Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Horrific video shows White Baltimore store owner hauled from his premises, sucker punched and kicked by BLACKS as he lay in the street

A shocking video has emerged from the riots in Baltimore showing a mob of Black 'protesters' dragging a white shopkeeper into the street and assaulting him.

The video, shot by a witness, sees the white man being forcibly removed from his store, believed to be located in downtown Baltimore, as dozens of black protesters gather outside.
One of the black rioters knocks him flat out with a sucker-punch, and as the white man lies in the street, the black mob gathers around him. 

A male Black protester wearing a hoodie appears to be stomping on the white man's head as others kick him while he is out. 
Even though the video is only 20 seconds long, it captures the horrific violence that has swept the city since yesterday following the funeral of Freddie Gray who while he was alive was arrested 18 times. 

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