Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Black Baltimore woman now jobless and homeless after rioting blacks burned CVS where she worked as manager

Katrice Gardner speaks with New York Daily News reporter Edgar Sandoval (pictured) in the aftermath of the riots in Baltimore. Gardner lost her home and her job in the same night

In one night of mayhem Katrice Gardner lost her home, her job — and nearly her life.
And when dawn broke Tuesday, the 30-year-old Baltimore woman said she couldn’t understand why the Black mob that battled the police all night firebombed her house and reduced the CVS where she worked as a manager to ashes.
“I was yelling at them, pleading at them not to burn my house," Gardner, 30, said outside her boarded-up rowhouse. “They had set the houses around me on fire. The black hoodlums were throwing stuff into the house. They were throwing Molotov's and very flammable stuff. All I could do was beg them not to burn my house."
Gardner said she — like most African-Americans in Baltimore — is deeply upset about the death of Freddie Gray, allegedly at the hands of police.
But Gardner said she didn’t recognize the people who starting lobbing bricks at cops and looting businesses after Gray’s funeral on Monday.
“These guys aren't from here, they go from place to place causing trouble,” she said. “This doesn't accomplish anything. This is our neighborhood."
Gardner, who is married, said she now has no place to live and no place to work.
"I can't live in my house while it gets renovated and the place where I work got burned down,” she said. “I don't have a home and a place to work. This is a lot of calamity."

1 comment:

  1. Well she can get welfare just like all the Hasidim
