Monday, March 7, 2016

Monroe Satmar Rebbe Permits Smartphones!

R' Aron Teitelbaum, the one whose Rebbitzin speaks Ivrit with her Zionist sisters, will arrive in the Zionist State on Tuesday. 
He will spend Shabbos in Zionist held territory in  Meron ... 

There are Kol Koras all over Meron addressing the Monroe Satmar Chassidim that "it is prohibited to take out the smartphones during the visit in Meron"
In other words it's ok to own a smartphone but one is prohibited according the Kol Koras from taking it out on the "Gravesite of the holy Raban Shimon ben Yochai"

The Rebbe realized that his chassidim don't give two hoots about his initial  prohibition  to  own  a smartphone, and they all have one....and so he now permits a smartphone all over Monroe but not in Meron!

It must be, since he is aware that his chassidim use the smartphone on Shabbos  he doesn't want them filming him eating on Shabbos  ...


  1. Does he eat differenly on shabbos then he does during the week that he doesnt want to be photographed?

  2. I was Shabbat in Boro park by a simcha ( sheva bruchos) of family,,from their we went to a, (Shulom zucher) from a family member to, this family member became lately very very famous in ( Boro park) and he has some followers who are running after him,, he became like a keruv leader, for married people, and to people from broken families, and to teenagers,( and especially to teenagers .o.t.d.) so some of his followers married and Hasidic traveled in Shabbat from Williamsburg to Boro park to the,,shulem zucher, and they traveled back to Williamsburg Friday night (12:45am)including from this group was both satmar chasidim aronim and zalonim, yes they had a car service what brought them to Boro park and took them back to Williamsburg, its so shocking what's happening in our own backyards? The yiddishkiet is falling in the nicest families, no not the smart phones are the problem,?

  3. But they make the Aroni rank & file get special filtered edition smartphones. Or at least officially because a lot of them buy a 2nd phone that they keep secret from their kids yeshivos.

  4. Echter Yid
    And then you woke up and realized it was a dream LOL
    Are you trying to be the next Nuchem Rosenberg,if yes- you are doing a pretty lousy job
    Stop making a fool out of yourself

  5. To you anonymous I hope I am lying, but if you don't trust me my parents where witnesses to my story, not only that but the bal simcha is my parents nephew and he told for my father that when this people said that they are walking now back to Williamsburg Brooklyn at (12:45am) Friday night it means they drove to his ,simcha by car, and they are driving now back unfortunately to Williamsburg Brooklyn, he said he nose them very well and unfortunately they could drive around cars in Shabbat,believe me I really hope that this story is just a dream,,but the bal simcha said that the same way they came to Boro park to his simcha, the same way they are going to make it back still tonight, to Williamsburg Brooklyn

  6. To you with respect anonymous) Do you no the nicklshburger rebbe of Boro park, who has a shull in Boro park and in Woodburn town in the Catskills just ask him how much teenagers are driving around openly on Shabbat with cars,? just ask him,? and when you come back from listening to him what's happening today in our own Jewish Hasidic communities, then yull be able to tell me if I had a good dream at night,? By the way I was by kidush one Shabbat when some teenagers (bucherim) came traveling came out of their car to the kidush,,so please don't tell me what's happening today,?
