Friday, March 4, 2016

Mendy (Shmuel) Israel Arrested for Child Sexual Abuse

Boro Park resident Mendy Israel was arrested yesterday, March 2nd, on numerous charges related to sexual abuse, including two counts of Course Sex Conduct against a child in the first degree.
Under New York State law, a person is guilty of Course of Sexual Conduct against a child in the first degree when, over a period of time not less than three months in duration, he or she, being eighteen years or more, engages in two or more acts of sexual conduct which includes at least one act of sexual intercourse, oral sexual conduct, anal sexual conduct, or aggravated sexual contact, with a child less than thirteen (13) years old.
The arrest comes after JCW received multiple reports of child sexual abuse by Mr. Israel.

If you or anyone you know was abused by Mendy Israel, please contact the Brooklyn sex crimes unit at: 718-230-4418. If you are a victim and you would like support, contact JCW at 718-841-7056 or


  1. Ok let me start singing the song what our Jewish Hasidic communities will be starting singing now,,ah its a lie, ah its alilas,87, ah the victim is mental and crazy, ah the victim is a lier and fabricated the story, it can't be he did it he is a jew,? So it can't even be that he did such a crime,? ( nebech rachmunis,?) How can we sit still when a innocent pedophile is being arrested for molesting children,? Oy gevald,? Its a libel,? It can't be? We must start to/shunn/,ostracize/and terrorize this victim,and his family, for the chutzpah for coming forward,,? Rabosie, I as a father of a children who has a child a victim (a terrible victim) of sexual abuse, its shocking what we are still going trough already ,8,years, but hashem didn't let us down, ( vesharie demuois lo ninali) and after suffering so much in the hands of my own Jewish Hasidic community,? Since my child came forward,? Hashem gave me the opportunity and I did a,shiduch, with my beloved daughter, but it doesn't end over here the story , I was starting to look for a date for a wedding day for my daughters wedding? ,suddenly I started to get threatening phone calls, that I shouldn't even dream to make my daughters wedding in Williamsburg Brooklyn, because they will do everything in there power to destroy my simcha my daughters wedding night,?,even my parents got threatening phone calls,? This is unfortunately what's happening still today, the Jewish community is not ready to place the facts that, sexual abuse is still a real problem today,? even after,reb nuchem Rosenberg, is constantly talking and crying about it, it looks like that the pedophiles are still not getting the massage, that if yull molest a child,your risking of sitting in prison for that,?? But the biggest problem we we we klal yisroel created was by showing to the pedophiles that its nothing wrong what they did ,and klal yisroel kept protecting and fully supported the pedophiles, instead of showing chizuk and support to the innocent victims,,?? This is the biggest crimes what klal yisroel did against victims of sexual abuse,?period,

  2. Is he related to the Israel brothers from Boro Park who were recently arrested as notorious slumlords?

    1. Don't think it's that family.


    Stupid self-hating Jewish "academic" who is married to a Muslim

    By the looks of him he could fit right in with Neturei Karta if they give him a beeber hat

  4. Let's not be so happy, as long as the Brooklyn district attorney has the name Brooklyn district attorney We shouldn't be to happy, if the perpetrator is jew, especially a Hasidic Jewish man,? This is what could happen,? When a Jewish case is being taken care by the Brooklyn district attorney's,? (1) he will be able to get away with his crimes totally, (2) by sending the terror squad from the Jewish Hasidic community and they will be threatening the victim and forcing him to drop (dead) no no sorry they will threaten him to Drop the case ,(3) or he could get only probation, (4) they will make a sweet deal with the pedophile if he pleads guilty,? So let's not be to happy over here,? we went trough unfortunately the same thing by our sons case,? Unfortunately the Brooklyn district attorney lost their trust the last few years,when it came to prosecute Jewish dangerous pedophiles, The entire Brooklyn district attorney is corrupted from top to bottom,,,the Jewish liaisons and the Jewish leaders are totally running the Brooklyn district attorney, so victims have little chances to get a fare trial ,,they will stay ,damaged for the rest of their life, and the perpetrator will be walking away clean and green,

  5. Its such a shame, that when it comes Passover, every body gets crazy with crazy (chimrus) and every body has his minhugim how he is running his minhugie yoim toiv pessach,?, suddenly every body is( makpid ) on erev pessach matzos,? but when it comes to our precious children, when we talk about the precious thing in our lives? No body gives a dam on them,? Why aren't we crying out about sexual abuse against children,? Why aren't we even trying to stop this tremendous crimes against humanity,? But showing support to this sick sicko pedophiles,? Why is sexual abuse still happening today against children?? Are we going to sing because his father was a principal and his grand father a gudol,?? Why when pedophiles do see that molesting children could end up in prison time why don't they get the massage around? When will this stop, for gods sake,? Its time to come out and we should talk about sexual abuse on children ,the same way how we talk /24/7/ against internet,? Molesting children is much much worse a bigger problem than the problem of internet?

    1. The big big problem almost as big as the molestors, is the people who shun the victims. They make them victims all over again. They make other victims scared to come out. There is a special place in gehenom for thease peoplem

    2. The big big problem almost as big as the molestors, is the people who shun the victims. They make them victims all over again. They make other victims scared to come out. There is a special place in gehenom for thease peoplem

    3. The big big problem almost as big as the molestors, is the people who shun the victims. They make them victims all over again. They make other victims scared to come out. There is a special place in gehenom for thease peoplem

  6. What's up with all the question marks?

  7. I bet his parents or grandparents were gayyrim or bt's. Because regular hymishe yidden woud never bd accused of such things. Or maybe he is a closet tziyoni. Nebach. ( not)

  8. I would like to send my massage around that if this crap doesn't stop, i will bring it to the media, I will bring it to the attention of the news papers,and to the t.v.channels,? I am ready for a full out war,?

    1. What exactly are you going to bring to the media?

  9. Got this in an email going around

    Mendy & sometimes also his father Chaim go running with the rest of the kovod zuchers to every Agudah meeting with politicians to stick their heads into the camera lens

    Here they both are with Ohio politician Josh Mandel

    Father & son again in Albany

    Here's Mendy on the campaign trail with de Blasio

    At the Boro Park Y where a lot of molesters seem to hang out to get access to kids, Chaim is Chairman of the Board & Mendy is director

    Mendy who learned in Beis Hatalmud owns a company that specializes in software & systems for yeshiva offices

  10. He is on the board of Boro park y and has access to kids .ridiculous .his father is chaim Isreal chairman of the board .how can we let kids when he has easy access to them

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Nuchem Rosenberg hints that Mendy has been molesting for years


    I just love these kinds of secret negotiations that can leave residents screwed.

    Haverstraw residents already chased away Legoland so now St Lawrence wants to sneak them into 230 acres behind the Suffern library.

    If you thought traffic down the Route 59 was bad now, just wait! It will be a virtual parking lot!

  14. This is all shtisim and anyone that believes this is a mekabel loshon Hora and motzi shem ra on which the gemara says you won't come out of gehenim mendy is a true erlicher yid for anyone that knows him and this is all a setup as mentioned earlier... unfortunately today's days if one wants to take revenge the only way to do it is to say that he's a sex abuser and molester... you guys should all really find out more about the story before you start writing inappropriate comments... stay strong mendy

    1. Actually his friends that know him well...know this is true!'s been going on for years with teenage girls.

    2. Why don't you sacrifice your daughters to him..since you know him so can you say this when there are victims that should be validated...

  15. There is a novel type series in The Monsey View magazine about a neighborhood being bought up by a fresser to develop into Kaser type cheeseboxes. A lone chassidishe mishpocho refuses to sell thus holding up the development. So the fresser enlists a heimish real estate agent who sounds like a Yoel Klein type to offer for rent the houses on either side of the holdout mishpocho. The agent makes sure to find lowlife Hispanics renters who are scary looking & make a lot of noise.

    Was there a heimish agent in Monsey who actually did such a disgusting thing to another Yid?

  16. To you (unknown) very very interesting I never ever saw or heard about a Jewish sexual abuse case,what wasn't denied right away,? Or the song didn't go like this, oy its a setup, oy its a lie, oy its alilas,75, the victim is lying,,the story can't be true because the pedophile is Jewish,? ( So because he is Jewish it can't be?) especially when he is Jewish and Hasidic,? the victim made up /his/hers/ story, the victim is mental, the victim made up/ his/hers/story,to take revenge of this person and to set him up,? I can tell you one thing, that with people like you,? Sexual abuse in the Jewish communities will never ever be stopped because every Jewish sexual abuse cases will still be denied, and the song will go,,oy nebech, the pedophile was being setup,?? Oy nebech we must come to the rescue of this pedophile it was a setup? When but when will we be able to be zocha one day to hear that, a victim was right for god sake,? And your claiming it can't be that this story is true because of what,? Because you no this man with the name mendy,? This proofs to you that it can't be and it was a setup,? Because you no him,?? What about the terrible story in Williamsburg Brooklyn, (how a looked up and a chushvah dayan a posek) terribly terribly molested ,2,of his own daughters,? And one of them became married and she is going now for help and she is fully talking now to her /psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist/ And to her doctors,,its shocking what she is giving out to the people who are helping her out,? Not only that, but she is crying that her sick pedophile father is still molesting her younger sister,at home,? Sure you would sing the same song over here by this case that it can't be that this father molested his own ,2,daughters because (1) he is a fum Hasidic yid,? Right,? (2) he is a looked up man yes he is a posek,? And (3) because he is a father,? O yes,?? Guess what? (79) percent children who are molested today in /2016/ are from incest,, and (89)percent of this victims who wouldn't get help right away will become abusers themselves, so please come and sing the song that this story is also a setup?

  17. To you unknown, let's start to deny the entire,church sex scandal to,? Let's sing like this ,ready,? Ah it can't be that all this stories and rumours what rocked and brought down the entire Catholic church was even true,? How can it be that so much big (supposedly holy /priests/bishops/cardinals/popes/ molested so much children under their care,? Ah it can't be,? Its was just a setup against the Catholic church,? The victims made up there stories to setup the Catholic church ? It can't be true?? It must be a setup,? The entire story is a lie,? The victims are lying it can't be that the Catholic church did such big crimes against children,? How could it be,? Its time to sing this old stupid Jewish Hasidic song,? Come on unknown help me singing your stupid songs the songs of denial,?

  18. Mendy Isreal was arrested .2 years ago rumour had it he got caught with underage girls.
    If it's a set up hello have his day in court.unfortunately we know better he a pervert and has finally been caught

  19. ( good advice ) To all pedophiles molesters,and rapists, in order to get away with your crimes just follow this instructions,,this steps,this good advice,,(1) before molesting or raping children first make sure that you better befriended yourself with, unknown,and ,anonymous,, (2) once you became befriended with unknown and anonymous now you can start molesting and raping children right and left, (3) just don't worry at all, your in good hands just keep on molesting children, (4) if you get caught? (By the victims coming forward?) You don't have what to worry at all,? Unknown and anonymous will come right away rushing to your rescue,? They will deny it for you,, they will claim its ,lushoin hurah,, and its a lie,and its a setup,, it can't be that you did such a horrible crimes against children because your Jewish and your frum,and your wearing a yarmulke, and they know you very very well,? Your such a nice erlicher person,? (5) you don't have to worry what's going to happen to your victims how damaged you made them,? how terribly you vegtablized them for the rest of their lives,? You don't have what to worry at all,? Just put your trust on ,unknown and anonymous, and they will do the best job for you, and the victims,?? Hey let them go to hell,?? Right,?? O forgot it's a setup, O so sorry? forgot its just a setup,?

  20. I heard it's mendy Isreal from 60 street his wife is a shaitel macher.
    People in his block have known for years he's a danger to society .
    He's on the board of the Boro park y .shame on the y to have him as boardmember and grant him free access to kids who there for recreation and exercise .unbelievable !!!

    1. I hope everyone supports his wife and kids! She is a victim here too! And she is a special person with bh excellent talent! She should not be shunned here at all!

  21. It's more than ,8,9,years, what complaints kept on coming in about children getting molested in the Boro park ,y, And by the way If children are still getting molested in the Boro park,y,? Please contact immediately our assembly man, rebbi dov hikind, who promised ,8, years ago already, that he will clean out the Boro park,y, of molesters,, so anyone who has any,information about any problem happening in the,,Boro park ,y, against children,?, please do the right thing and give a call right away dov hikind, and lets keep him responsible for his promise that he will clean out the Boro park,y, of molesters,, we do have the chiyuv to do everything in our power to safe guard /our/your/ children from harm's way ,all ways remember ( kull hamatzil nefesh achas meyisroel keilu matzil olum mulie ) so anyone who noes anything happening against children,? Do the right thing and make the right phone calls, and lets stop this sick sicko dangerous pedophiles from molesting /our/your/precious children, let's take them off the streets totally before they could strike again,,


  23. Agudah Kovod ZucherMarch 7, 2016 at 12:05 AM

    You can't fire Mendy when his father is Chairman.

    1. Anyone can be fired! Just call the propet authorities and both father and son will be arrested.

  24. Wow anonymous what happened that you changed your tone,? Wow I am very surprised on you that your not singing anymore the Jewish song that its a setup,? (2) back ,8,years ago when lots and lots of complaints came in to assembly man reb dov hikinds office that pedophiles are molesting children in the pool ,he promised to shake up the Boro park,y, and he promised to make a clean up in the ,y, ,so where did his promises go? out the window ,? I am afraid that he got silenced with some green dollars and the molesters are still running that place over there, what a shame, when it comes to children? Nobody cares,, Boro park,y, should be closed immediately, if children are not safe in the Boro park,y, why keep it open,?

  25. This is hysterical "Echter yid" (echter shoite)is under the impression that "anonymous" is the name of a single individual,and therefore he can't understand why anonymous keeps contradicting himself with every post,LOL

  26. To you browser,) I am proud of myself, call me which name you want, but I took off one of New York's sickest dangerous pedophile off the streets,( especially a pedophile who unfortunately admitted by the sex crime unit that he remembers by face and by name,60,children who he personally molested,) when every /rebbi/admorim/rabunim/askunim/dayunim/and the entire klal yisroel/ knew about him,( he was a very very famous molester) they all got all this years hundreds and thousands of complaints about him molesting children,? And nobody cared or gave a dam that he is molesting children,?, and they didn't even bother to make an end to him,? To stop him once and for all from molesting children,?, there is a very very famous ruv who has a very big shull in Monsey and he had in Monsey in his own shull ,4, victims of this pedophile ,and guess what,?, he never did anything to stop him from further molesting children,?, In kiryas joel their was in one shull ,6, children molested by the same pedophile,? the story goes on and on, but no one no body did anything to stop him once and for all,? but one crazy hero did it, one hero decided enough is enough ( yes the person who your calling echter shoite?) He took the courage and made a stop to this dangerous molester, when no one by klal yisroel took the courage and made a stop to this dangerous sick pedophile, now call this person what ever name you want,? but every morning when I get up in the morning I feel so good knowingly that today more and more children are going to be safe and sound and not molested anymore by this sick sicko dangerous pedophile? because of my good actions?, I really feel very good and proud of myself that I made the right decision by stopping this dangerous pedophile once and for all,


  28. Mendy Samuel Isreal is a pedophile and it seems that he's been around a while molesting kids .see rabbi nochum Rosenberg website titled FINALLY he got caught.does anyone know if briskman just married his daughter? ?? Is mendy is real really Still on the board of the y as previous comments state? ??

    1. Leave his newly married daughter and wife out of this..they are victims here just as well! They should be supported do they can walk out in the street and keep their heads up and keep on living despite what they now have to deal with...

  29. yes.yochi briskman son married mendy israel daughter 2 weeks ago

  30. i'm not saying that its not true maybe it is maybe it isn't. none of us or you were there or saw it.

    the problem is that it has become a time that anybody who gets upset at anyone can say "he molested me" and right away everybody goes out and blasts him.

    if he's guilty let him get what he deserves but today nobody cares if its true the only thing that matters is... that we catch a bigger fish

  31. I would like to make it very very clear once and for all, to everyone who are claiming that we can not and we should not trust today a victim of sexual abuse because or (1) they are lying, (2) its a setup, (3) today anyone could just claim on anyone that he molested me to take revenge on a person, (4) or someone wants to hurt a person's image , so let me make it very very clear to everyone,?, no it doesn't work like that,?, unfortunately our disabled child was bitterlech terribly molested by a Jewish Hasidic yungerman in our own Jewish Hasidic backyard,,now the system works like this, once your case becomes reported the case goes over to the ,,sex crime unit,,now let me make it very very clear nobody wants to be stupid and setup anyone with a story about sexual abuse, because the detectives by the sex crime unit can tell in seconds if the victim is lying or not,? Not only that, but before they start questioning the victim with their ,thousands of questions,, they make the victim to swear that what /he/she/ is saying and answering is truth but the truth,(2) they make it clear to the victim that if they catch/him/her/ lying,? They can get arrested for perjury, (3) they question the victim for hours it could take at least an half a day the questioning,? and the victim must remember everything what played out all this years from when the molester started to molest them till the case became reported, like what date and time was the first time it happened, the victim must remember the /day/date/time/ the victim must must remember every single place and what happened in that places,? and which places? /homes,/synagogues/mikvas/shulls/? In every place what was being done in that places,?, addresses of all the places,where the molester took them and molested them ,? On which floor it happened,? What color walls was the room,? What kind of tiles was on the floor and what color,? ect,ect,ect, the questions to the victims can take hours and hours, and they can not flop not once, if a victim is flopping,? Its over, and the detectives no right away that they lied, not only that, but if a victim is still a young child the parents can not not be in the room when the victim is being questioned by the detectives only the child ( the victim ) and the detectives are in the room,, so let's stop singing our stupid songs of ,oy its a lie, oy its a setup, oy the victim is a mental crazy child, the victim gotta be crazy to setup anyone,? I am definitely sure that nobody wants to go trough the process of the sex crime unit, believe me,? Its a he'll of a time,, and its not the best place to be, Yes you got to be screwed and mental to setup anybody,,

  32. Not only that, but the ,pain, bishass,,headaches,,exposure,, when the case unfortunately becomes transferred to the court system's, and the victim and /his/her/ family are starting to go trough a new chapter in life, court system's, courts and courts every month As long the defendants keeps shlapping the courts till the trials, or till he decides to plead guilty,? So no victim would ever seek for this kind of (kuvoid ) and setup anyone,? Its not kuvoid but ,exposure, agmas nefesh, pain, busha, And then comes the Jewish Hasidic community and their leaders and they start /shunning//ostracizing/degrading/terrorizing/ the victims and their families, so I don't believe that anyone would want to setup anybody knowingly what happens after that,?? The entire process, especially being shunned and ostracized,

  33. and what happens when its not true? and they are motzi shem ra just to get even?

    i was also molested when i was 14 in a mikvah in williamsburg. and yes the guy is still walking around like a shaina yid. but i do know for a fact that there are some who get people arrested just to get even with them.

  34. The Problem here is that it involves a divorce case and one side is trying to take revenge. Could be he is or is not a molester, but this did not stem because of a concern of a caring parent but from a fight trying to take revenge. So please every one before saying that they know things for a fact, just wait around and let it play out legally.

  35. So Mrs Isreal is getting divorced and she accused mendy Samuel of molesting her kids is that what u r saying.
    Is this Mrs Isreal Shaitel Macher on 60 street ????

  36. I know quite a few victims personally.
    All girls that were high school age at the time of the incidents.
    Afaik there is only being a divorce cause BECAUSE of the molestation.

  37. I would let the detectives do their work, and lets see what happens,

  38. No not he is getting a divorce, but some one ells, not now but a long time ago and one of the sides are out for blood and tried many different tactics on bringing him down and up until now they where unsuccessful. But i guess this is a issue that works easier on demolishing a person in the blink of an eye. all i always say is bais din (the rule of the Toirah) and courts have a process of figuring out "more or less" the truth and its not write to jump to conclusions and especially when there is a wife and kids involved that are defiantly not at fault.

  39. I really wonder,the person who is claiming that we should go to a(bais din,?) Would the bais din be able to help out anyone and be able to deal with a question about sexual abuse,?, because when we found out that our disabled child was being molested I didn't no what to do,? So the next thing what I did is I called up, ,rabunim,admorim,dayunim, rushe yeshivas,from around new york and new jersy,, and /99.99/ percent of them answered me this words,,I am sorry yungerman, but we can not help you out with such a problem with such a question and we can not tell you what to do because we never ever where involved and we never dealt with sexual abuse cases, where not experienced in such cases?,this was the answer of (99.99) percent of the rabunim from new york and New Jersey, so why suddenly should we trust that because a bais din is called din torah they would suddenly become experienced in sexual abuse cases,?, they will suddenly become experts in dealing with such a problem,?, so I think no no no bais din is absolutely not experienced in every halacha to deal, they have so much experienced in sexual abuse cases like they would have experienced in being a doctor for woman for /ob/gyn/ problems,,So I really don't see the purpose for going to a bais din when it comes to problems about sexual abuse against children, absolutely not,

  40. I never understood how some butt ugly sobs like Mordechai Tendler & Mendy Israel are able to woo females to fool around with them.

  41. People in the community not at all surprised by his arrest .rumour has it that many victims now coperating with the da.
    It's so sad that the victims have to relive their terror of abuse and battle this pedophile in their daily thoughts .
    If he's innocent he should take it to trial if he's guilty let him take a plea. As simple as that .
    But he shouldn't make more people suffer.

  42. Unfortunately, victims are suffering twice, (1) they where terribly vegteblized they will have to live with this fact for the rest of their life, being hurt/ angry /depressed/suicidal/going off the yiddish derech/,(2) if a victim will come forward they no what's waiting for them in store, from being /ostracized/shunned/terrorized/degraded/not having/friends/family/shulls where to daven anymore/ and the perpetrator will be having lots of support from his own Jewish Hasidic community,,and he will be schlepping the case in court for years as long as he could and every time there will be a court date or ,he will show up,or he will not,? Or he will keep denying it and denying it ,,till one day but one day after schlepping the case for years and realizing that it doesn't look good for his side ,if it will go for a trial he will definitely get some long prison time, then he will break himself and take a plea deal ,but till then,? He will keep on hurting the victim and /his/her/ family by schlepping the case another year and another year,,with out no rachmunis, and still not pleading guilty and to make a stop and a closer to the case, but everything will be done with the support of the Jewish Hasidic frum community,

  43. I hear that his brothers blaming his pedophile behavior on his wife who is obese and is never there for him because she's always working.she's a famous Boro park shaitel macher.
    That's the issue in the frum community. Woman work to support their families and neglect their duties as wife and mother .regardless he's entitled to his day in court and the truth will come out .

  44. Unfortunately it's very simple to accuse someone of these charges .I'm very familiar with mendy Isreal and his family and I can tell you these charges are false and it's coming from a family argument .his sister in law a designer in Boro park who remarried a rich guy London always had a vendetta against him and convinced her husband to trump up charges and pay the alleged victim to come forward. He knows the legal system since he himself went through similar charges of sexual assault few years ago with his own daughter . (He was married to a very wealthy family famous for wall of roses split wall in BP Taub of 49 st)
    Mendy stay strong ! You will have your day in court and don't he asHamed to walk with your head up in the street !
    We and many other people in the community know what you did forthe family .you were always there for them!
    All we can say is people aren't stupid and know the truth .
    Mendy is an upstanding human and 100s of people will come to testify that you personally have always been there for them through thick and thin.

    1. Unfortunately many people are familiar with mendys pedofiliac ways. There are people accusing him from thrughout his life, including bais hatalmud where he learnt as a bucher, and satmer where he was a lifeguard, and nachlei amuna, and whispering woods where he was "president" and got thrown off to not even being on the board for this reason!!!where he spent many summers. There have been countless rabunim that were notified and Mendy admited to them most notably kariv from 20th Ave. Ans stechin from 50th. He had the opportunity to get the help he needed so there won't be another child sentenced for life by Mendy but he never cooperated to how sick he is, he is not a bad person no one wakes up one day and decides he is going to be a mollester its a sickness a cancer, witch hurts the kids he can get a hold of, This is silly talk a rich guy paying off this doesn't work for the DA they don't just take your word, there will be approximately 6 people taking the stand so far and counting. It's sad may, everyone be strong. Mendy has the right for a fair trial and have his day in court.

  45. I'll second the comment anonymous wrote on March 8 the they are out for blood .

  46. 4:36
    You make absolutely no sense..... why would a girl that "nothing was done to her," subject herself to a trial and cross examination?
    there is not enough money to pay someone that would do that? Doesn't she have siblings and parents? Are you telling me that all of them got paid off because he had a vendetta?
    Tell us what did Israel to to this "rich" guy that he found a willing "victim" that will subject herself to the mercy of the court?

    1. Sense or not the facts will speak for themselves. Ask anyone in BP there is only good when it comes to mendy isreal.his father is a pillar of the community. Isreal did nothing to the family .only helping them when they didn't have a father .so many people can and will vouch for this .it's a fact ! The mother a interior designer in BP was single and never appreciated what was done for her kids .she wanted an affair with mendy and he absolutely refused .this is well known .now she convinced her husband to go ahead and play the game and take mendy name through the dirt

    2. You just described the exact MO of a serial pedofile. They are known to start off as a comforting figure that go in for the kill

  47. 4:56
    It seems you know the family ....
    so explain to my readers
    Are you telling us that because the victim's mother was rebuffed by Israel, she convinced her underage daughter to testify in a court and get cross-examined?
    According to you ... she told her new husband, "I wanted to get laid by Israel, and he rebuffed me, so let's get my young daughter, the yesoimeh" to testify to a bunch of lies, and have her commit perjury all because he didn't want to go to bed with me?"

    1. Yes we do know the family and yes its sad that they are willing to hurt someone like Mendy Isreal through such shameful false accusations .
      The"victim "isn't underage at all .. she also isnt a yesomah .it's a divorce case .the abuse allegedly happened years ago .the mother is well known in BP aND Flatbush as an (ex satmar) interior designer who will do anything to get work...she's always flirting with clients and is out for vengeance for someone who was always there for that family .as many people know cases of this nature in the heimishe community don't make it to trial for charges are dripped when the da investigates.

    2. 1. Where so you take this number of cases being dropped by the D

      2. If that is true, let us wait and see if this will be dropped before defaming and revictimizing a possible victim

    3. You are obviously greatly misinformed if you are linking a divorce that was settled well over a decade ago

  48. To all mendy israel friends, shame on you for victimizing the victims again with you denying the charges just because you claim to really know mendy israel. May you suffer at least just as much as the victims suffered due to your denial. You're worse than Mendy, at least he denied the claims (back then, he's not denying it anymore - apparently there are apology letters implicating him) to save his behind, however you pieces of garbage are denying it and making up stories without any direct or indirect benefit. And if you get your way, that would put a serial child molester out free to continental what he's been doing for years. Shame on you. The only way for you understand what the victims are going through, is if YOUR children were molested by an "upstanding citizen" like everyone thought mendy was, and nobody will believe you when decide to take your childrens molester to justice.

  49. To all mendy israel friends, shame on you for victimizing the victims again with you denying the charges just because you claim to really know mendy israel. May you suffer at least just as much as the victims suffered due to your denial. You're worse than Mendy, at least he denied the claims (back then, he's not denying it anymore - apparently there are apology letters implicating him) to save his behind, however you pieces of garbage are denying it and making up stories without any direct or indirect benefit. And if you get your way, that would put a serial child molester out free to continental what he's been doing for years. Shame on you. The only way for you understand what the victims are going through, is if YOUR children were molested by an "upstanding citizen" like everyone thought mendy was, and nobody will believe you when decide to take your childrens molester to justice.

  50. I am now convinced that Mendy is a serial molester, just by the comments from his friends...
    They claim that the victim's mother wanted an affair with Israel, so because he rebuffed her, she told her daughter who knew nothing, to claim that she was raped by Israel?
    Then to top it off, the victim's mother then discussed her fantasy about Israel with her new husband, and together they decided to make up a story that Israel raped her daughter and somehow convinced the daughter to tell this story to police, and she agreed to be cross examined on a story totally fabricated by the mother??????
    Read the above and you will be convinced that only an idiot would believe Israel's friends!
    Even Israel himself has so far not denied the story!

  51. Mendy Isreal has denied the allegation against him and pleaded not guilty in court
    There is so much evidence .the mother and daughter both lookig to spill blood.she was known growing up as a dropout was on drugs and was kicked out of school for she had numerous boyfriends .mendy was there for her time and time again .all this will be proven .yes the story sounds insane but the truth will come out .
    There is proof that the mother pleaded with mendy to buy toys .anything to get him involved with her ..he was there for her in court when she was getting divorced. interior designer who had mendy help her with filling out food stamps application all the time she was getting paid off the books as a designer ..
    Time will tell .all will be proven .
    Mendy is entitled to his day in court and let's not label anyone a serial molester untilit's proven so in court .
    Time will prove it's a mother daughter scheme .

    Mendy be strong .we are with you .we know and so do many people in the community

    1. Lol do you realize how insane your aligations are? What did Mendy do to mother and daughter that they are out for blood?

    2. Funny do u ppl realize how insane u sound. So if anyone refuse to buy sex toys then ur in for a huge take down. U can't be serious. Stop blaming it on other ppl Mendy Israel u know ur guilty take it like a man and pay for what u have done.

  52. 8:45
    If all this will come out in court, then why are you bad mouthing a bas yisroel and her mother?
    Mendy's friends are a bunch of liars who knew all along what this guy was up to, and enabled him ...
    even if you were right and the victim had boyfriends that doesn't mean that she wasn't raped by this monster!
    Guys like Israel prey on children of divorced parents and this is their Modus Apprendi ... they take advantage of children that need a supporting parent and start acting like a supporting parent and then they move in on their prey and take advantage of the situation...
    I suspect that he is guilty as charged!

  53. so the mother pleaded with mendy for sex toys mendy refuses so the mother and daughter are out for blood rich father pays daughter who is anyway out for blood because mendy simply refused to buy sex toys so mendy be strong dont buy sex toys? do ihave story straight?

  54. So mother pleads that Mendy buy sex toys Mendy refuses so mother and daughter out for blood so rich father pays off daughter because Mendy simply refused to buy sex toys for mother. Stay strong Mendy don't buy sex toys

  55. So buy saying she had numerous boyfriends so can't be Israel raped her wisdom. If you would say she is ugly who would want her ok I can hear but your saying she was well liked so your saying its possible he raped her or can't be cause she had numerous boyfriends confused.
    He denied the allegations in court was he even arraigned in court yet? The answer is no it's public record it's a fact. Question Why was he always there why wasn't I always there or you always there? why was he there time and time again and again he was there. Even after the mother begged to sleep with him and he refused he was still there? This is how I see it don't know how anyone can see it different pig what he is fuchy

  56. End of game is,,we still don't give up hurting the victims again and again,keep denying,? Yes keep coming up with all bullshit,,why to clear the pedophiles of their guilt,?

  57. im a part of the jury. a girl has numerous accusations against a adult about a sexual assault case numerous counts letters texts emails all will be Layed out. Defendant takes the stand and states dear judge your honor I refused to buy sex toys for the accusers mother I have proof. And I would be like ho shit case dismissed never heard of such a good defense before wow

  58. (1) Because its a lie, the victim is lying ,(2) the victim is crazy and mental, (3) the victim wanted to setup the molester,(4) its alilas 95, (5) the victim wanted to take revenge on the pedophile, (6) its a divorce case so the wife wanted to take revenge on her husband so she made up the story against him, (7) the daughter and the mother wanted that he should buy some sexy sex toys and he refused to do so, so they made up the story against him so anyone has more songs how to protect molesters, how to protect Jewish Hasidic pedophiles,? Let's go its time to give in your songs,

  59. The fact that he helped the family is exactly what molesters do. Educate yourself on the grumming process of victims. They make sure to become the person that there victom looks up-to. And that is exactly what this pervert Mendy Israel did in this case. And BTW this sick pervert didn't discriminate when it came to satisfy his sick sexual urges. He went after boys and girls. Their are victims of this sick pig dating back years. Some of his victims have 4-5 kids of there own by now. But again the same people will try to defend the indefensible. And repeat the same weak argument that I know him well from yeshivah and shul therefore it's not true. I am confident that this time he will not get away with it and kudos to this victims that had the courage to bring him to justice. At the same time make this world a safer place for other children with him behind bars for many years to come. Necemya weberman can't wait for his new companion.

    1. CORRECTION: Educate yourself on the "grooming" process of victims.

  60. The fact that he helped the family is exactly what molesters do. Educate yourself on the gumming process of victims. They make sure to become the person their victim looks up to. And that is exactly what this pervert Mendy Isreal did in this case. And BTW this sick pervert didn't discriminate it came to satisfy his sick sexual urges. He went after boys and girls. Their are victims of this sick pig dating back many years. Some of his victims have 4-5 kids of their own by now. But again the same people will try to defend the indefensible. And repeat the same weak argument that I know him well from yeshivah or shul and therefore it's not true. I am confident that this time he will not get away with it and kudos to his victims that had the courage to bring him to justice. At the same time make the world a safer place for other children of our community with him behind bars for many years to come. Nechamya weberman can't wait for his new Chavrusa.

  61. I've seem all comments. Let's not shun the victim and let's not be quick to place blame on Isreal. It's apparently clear that there's a history with the mother and daughter and Isreal seems to have another side to the allegations .he has a right to face his accuser in court of law .let's be patient and watch this unfold .if he's guilty let him go to jail if not and it was the mother who wanted an affair with him then she will go to jail for false accusations .

    1. So some gossippers on a blog with so many contradicting posts is your source that there is obviously history between mom and Mendy????

  62. There's a reason all the rabbonim in BP who are aware of this aren't doing anything as to publicly declare him a pedophile they know the truth will come out

  63. 5:26
    When did the rabbonim in BP ever declare anyone a pedophile?
    The reason is obvious ... they are hidden pedophiles themselves!

  64. 10:09am
    you write: its apparently clear there is a history with the mother and daughter, and israel has his side. what is his side? that someone would fabricate this? please don't say out for blood, or she had boy friends, or mother wanted relationship, etc, that is not a reason to convince anyone to fabricate this.

  65. Every one who knows mendy knows he has hart of gold and is involved in all community affairs his brother in law who is framing him because of hatred was arrested for abuse of his own daughter but has connections and got off the system .he's a stepfather and is jelous how mendy saved a girl from the streets with drugs.he will have his day and will be known that he innocent

    1. Are you delusional??? How would a step father convince a step-daughter to commit purgury and risk going to jail simply because he is jealous that Mr israel saved this herself from drugs?? On the contrary, wouldn't she be grateful?

      BTW I know someone that knows the accuser very well and says she will be a highly credible witneses at trial

  66. Why is it that only in our community when a victim files charges against their abuser it is for some other reason as revenge for something else not the sexual abuse or some ulterior motive? Those of us that spend the last couple of summers in WHISPERING WOODS are not that surprised. We all remember that he was separated from his wife last summer for molesting someone's daughter. But again the father of the victim is a SHAINA YID A NUGID so his stature in the community trumped his daughters well being. ועל כולם when this piece of excrement made Chasana two weeks ago he came to say mazel Tov. Finally their is someone that is doing the right thing and trying to rid the world from this human waste. why aren't we in full support? Ladies and gentlemen it's time to put this miscreant behind bars so he can rot till eternity.

    1. Mendy is entitled to his day in court and let's see what eNDs up very one knows he is a askan in BP and is always there for people. Let's be realistic and understand that his own brother in law the stepfather of victim was arrested for secular abuse of his own daughter! It's known and because of his legal connections and money got off with only probation .look it up in the court system the whOle BP knows this and also knows that the truth will come out its wrong to be a judge at this point

    2. You start your comment by saying lets wait for the outcome in the courts, then you procceed with bringing attendion to another case where you don't believe in the outcome of the courts. You are obviously biased and are laying the groundwork, if mendy is convicted then must be the system is rigged because i have another case where someone was wrongly aquited


  67. Mendy has received a letter from the board and lawyer from whispering woods that until there is no outcome from the court he cannot return. Whispering woods is not negligent to there kids in the colony.

  68. It's been almost 2 weeks. Everyone is writing there pathetic coments. He's a figure in the community, he is special, looks out for everyone, a Bal Chesed, he would never hurt anyone, Mendy stay strong. ALL PATHETIC

    Where is Mendy. why doesn't he come out. Say a comment that it's not true and that he's being set up.

    Go after all the ppl that are bad mouthing him. Go after all the web sites that they are tarnishing his image- his name - his beautiful reputation. A Shayna Yid

    You know why, you know you ,you sick disgusting perverted individuals who support him and blaming everyone else for his own actions ,because he's guilty as hell and he knows it.

    So stop blaming the world for your actions. You should be put on trial for the world to see and suffer the consequences.

    Mendy you can be strong it won't help because you know what's down the rod for you and it doesn't look peachy.

  69. Well said and articulated. You can be a bal Chesed and have a disease. And by the way the fact that his brother in law is a shmuck doesn't proof his incense. He is a known serial offender and it finally caught up with him. I can't wait to attend his trial and witnesses how the judge and jury reject his fabricated nonsense of the victims looking for revenge over something else. As is usually the case in our community when someone finally has the courage to bring the perpetrator to justice.

  70. Everyone bad mouthing mendy is oiver on motzei shem ra he is going to have his day and is entitled justice everyone who knows mendy and his wife who helps poor kallas with free shaitlech they don't deserve this he made chausanah 3 weeks ago noone from his wife side came and it's a shame they take it out on the street and the police when it can be handled with dignity for both the alleged victim and mendy .all we can say is mendy years and years of tireless favors and good for the community we will stand behind you walk in the street with your head up .we know it's the family that is against you

    1. Here we go again. So because all of his good deeds you believe it proves that this story is fabricated. Do you realize how small minded you are?

    2. I will second that I will second that comment. Whoever wrote that must be not very intelligent.
      Because he helps other people and gives free wigs Doesn't Mean he he's not a child molesting pedophile.

    3. To you that commented March 16 7:05 am.. it sounds like you what's happening and you know the story from inside, so you know it's true u are just complaining why it came out in the street and not dealth with dignity so why are u saying how good of a person he is does that change anything he did with pure innocent children? How he ruined their lives? It's amazing how you are not ashamed to write what you wrote, who are you to make these decisions how these children that suffered so long should handle their pain? They are in pain and will do what they think is the right think for them to try to ease their pain and who give a sh... how he feels about it

  71. As we all know, a therapist is a mandatory reporter when it comes to sexual abuse.

    How is it that only in our circles therapists can be persuaded not to do the most important part of their job and save all the other kids in our community?

    As more information trickles out in this case, it's now clear that a therapist has been helping the victims cope with their emotional distress realizing that the person they trusted as their father figure is the one that destroyed their lives.

    All parents who want their kids safe should join in one voice and ask the therapist to do the right thing and take it to the finish line by testifying in court on behalf of the victims, which is their duty; otherwise, we will have to do the right thing and report them to the authorities.

    Enough is enough! We will not idly stand by this corruption.

    Therapists have a job to do. It is to protect our children and no one else.

  72. A therapist only has to report if the victim is still a minor, in this case we don't know if the victim ever came forward before the age of 18. But I'm sure if this goes to trial, you will see the therapist take the stand, and will see if the therapist was negligent

  73. This past shabbos in shul people familiar with the mendy Isreal story say there is strong proof that the victims mother is involved due to her previous sexual situation she was running after him for years when she was single and now that she remarried her husband has connections and had him arrested .people from in BP are in the loop and are closely monitoring the matzav which will probably result in another arrest very soon .

    1. I don't know which Mikvah you get your info from. What I do know is that Mandy Israel is a serial sex offender way before this mother of the victims was single. And for anybody to suggest that any mother would put her kids in to a situation like this for her own gain is mentally challenged. Say and think what makes you feel good but this time his days of roaming our streets and harming our precious children are numbered. Good luck with your conspiracy theories.

  74. People in the community have known for along time to keep kids away from him

  75. He davens in kariv shul 59 and 19 Ave in bp.parents beware! Make sure your kids don't enter that place without supervision let's avoid any future incidents.kudos to other shuls in the neighborhood that have banned him .shame on kariv.

    1. He also davens in BOYOM on 60th bet 20 & 21st Ave. Did they tell him to leave? I don't think so. There are still people out there defending the indefensible, even though people new for years that Mendy Isreal is a serial sex abusers. And now that some of his victims had the courage to do what comes to him they are being vilified. What a twisted group of people out there. Instead of supporting the abused they are supporting the abuser. Lets unite behind the truth tellers and the victims they are the ones suffering.

  76. He is a sick individual has been getting away with it forever if his brother in law has connections and used his influence to have him arrested good for him it's about time someone did it of his Sister in law slept with him she is a victim he needs to be taken off the streets and have his schmekel completely cut off these pedophiles are animals

  77. He is a sick individual has been getting away with it forever if his brother in law has connections and used his influence to have him arrested good for him it's about time someone did it of his Sister in law slept with him she is a victim he needs to be taken off the streets and have his schmekel completely cut off these pedophiles are animals

  78. His brother in law has nothing with this. it's the victims only.I know the brother in law tough shrewd guy who refuses to finalize his divorce with his wife because he doesn't want to part with half of his buildings he has on other people's names so his ex wife shouldn't know .he even sat in jail for not obeying judge orders to hand over 50 percent of his buildings slimy guy who has nothing with having isreal's possible his new wife had an affair with mendy isreal it's known throughout Boro park but I agree that it's possible she's also a victim and I heard it happened when she was single

    1. Let's set the record straight. His brother in law has no buildings no money he is a con artist. He scams people for money with BS deals he is a better con artist then his father in law ever was. Having said all that this arrest has nothing to do with him it is the victims that filed the charges. And if the mother had any affair with him while she was single that doesn't make the real victims illegitimate. And frankly who cares she was single and he was the one that was married. And guys stop looking for excuses to his behavior he is a child molester he belongs in the slammer for a long time.

  79. Anyone who's been a victim of lazer markowitz, knows that there is a significant possibility that these charges are trummped up, he has set up ppl in the past and exhorted them for thousands of dollars, more will come out during the case.....

    1. Guys Lazer Markowitz is crook, his wife might be a whore, but these accusations against Mendy Isreal is legit. He has been sexually abusing children for years. I happen to know two of his victims that have 4-5 kids of there own by now. And they are in a lot of pain for years. And by seeing people defending him with all kind of conspiracy theories they feel violated over and over. It's time to stand up for the victims in our community.

  80. If your reffering to scoop, please note he has a history of doing it for money

    1. First of all I am not referring to scoop. And now that you brought up scoop he has told me more then 10 years ago that he was abused by Mendy Isreal. Its time to stop this nonsense of every time someone is charged with sexual abuse some poorly educated individual will come up with some stupid reason why this particular person is making the accusations. Get it into your thick skull that in most situations the accusations are true. Especially if the DA took on the case after doing their own investigation. Let the process play out. And if he is found guilty the punishment is well deserved.

  81. Ok all you nut jobs who have nothing better to do with your time then to post these intellectual comments and to but the blame on every other person.

    You must stop this, its not the Yiddisa way its done.

    If Mendy Israel got arrested so be it, he will have his time in court and if he is innocent he will prove it and be exonerated if not he disserves his consequences.

  82. Lazer markowitz was arrested??

  83. Hi guys... you can follow my blog too survivorbw.blogspot. com thx

  84. looks like mendy is walking with head up and proud ;
    i heard that its yitzi from breadberry that has it in for him because he knows victims and wants justice

    1. Yitzi is very close to one of mendy's victims

  85. Mendy Isreal molested his own daughter she admitted it to her friends in school police are investigating basically besides his rubinsteinn nieces there are many more victims that are coming forward I hears that yitsi from breadberry is married to his niece

  86. So many people in BP know for a long time that rubinstein was always being molested by mendy Isreal scoop has been saying it for ever it was ari rubinstein from the bagel store daughter who is married to yitizi from breadbery. She is smarter and finally had him arrested

  87. I've been reading these comments and there's a lot to say on the matter, but what astounds me the most is that so many people are so insensitive to the (possible) victims and have no issues publicizing information about them. And to the owner of the blog: you claim to have good intentions. Is it right to be revictimizing these victims?

  88. Rubinstein Isreal Markovitz scoops everyone knows that mendy is being accused everyone knows also that his wife is obvious staying with him and knows he's not guilty.hia father has been a pillar of the community for years and has helped many yingerlat with homes from government programs .someone's life is being judged his name is all over whether he is guity or not guilty why hide names when it's known to everyone who is accusing ????

  89. Mendy Isreal is a pedophile who was finally arrested and will pay the price for hurting so many innocent victims including the rubinstein's only a matterof time before he will be arrested again there's another victim coming forward. His own brother who isn't talking to him at this point knows who he really is and is helping the victim come forward .perry Isreal should be ashamed of herself to be part of this and for years was aware and involved by bringing others to have sex with mendy .just wait and see till this will all come out ..

  90. Raboisai! whoever knows mendy can vouch that this is a set up .
    As a personal friend to him I can tell you he is looking to have his day in court and shoe everyone thats is a family argument and his sister in law ari rubinstein ex was the one who is behind it ...

    Time will tell .mendy stay strong

  91. @personal friend - what is the setup? And what family argument can possibly trigger sommeone to have him arrested for child sexual abuse? enlighten us...

  92. Guys all the nonsense aside as well as you know him you don't know his illnesses. Pedephilia is an illness so that argument doesn't fly. And BTW apparently he was doing this for years and this time it caught up with him and he is going down. If he is smart and if he is offered a plea deal he takes it. And regarding his sister in law Ari Rubinstein's ex what goes around comes around. God is great!! Karma is a b.... She allowed this to happen. I feel bad for her kids!!

  93. Markovitz his brother in law always was jealous of him because of his connections to political people and his success in life .he was always there for the rubinstein kids and lazer Markowitz couldn't stand it so he paid off rubinstein ....
    Wait till trial all will come out .
    We will be there for mendy .he is entitled to trial

  94. Wo Wo Wo Who paid of whom? Do you realize that you are spuing nonsense? Regarding him being there for the Rubinstein kids,let me educate you that is what molesters do as part of their grooming process of their prey. All you Mendy surrogate's stop with your conspiracy theories. The man is a pervert and you know it. Face the fact that he is going to prison for a long time. And he deserves it. He can blame nobody but himself. He will have a lot of time to think about the damage he has done to the lives of his victims. They will never be the same. He robbed them of their innocence.

  95. We ALl know that mendy is guilty and has been molesting the rubinstein girl for years .that kid nebech was his sex toy and he will go to jail.mendy made no secret of it and his father in law weinberger knew it also but kept it quiet because he himself was caught in mikvah molesting boys .it is a family argument and it's correct that markowitz was jelous of him and was always there to expose him because his wife asked mendy to buy her sex toys and she was always running after him to have sex.many people in BP know this and the rabonim always kept it quiet .the rubinstein girl was paid off to testify .this could be true but it's also true the charges against mendy .it's a mess in the family for years due to fact that both the grandfather and mendy both are molesters .very sad matzav

  96. thanks so much for everyone that has supported me and for those that thought otherwise i Am happy to prove my innocence i would never dream of doing something so heinous all i ever did was help, and gave everything i have, BH I WAS NOTIFIED THAT ALL CHARGES WILL BE DISMISSED SINCE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE AND ONLY 1 BIAS PERSON THAT CAME FORWARD,

    1. All you did was help? I personally know three people that you molested. You are not innocent at all. If it is true that the charges are being dropped it is only because of pressure on the witness as it always happens in this community. You are an old pervert known for years. So no one feels sorry for you.

    2. Mendy do you remember me? I will never forget when you raped me in yeshivah kol Torah in seagate I was 13 years old. So stop trying to convince people that some deranged family member is trying to lynch you for some private family dispute. You are a low class pig and deserve every bit of what's happening to right now.

    3. Wow wow wow. Speechless no words I might be One of your first victims your molested. Can you tell this to me in my face that u never molested me. You molested me over a course of five months. You f'd my life up.
      You say your innocent now you pissed me off.

  97. BTW it's time somebody in the comunity calls out DOV HIKIND for his silence on this case. Is he with the victims all the time or depending on his relationship with the molester ? As in this case being a close friend to Mendy Isreal and his family. Also employing as his right hand man one of Mendy's former employees by the name of KLEIN. So I guess DOV is not really this stand up guy and comunity activist he portrays himself to be. Same old same just another politician. Call his office and ask him where he stands on this case and demand he stand up for justice 718 853-9616

  98. 1941 60 street .we know where you live and where you molested your victims .shame in you .you are going to jail for molesting kids .your siblings are ashemaed of you and knew for years who you are .you molested your own cousin as week as your nieces and used your position as someone who official cared but groomed your victims .there's more than one victims who came forwars to the da and justice will be served within due time .people in kariv shul know of a boy that was molested by mendy Isreal .the whispering woods bungalow has a few victims there ask around ....

  99. 1941 60 street .we know where you live and where you molested your victims .shame in you .you are going to jail for molesting kids .your siblings are ashemaed of you and knew for years who you are .you molested your own cousin as week as your nieces and used your position as someone who official cared but groomed your victims .there's more than one victims who came forwars to the da and justice will be served within due time .people in kariv shul know of a boy that was molested by mendy Isreal .the whispering woods bungalow has a few victims there ask around ....

  100. Lol lol, ur so stupid, he's innocent, non of these charges will stick, scoop is behind all of this, BTW one scoop

    1. Let the proceedings take its course. There is no use of bashing over here. Just scrolling down this page, there seems to be a lot of unnecessary acrimony! This issue is painful enough for all the people involved. To throw around names and accusations from both sides of the spectrum is uncalled for. Justice has a way of taking its own course. We are people of faith and we believe that Hashem has his ways of justice. As painful as things can be for the alleged victims (and I am not validating that there are victims), I do not belive that this route is the answer. There is a lot of unnecessary people hurt here besides the actual alleged victims and alleged perpetrators. Ask yourselvs, is the so called justice that the alleged victims are seeking worth all the ripping innocent people around and around. Is it worth ripping whole family's....

  101. I cant believe im doing thi, but im doing this for myself, i am a victim of Mendy israel i was molested by him for 3 years from the age of 13 when i went to the boro park y, mendy it didn't happen in the 'y' it happened in your house on 37st you know who i am, i'm not here to tell my story i'm here to encourage any victim that wants control this is the time i spoke to detective roman she is amazing and understanding about the orthodox community contact her directly at 718-230-4418 and ask to speak to detective roman. wish you all the best of luck. mendy im in control now Y.B. SO WILL ALL YOUR OTHER SURVIVORS BE!!

  102. Gentlemen, I have been send this link by one of my colleagues. I have read this blog and all comments.

    I have done some inquiries on my end. I do believe that this person is a danger to the community so I have one question and if someone could please respond I would highly appreciate it.

    Does this individual have any children of his own and if yes why wasn't Child services and the schools been contacted and have them do investigation at his residence and have his children taken away from him.

    I would also like to interview this Mendy Israel in person if someone can post his contact information on this blog.

    Please respond.

  103. He has children one just recently married whom admitted that she was molested by her father mendy Isreal. She married yochi briskman son. Feel so bad for yochi he wasn't aware of this till mendy was arrested which was 2 days after last shev brooches. Anyway there's amother child in the Isreal home which goes to bais yaakov they are aware of the arrest and are in touch with the child protection agency she's only 8 years old .it's a mitzva to help this child and anyone who can take her in would he doing a huge mitzvah. Mendy wife is never there to be a mother for her own child and let her own daughter be abused and countless other victims in her own house while she was being a Shaitel macher. .....

    1. Thank You. How can I get in contact with Mr Israel and get a comment from him.

  104. I will repeat what I have said here earlier today.
    Coming on this blog or any other blogs for that matter is inappropriate. It is easy for anyone to go onto any blog and expose anything and everything, true or not.
    No one should be a victim of any form or type of any abuse whatsoever. I am not going to argue the fact that any type of abuse can lead to devastating emotional consequences. If anyone feels that he /she is a victim of any form of abuse then he/she should go and seek professional help. There is help out there and one can get helped.

    If anyone says he/she is a victim, one should contact there local authorities. The preferred way of getting in touch with a local authority would be a local Dayan or Rov/Rabbi. It obviously should be a person you feel comfortable and have faith in. Unfortunately, we live in a world where respect for rabbinical or Jewish authority has been lost. Our so called individuals in our community are smarter then our Jewish rabbinical authority.

    Coming on blogs and bashing and throwing around names is simply inappropriate and wrong.

    My question to the so called victims here is, if you feel that you have been victimized then do you feel that this is the place to vent? Do you feel it's appropriate to come on here throwing out names (father in laws, wife's, sister in laws, nephews neicses.......)?

    We are a Jewish nation. We are proud of who we are. I am not saying that inappropriate things don't happen within the community. We have respected rabbanim, we even have rabbanim that will allow you to go to the secular legal system when it comes to some abuse. Is there anyone that will give the authority to come onto blogs and throw around names?
    Halachicly, there is a process. There had to be witnesses (amongst other criteria's) in order to be found guilty. Legally, in the USA one is innocent until proven guilty.

    There is no halachicly or legal basis for gossiping on blogs. If you have feelings towards a case, deal with it, by consulting your local authority or professional.

  105. 4:35
    Nice comment... but the nature of this crime that he has been accused of,lends itself to no witnesses .... this is done in private ...
    the halacha in this case is not black and white and sometimes to get justice, the only way would is thru the blogs....
    If you know anything about the rabbinical courts will know that they do nothing... not only do they do nothing.. they protect the accuser and let the victim hang out to dry ....
    if you read all the news stories lately you will notice that the police were in the hands of the frum community ...and looked away at any abuse complaint there is no justice in the secular courts as well..
    so though I agree with you in general... in cases of abuse the only way is thru the blogs ...
    if the Rabbis don't like this venue then they must change the system pronto...
    I don't know this case very much but from the comments I will lean towards the accuser ...
    but my opinion means nothing! Let it play out!

    1. I understand your response and I won't disagree with your response entirely. I do have issue with the fact that other names besides the accuser is being thrown around here.
      I do not consider myself a "talmid chacham" (a learned man) in halacha so I can't have a debate when it comes to halachic area's.
      There have been cases where Rabbanim have given the authority to go and give over the case to the secular legal system, and that's fine.
      Your comment about what has been going on in regards to the bribery and corruption within the community is truly unfortunate. The fact that the frum community has been exposed in the secular media can not bring us any good. It is a true chilul Hashem (a desecration of God's name). As I said before, we are proud of whom we are. It is unfortunate that there are a minority of individuals that create unnecessary media attention.

  106. @4:35 did mendy ask his local rabbi before he took off my pants? did he ask his rabbi if he can touch me? or for that you don't need halacha or 5 years after the trauma to tell me "let it go, forget about it? why don't you ask him where his rabbi was? now its to late all he can blame is himself, and his family should blame him and only him,for if he wouldn't have done this non of this would have happened. i didn't ask to be touched i was violated by this pig
    direct the msg's to him not to the victim, and for his family i feel bad for his parents, brother's, sister's, wife, children, they didnt ask for this how dare he not think about them before doing what he did, how selfish can a person be,

    1. I am truly sorry if you suffered any trauma in your life. If you truly suffered any trauma then you should seek professional help and follow professional guidance.
      May Hashem give you strength to go through difficult times and difficult phases in your life.
      I do not judge any victim of abuse.
      Perpetrators and abusers are sick individuals. Very sick. Of course they don't ask rabbis before they commit crimes or abuse.
      I don't fully understand this sickness (nor do I want to try to understand). All I know is, that unfortunately it does happen. These individuals need professional help too. They are so sick that they can't even control their own minds. A healthy mind set will and can never understand the extent of this sickness..
      As for the victims, you are truly a victim of a cicirmstance that's not your fault. It is horrible and no one should ever have to suffer the trauma and after affects of any type of abuse.
      Perpetrators and abusers are bad people and I have no problem of directing the criticism against them.
      The victims in theses cases are better people. They know better. If you where victimized, you may feel consoled if the so called justice will be served. All I have been saying here was, save the around and around family's from the unnecessary trauma and anguish.
      Bottom line is, abusers and perpetrators are sick individuals who don't ask questions. Victims, are victims to circumstances and are good people.
      Let me say this, let's say we are talking about, God forbid murder. The victim is dead. The perpetrator is around. As natural human beings the family members of the murdered victim will seek justice. The killer the perpetrator will end up in jail. Will the fact the the perpetrator the killer is rotting in jail bring back the murded victim to life? No it won't!
      My question now is as to you as a victim, will you feel vindicated or will you feel better if you know your perpetrator is being punished while a whole family including innocent family members will also be suffering unnecessary consequences. We are a chosen nation. MI K'amcha Yisroel. We as a nation should be able to think and act beyond what you might think is justice. I personally am a person that does have faith in my rabbanim. All I am said was, before coming out on public blogs or before doing anything drastic as in going to authorities consult with a rov or Dayan. I am sure you can find someone you have faith in. If a person is a suspect of being a sexual abuser then all the necessary people that need to know should be notified. Proper action should be taken, I.E, this individual should not be allowed to be around children .. Therapy...

      My Hashem give strength that all victims of abuse to be able to move on and lead good normal lives. With professional and with Hashem's help it's doable (and by no means am I suggesting that it's easy)

  107. Bottom line this pervert has been out there for years doing this and people were well aware of it and looked the other way. Finally one of his victims has the courage to do the right thing and all you all can do is second guess them. The fact that he was hiding behind his political connections that alone is troubling. How can we allow a child molester to be on the board of the BP Y and on community board 12 and have DOV HIKIND wrapped around his finger. Talking about the rabonim in our days they are useless in general especially on this topic. So let's support the victims in general and especially in this case. Let's help them see this case through till the end and finally get justice for themselves and the other victims of this monster that for whatever circumstance couldn't come forward. Unfortunately the only way is through the courts.

    1. Thank You for That comment. The rabbis and the politicians only hide these monsters.
      So before you retards comment like that I wonder if one of your children would have been molested by mendy Israel, would you have said the same thing.

    2. You seem to have me all wrong. There is no need to personalize this against me. I gave an opinion. You don't have to agree with it.

      I think that in this particular case, the alleged perpertrater has suffered a substantial amount of humiliation, a separation for a while.... Legal proceedings... Family rejection... Community rejections....arrest.. And I'm not saying whether or not he deserves this or not. Perhaps this should give some feeling of revenge if that's what you are seeking.

      The question to the victims is, what are you looking to accomplish? If you are looking to accomplish that Noone else should be the recipient of abuse, I highly doubt that after all this humiliation he is going to be able to further fulfill his sick desires. We truly need to protect our children. The fact that this particular case has been exposed, every parent can take the necessary precautions to keep there children away from someone that has been suspected for these kind of things.

      I truly feel for victims of abuse. I have stated here numerous times that if you feel victimized then there is professional help available. One should follow the guidance of the professionals ( preferably a frum therapist that understands our community).

      If this where one of my own children, of course I would be outraged. And I am not suggesting that you should not feel outraged and violated.

      I am not suggesting that anyone should forgive there abuser or perpetrator. It is perfectly understandable not to forgive there perpertrater.

      We all daven constantly for forgiveness from Hashem. If we as humans can in some way put away some feeling for the sake of innocent family members then we can ask for forgiveness from Hashem to a much larger extent. To bring down all the quotations and torah sources to back up what I just stated is beyond the scope of this posting.

      I truly feel and cry with any victim of abuse. Noone should go through the trauma and anguish of abuse.

      May we all be zoicha to the true geulah in our lives shortly.

    3. I guess you have a point when it comes to the other family members. They didn't ask for this. But for you to suggest that there is any other way besides for the legal system is naive. Happens to be that Mendy's father paid a victim $100,000.00 years ago to keep his mouth shut and promised to make sure he will never do this again. And if you educate yourself you will find out that people with this illness can not be cured or even contained. Even people that have been in prison for a long time have gone back to victimize again. So our community and rabonim have no way to police these perverts. We are only left with the authorities and please be sensitive to all victims and stop suggesting that this is only about revenge. Every victim if they can gather the courage and stop someone else of being victimized that's their goal. It's time to get this monster of the streets.

  108. Guys let's be real and brutally honest .let's leave all his family out of this .he's the one thats guilty. He's the one who for years way anck in yeshiva kol Torah was sticking his little smelly schmekel up bochrim.he'd the one that over the years used every opportunity to molest and seduce both kids and adults. His parents know about this sick pervert and did nothing for his father chaim leib Isreal was an employee of sepco agudah and chairman of the Boro park y.all this came to an abrupt end when one of his unfortunate victims had enough and decided not to keep his secret.he isnt remorseful at all he's only sorry he got caught and will now go to jail .shame on him and and his family for not taking the appropriate action and having him castrated and on pills to permanently remove his sexual perverted impulses and addictive traits .kudos to the person who brought this to the authorities I'm absolutely positive that they at first tried the rabonim and other ways but wasn't successful. Let's be diligent and protect our youth from monsters like mendy Isreal !!

  109. I know you mean well when you ask why a child of sexual abuse feels the need to lock up their abuser so let me explain... The reason we have so many abusers walking the streets is because they are not afraid of being caught. They know they will get away with it, because we caring humans will feel bad for their family etc. But this has to stop. Abusers need to feel ashamed and afraid of losing everything in order for there to be the slightest chance that they won't abuse again ...
    You ask if the abused is looking for revenge? No, a large part of healing for victims is gaining back their sense of control. Even if they're not being abused anymore, once they reach adulthood they can still feel like their abuser is controlling/manipulating them.
    Unfortunately, Rabbis who tell victims not to go to the authority's are revictimizing the victims and make the abused feel like they're worthless, and the emotional health of the abusers family is more important then the victims pain.

    1. Well said @10:18
      I will add that while a victim who is coming forward should not unnecessarily victimize other innocent ppl it is not their responsibility to shield the family members of the perpetrator at the expense of their own healing. Least of all when it's really the perpetrators responsibility to protect his/her family and he failed miserably. Unfortunately, most victims of child sexual abuse are related or know their perpetrators well and often feel this misguided responsibility or codependence to their perpetrators family, further making it more difficult for them to come forward. In reality, this is just another way the perpetrator is manipulating them and keeps a hold over them, because they know their victim's innate goodness and unwillingness to hurt other ppl will delay or prevent them from coming forward. This is just another way they are taking advantage of their victims innocence.
      There are many resources tht can be found online or in books that can explain this further. If you are really interested in understanding what victims of child sexual abuse go thru there's no shortage of ways to educate yourself.

  110. In this case Mendy not only robbed his victims of their innocence starting at a young age. He also robbed them of their father under the disguise of helping them deal with the divorce situation and filling in on the gaps. Which was only a way of grooming his victims for his own perverted gratification. And now they don't even have a father to support them at this difficult time when you need a supportive parent the most. What a destructive self centered individual above all. Knowing their father he would have castrated him in a dark alley. I hope he can come to look away of all the pain he endured being estranged of his children for a long time and be supportive of their cause.

  111. if Ari would be around, Mendy wouldn't be around walking the streets today, its unfortunate Ari doesn't care for his kids, but for the weberman accuser he was there to support the whole time,and for his kids he's nowhere to bee seen how sad (mendy is probably laughing from ari how he won him, pushed him out and got himself in)

  112. I guess you didn't hear that Ari beat up Mendy at a wedding a night Before he was arrested. If anyone is laughing it's Ari right now. And BTW not Ari abandoned his kids Mendy and Ari's Ex worked together to push Ari out. little did she know that she is helping Mendy secure his bait. Knowing Ari he is probably working behind the scenes.

    1. Wrong !wrong! Ari rubinstein has nothing to do with this .the rubinstein kids don't have him in there lives .he didnt come to any of there weddings. He is not frum and his own rubinstein family is ashamed of him the only thing he is doing is staying away from his kids whom he abandoned because he went off the derech and married also an ex willi chasid goldi gold.

    2. I guess Mendy's brother didn't tell you that Ari was the only one in court for the victims side as was he for Mendy. BTW frum is not measured by wearing rabinu tamm gatkes and volena talis kuten.

  113. I respectfully disagree with the notion that the victims should not have to take into account the other family members. We are a Jewish nation and we need to sensitive towards everyone.

    Pedophilia is a sickness. Although, I am not a professional and I don't know how one deals with a pedophile.
    I am not sure if Pedophilia falls under the category of addiction.
    The unfortunate aspect of this sickness is, that it involves innocent young victims as well as defenseless victims. It also involves the envasion of the sensitivities of one's personal self. This type of abuse can haunt a victim when it comes to real life relationships and intimacy. As well as this being an act that tampers with "kedusha" at the highest level. In most cases the victims are not even aware that they are being victimized until they are older.

    Addiction as well as pedophilia is a mental illness where the person that has these illnesses can't control there addictions, in this case unfortunately it's perverted addictions which is pedophilia.
    When it comes to the sickness of pedophilia, because it involves young innocent children and victims it becomes a crime. Justifiably a crime.
    It needs to be treated by mental health professionals. Incarcerating a person (in prison) is not dealing with the problem. All its doing is keeping the perpetrator away from other potential victims while being Incarcerated. And yes it may give the affected victims some sort of feeling of pay back too. It's also Justifiable to punishing the perpetrator for the fact that he tamperd with another person's life.

    It wasn't my intention here to get into a philosophical debate about the topic, but somehow this is the way this ongoing dialogue here has led me to.

    1. If you will do your research correctly you will find that pedaphiles can not be healed. So I can only come to the conclusion that repeat offenders as in this case the only cure is prison.

    2. I just want to make sure I understand you correctly: you're saying that it IS the victims responsibility to uphold the familial responsibilities that the perpetrator shirked? If that is correct then I vehemently disagree! I will reiterate that I did say that it IS wrong to unnecessarily cause the perpetrators family harm. However, if keeping quiet comes at the cost of the victims own healing I do not consider it "unnecessary".

    3. I am in no way condoning or justifying this behavior.
      People that suffer from any type of mental illness, like addiction are haunted by their own illness for years. A lot of people that suffer are under the care of mental health professionals. There are medications out there to help with addictions.. There are psychiatrist out there.
      People do not choose to become I'll. People do not choose to have, God forbid cancer. The same goes for pedophilia. No One wakes up in the morning "I am going to become a pedophile"
      The sickness and the impulsivity is so great, that even though they no how wrong they are. Even they know that there are potential consequences, yet they go ahead with there sick pedophilia. Which person in there right mind would go ahead with this type of perversion? Only a mentally ill person.

      Having said all this. The reality is, that we live in a world with many illnesses nowadays. I will go as far as saying, more so than ever before. Unfortunately, illnesses where our young and innocent can be affected. We need to educate our young children from an early age. Each child at his / her level of understanding. We must remind our children to tell their parents if someone touches them. We must encourage our children to tell their parents if a stranger offers them a candy (and I am not necessarily referring to the candy man in shul). We need to educate ourselves as parents what we should be looking out for. And yes, unfortunately we need to be suspicious about anything and everything. We need to be protective of children that don't yet know how to protect themselves. Exactly how to educate ourselves and educate our children, there is available literature online.

    4. This issue in general is a legitimate issue. Awareness is important. I do not condone or support some of the so called famous advocates we have out there in the frum community in regards to this issue. We must keep an open mind. Although this particular topic, especially in the chassidish communities is a topic that many people are uncomfortable discussing, nonetheless it needs to be addressed with an open mind.
      As frum people, When it comes to dealing with an actual abuser or perpetrator we need to consult with rabbinical advice. There is a general notion that our rabbis don't care. Or our rabbi's shun away from these things. I beg to differ on that notion. Just because you don't like the way a Rabbi deals with your specific issue, that does not mean that these issues are not being dealt with. (and yes there may be some rabbanim, that shun away from these things, but there are many that will deal with it) there are even rabbanim that will allow a victim to go to the secular court system. And that's fine. Going to a secular court system for anything is not something that should be taken lightly. If you do get a "heter" to go to the secular court then that is something between God and the rabbi. Do not take this matter in your own hands, because going to secular courts is playing with fire.

      Just know that they are sick and ill individuals need professional help. And don't think that these issues go away overnight. The fact that these people have been publicized just tells us parents to be careful with our children when these individuals come into our shuls.....

      May all people with all types of illnesses have a refuah shlelimah.

      May all the victims recover from their anguish and pain. Noone should go through what the victims have gone through.

    5. U have some very valid points, however, by calling this an "uncontrollable illness" you are absolving the perpetrators of responsibility. When the Torah forbids something or gives us a choice it means we have control over the situation and there is a right and wrong decision to be made. The decision to act on sexual impulses of any sort is a DECISION that a person makes. So yes a perpetrator is very much responsibile for his actions and it is a crime that he is committing against an innocent victim. I will also add since you compared pedophilia to addiction that addictions primarily hurt the person themselves and those around them are secondary victims (No, im not minimizing they're suffering) however, victims of sexual abuse are directly abused and affected by the perpetrators actions.

    6. This is in response to the post at 6:35 PM

      Btw You're right I you're right I bet beg to differ. My Rabbi said that any person that hurts little kids does have the right to call the police and does not violate any Halacha.

      So if your kids do get molested not saying by this Mendy Israel or any other person you should go ask your Das Torah And it should defiantly kept under the raps.

  114. @3:29 HELLO MENDY. you think you will manipulate again? by requesting or making it knowledgeable that there should be sympathy for the abuser? illness how you call it? if you would be bipolar or suicicdal i wouldn't give a damm. but if your a serial killer or pedophile both have the same category "by everyone" no mercy for you or your family!! that was your responsibility to protect them not mine, your illness is your problem by you touching kids from the age of early as 6 years old made it "my problem" and now im going to deal with it the way i like, sof ganev ltliah, every thief gets caught and you have been caught not because you did it once but because you were so sick you took every opportunity and made it your life goal to find opportunitys to find kids boys and girls and adults alike, your right its a addiction witch you should have dealt with not me now its to late to get help, prison will help you, if not you, me for sure it will help, ill go to that world and say i did the best of my ability that another child should not be touched by this pig, witch btw this world is only gashmias prison big deal its just human feelings, its to protect everyone around you its not a punishment on that world you will never see light you will burn in hell for eternity, prison is your least problem i believe, may hashem help your family get thru this, mendy you dug your own grave and your wife helped you :)

    1. Well said!! For repeat offenders there should be no mercy. Mendy you were given enough chances to keep your pants on. You have no one to blame but yourself. You have ruined too many lives for us as a community to take anymore chances. You have proven that only a lockup will control your sick and twisted urges. The next step for you is castration.

  115. Ladies and gentlemen let's get together as a community and support Mendy Isreal's victims the next court date is 6/24/16 let's be there in support of the victims.

  116. mendy your sickness didn't just come out, i and other people knew about it for years... there is a reason your daughter wasn't accepted in vien elementary even though your daughter was in vien high school at the time. me and other parents made sure of that. one of your closest friends was part of it, his daughter would have been in your daughters class just like mine.

  117. This is all very unfortunate. I think the victims should focus on their healing.
    I don't not wish any bad for my worst Jewish enemy's.
    Although, I know it's not popular to have sympathy or empathy for an accused pedophile / sex abuser. I do have pity all people involved. In fact, I think any person that had sympathy for an abuser as myself would be considered non conventional. As much as this goes against conventional wisdom, I think the perpetrator / abuser needs professional help. I don't know if punishment is the answer. Does an abuser need to cough up for his own actions? Yes of course he does, because unfortunately there are victims.

    Mental illness can be worse than cancer. The whole topic of sexual abuse and pedophilia is an controversial issue whether it's curable or not. It may be able to be contained via therapy or even perhaps an SSRI medication that deals with addictions...

    Bottom line is. They are sick. Punishment is not addressing the problem. Punishment is punishing for the crime of inflicting emotional damage to an innocent child. It's keeping the person out of society...

  118. mendy is at fault for what is happening to him, if it is true that he did those things, but for the situation he is in now, is his wife's fault she is scum she dragged him down with her. shes not supporting him she is leading him down the path of destruction, mendy you stay with her she will finish you i dont understand how blind you can be,

    1. Blame Blame Blame!! Mendy and his friends it's time to stop blaming all his family members but himself. His dear wife gave up her family to back him. Man up and grow a pair and take responsibility for your own perverted evil actions. You choose your path fully knowing the consequences. Now it's to late to look for sympathy riding on Halacha. You proved that the only remedy for your illness is a lockup. The Torah teaches us that MISHKAV ZOCHOR is punishable by death why? Because it's a choice so the Torah doesn't accept it as a illness. Stop blaming your family or for that matter your EX family.

    2. I agree with you that he has himself to blame.
      We all come on this world with "nisyoines". We are all subject, to different temptations.
      We as Jews have a torah, and we have to abide by the torah no matter what.
      For me to understand what goes on in the mind of a gay person ("mishkav zochor" as you put it) is something I will never understand. And I doubt any healthy person that has the right instinctual temptations can fully understand this concept. We all know without fully understanding it, that the concept exists. (honestly, because this concept is foreign to me, it sickens me). The same goes for pedophilia / sex abuser..

      This transgression (this avaira) is truly punishable by death as you correctly stated. However, there are conditions and requsites that need to be fulfilled to actually carry out the punishment the torah says. Even for murder, it needs to be evaluated by a beis din (sanhedrin). There needs to be witnesses, there needs to be "hasrohe" (warning)..... And only then can beis din conclude the punishment of death...

      I am in no way condoning this type of behavior.

      All I have said and I maintain that when it comes to the secular court system, we have to have rabbinical guidance on how to proceed with these matters.

    3. You just made my case stronger!! Because we don't have a SANHEDRIN the rabonim today can not make the right judgements when it comes to PEDEPHILIA. So they all shy away from the subject by pushing it under the rug and leave the victims hanging out to dry. And naturally the PEDEPHILE strikes again and again as in this case Mendy Israel. I know for a fact that somebody from one of the shuls he davens in spoke to the Rov about it and he shrugged it off. I know other cases that victims and family members of victims went to rabonim and were told that they will handle it but to no avail. And when another victim finally took the same monster to the authorities he was ostracized. So the moral of the story is that in this day and age the only way to stop these perverts is through the courts. Especially with serial offenders like Mendy Isreal. He made sure to surround himself with all the big shots and rabonim under the guise of doing Chesed and helping out his fellow Jew. It was all a cover up and preparation for if and when a victim will come forward people should say THIS GUY CAN'T BE as you can see all throughout this blog. So it's time we all come to terms that this is the only way to stop serial offenders.

  119. The healing process for the victims does not necessarily have to be by seeing your abuser or perpetrator go down.
    The victims in this case need to be dealt with professionally.
    The perpetrator in this case also needs to be dealt with via professionals.
    For victims seeking some sort of closure or revenge is perfectly normal and understandable. Just know we are a Jewish nation and there is a Torah way to do things.
    We are a nation of compassion with sympathy and empathy. "rachmunim benei rachmunim" we look around and see all the chesed and charity, gemilas chasudim, bikur choilim..... MI k'amcha yisroel.

    Are there problems within in our community? Yes of course their are.
    The problems we hear about are the exceptions not the rule. Do these problems need to be addressed? Yes of course they do. How do address the problems is again beyond the scope of these postings (besides the fact that there is no right or wrong answer to that question)

  120. to 11:12 Dear mendy: we are healed, and you say you need professional help yes you should have, and needed that 25 years ago already, mendy were doing it out of love its not a punishment were doing it because we care for you so much, and don't want you to further sin, you might not see how we are truly only helping you in this world, and not looking for revenge that's between you and hashem, but in the world to come you will be grateful, don't look at it as a punishment your taking it the wrong way! yull be okay mendy wallkill correctional facility serves rice/mushroom on tuesday, you love that remember? peace mendy,

  121. Guys .mendy is well liked and does a lot for various tzedaka functions and many people are curious as to what the verdict will be .let's be the ways we are tought to he don lekaf zechis if hes guilty or not hashem knows .yitzi from breadberry is destroying his name when he himself stands around taking pictures from all woman in the store.everyone knows he is doing this and was known when he was yeshiva to deal drugs and almost got arrested for it .woman are uncomfortable shopping in breadberry he is always flirting and it has to end .yitzi look at your own troubles before mendy he was always there for u and u know exactly what I mean..

    1. Again, as I have suggested earlier, stop throwing around names. You are not doing a favor to any victim by doing so.

      May Hashem help us. May justice be served from where justice is supposed to be served. May it be served via Hashem. All this is in the eibishter's hands.

      Please stop throwing around names. You are not scoring any points for neither side of this.. You are not accomplishing absolutely nothing by throwing around names.

    2. Hey DUDE, when are you going to get it through your thick skull full of mush that nobody gives a flying rip about who Yitzi of Breadberry is. Even if he is a lying, Womanizing, Crack head. It is irrelevant to this conversation. It is between him and his creator and maybe his wife. Now let's get another point across the fact that Mendy does Chesed doesn't negate the fact that he is a pedephile. So I guess your point is moot. It's time to stop discrediting victims with pointless arguments.

  122. I will second that. It's still proves nothing. This one did this the other did this.
    Mendy is creep. A sicko. A selfish piece of garbage. Lower then the scum of the earth.

    He claims he's innocent and being set up. So why doesn't he come out and make some sort of a statement that he's innocent and retain some hot shot attorney and sue everyone that is ruining his name and reputation.

    Obviously we all know the answer......

    More of the truth will come and he doesn't want it. He is guilty as sin.

  123. Mendy we are there for u. We will support you every step of the way in jail. Where you belong.

    1. Will you visit and bring me rice and mushrooms too? Thanks in advance

    2. Rice and mushrooms. Please explain

  124. Mendy be strong. U got away with this until now. However every dog has its day. And today is yours.
    So be strong. Because u will need it in jail.

    Btw. Is there kosher food in jail?

  125. Oh wow. Better make kosher food arrangements! Will Dror be able to arrange?

  126. mendy is very strict on kashruth only eats circumcised d...

    1. Please stop with these pathetic posts. He's being set up. And time will tell.
      He has a family so please respect them.

    2. Where is the respect for the victims and their families? How about their pain and suffering for the rest of their lives!! He damaged them for ever!! How can you dismiss their feelings so callously? It's time to stand shoulder to shoulder with the victims.

    3. If he's guilty then time will tell and justice will be served. If not then move the hell on.

  127. Mendy is innocent. Now let everyone go on with there lives.

  128. your just adding fuel your not helping him or his family in any way, your just making it worse.

    1. I'm sick of this conversation. I think u all should get a job or a hobby or something to that extent.
      And let the ppl involved take care of there problems themselves.

  129. I will agree. if no one has anything intelligent to say please hold it to yourself
    Enough with the stupidity Its the same BS all the time


  130. It seems that a lot of the comments here are made by people that have been victimized. There seems to be a lot of legitimate pain.
    There is no place in society for people inflicted with this awful sickening illness. There is no justification for inflicting unwelcome advances, especially when the victim is unaware of what's happening to him / her.
    None of the comments here seems to come from objective sources.
    As much as these pedophiles/sex abusers are justifiably hated in society (even fellow prisoners have very little respect for anyone fellow prisoner that has been convicted for a sex crime) we still need to realize that theses people are very sick. They are the unfortunate people too.

  131. Sometimes you have to do the right thing for the greater good. In sexual abuse cases that unfortunately means putting away a sick individual for a long time to save multiple future victims our precious children. The future of our society.

    1. I agree! I just wish that there would be a better way. We truly do need to protect our children.

      I just don't know if it's a good idea for Jews to put other Jews into prison in a secular world. No matter what the crime is.

      I know that there is an element of revenge, anger, closure, healing process.... But....

      I am not trying to protect the abusers. I still think this man deserves punishment. And I also believe we need to set a standard to all the sick abusers so this does not happen. The reality seems that these things do happen, have happened, and will continue to happen, no matter what.

    2. So what do you suggest? We do nothing? And please don't give me the talking points. Halacha, rabonim, you know in 2016 this nonsense doesn't fly, they have no power neither do thy wanna get involved. So the court system is the only answer for enforcement.

