6:47
    approximately 300,000 Jews were murdered during Tach VeTat
    No comparison .... even-though, even one Jew murdered is alot

  14. The biggest Nazi collaborators were the Zionist establishment.
    The Jewish agency that was headed by Ben-Gurion,Chaim Weizmann,Saly Mayer and their ilks had tens of millions of dollars but refused to give a penny to rescue Jews.The cries of the Jews went unheeded by these heartless people. They had in mind one thing only: "Rak Bedam Tiye Lanu Hoeratz."
    When we teach our kids about the Holocaust it is a must to tell them the role Zionism played during that sad time.

  15. 7:59
    Your comment is the typical Satmar brainwashed response to answers to their tzeedreita SHIT'ah
    Rav Teictal ...."went meshigah"
    Rav Henkin ...."had dementia when he called the satmar Rebbe a Rodef"
    Rav Kook...I wont even write what these bastards called him..
    To the Satmar uncivilized barbarians ...all who were originally anti-Zionist and then turned when they saw the truth are called ..."meshaguim"
    Turns out that the Satmar farshinineh SHIT'ah was the direct cause of hundreds of thousands of Jews getting murdered by the Nazis, because if they would have listened to Zev Jabotinski z"l ..they would have all survived ....
    The Satmar Oilim Goilim cannot face the fact that their founder made a huge mistake for his followers but not for himself and his family when he managed to contact the Zionists to save himself!

  16. 8:23
    The biggest collaborators to the Nazis were the anti-Zionist Rabbonim that advised European Jewry that the Hitler ym"s would never go to Hungary and Romania....
    the statement ": "Rak Bedam Tiye Lanu Hoeratz." has never been found because it was an out right lie made up by the anti-Zionists that felt guilty for misleading the Jewish people
    The Jewish Agency actually saved and gave millions of dollars to survivors and was very active preWW2 in the city of Satmar actually but R' Yoilish wouldn't deal with them so he lost a great opportunity to save his neighbors ... but his stubbornness of not dealing with the Jewish Agency caused the death of his followers...this has been documented time and again in many books ....B"H we have a Medinah now ..that does rescue missions in Entebbe and all over the world...just last night they protected 10,000 Jews that went to the kever of Yehoshuah!

  17. DIN- Although I agree with you on most things you are completely wrong on this. "Who said that it should be included in Tisha beov? Someone made that up!" -- Rav Yosha Ber (Joseph B.) Solivetchik said this explicitly that all of our tzaros are included in Tisha B'av and another day shouldn't be added (BTW he lived through the Holocause). He added that it is in effect minimizing the other terrible things and tzoros that happened to the Jewish people if we choose to just commemorate the holocaust with a special day and nothing else. Is rav Solivetchik now too frum for you? You know better?

  18. 9:21
    I must disagree ...especially from my personal perspective
    My father lost a wife and children, mother
    and father and siblings
    My mother lost practically her whole family
    The Holocaust stands all by itself and shouldn't be put together with other
    tragedies not even the tragedy of the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash compares
    To the Holocaust .... This requires a special day... There was never a story in our entire history where a tyrant went from country to country to separate families, collect them and ship them for days in cattle cars,torture and murder them and then systematically burn them ... All gedoilei Yisroel agreed that this tragedy stands all alone but no one had the guts to ask for a day
    Thanks to the Zionists , children in Israel know this .... Children in the us don't give a damn ....

  19. 9:21
    By the way, in the immortal words of Ed Koch .... "Whoever agrees with me 100% of the time .... Should be committed"

  20. It's amazing how quickly some cheridim were moving around when they heard the siren ...I've never seen these guys suddenly become so active .Want to get a crazed Chaerdi to stop fressing chulent then blow the siren and his up and running

  21. Barry James GreenfieldMay 6, 2016 at 7:56 AM

    All you passionate defenders of zionism and its crimes against Hashem, the Torah and Klal Yisroel should take the time and read Reb Moshe Shonfeld's expose on the behaviour of the zionist leadership during WW2.

    Here are a few lines from the Foreword

    Last year, a new printing of the book, “Yaldei Teheran Maashimim” (“The Teheran Children Accuse”), appeared.

    It was meant especially for Bnei Torah, and was distributed in yeshivos and kollelim. That frightening manuscript enumerates what the Zionist movement can do to the spirit of our people. The booklet which we are publishing here, “Serufay. Ha Kivshbnim Maashimim” (“The Holocaust Victims Accuse”), serves as an attempt to show, by means of testimonies., documents and reports, how Zionism and its high-level organizations brought a catastrophe upon our people during the era of the Nazi holocaust. If the Yaldei Teheran affair serves as an example of the Implications of, “greater is the (sins of) one who causes another to sin than the (sins of) one who kills another”, analagous to destroying the soul and leaving the body, then what the heads of the Zionist movement did to the European Jews during World War II cannot be defined except as the one who actually "does" the killing.

    “Serufay Ha Kivshonim Maashimim” is a collection of nine essays which were printed in “Digleinu” in the years 1961—64 under the heading, “Ani Maashim - Min HaMaitzar” (I Accuse - From the Depths”). The fruit of the pen of Reb. Moshe Shonfeld, it constitutes a continuation of the revelations of the gaon and tzaddik, Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandel, who devoted his life to saving his brothers, and endlessly alerted the Jewish world.

    But there was no one listening to him. Several paragraphs in corporated into the first nine essays and the last essay in its entirety are being published here for the first time.

  22. 12:56
    The above commenter is a Neturei Karta savage ..... all the above garbage is a bunch of brainwashed lies and dis-information....
    whats not included is ... that R' Yoel Teitelbaum sabotaged rescue efforts of people in his own town because he refused offers from Jewish agency to join forces to rescue the children .... directly causing their deaths
    this is documented by Menachem Keren-Kratz in an article titled "The Satmar Rebbe and the Destruction of Hungarian Jewry part 2" it was published on July 17, 2014 and published in Tablet magazine ...
    This was well researched and portrays The Rebbe as a selfish guy that was only interested in rescuing his own immediate family ...
    The Zionist weren't Tzaddikim but so wasn't the "Tzaddik Hador"

  23. Moses Shonfeld was a Satmar fanatical lackey who distorted facts and figures to accuse Zionists of everything bad in the wrorld. The yalsei Teheran incident is not as clear as they want us o believe. There was some bad stuff there but it wasn't a conspiracy of the Zionist movement. Shonfeld was a hater of Zionists in order t make his guys look good and clean. He wasn't a historian but a guy with an agenda to poison minds.

  24. Jonathan Frankel, author

    According to the ultra-Orthodox argument, the Zionists' purpose was the establishment of the Jewish state rather than rescue,and did not mind if Orthodox Jews were destroyed in the process. This version, propagated, by Rabbi Moshe Schoenfeld, on the basis, largely on Rabbi D.B. Weissmandel's book Min Hameitzar, is gaining adherents even today.IT IS REALLY A JEWISH VERSION OF HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM.It distorts the real conditions then prevailing, and it sustitutes an imaginary version that by implication absolves the Nazis of the murder, placing responsibility instead on the Zionists.

  25. 4:33
    Born in London in 1935, and educated at Jesus College, Cambridge,
    "Rabbi Schoenfeld is a self hating Jews that had no problems meeting and kissing the face of blood thirsty murderers.
