A video has surfaced featuring a man, his face entirely covered, reportedly attending the wedding of his son, Yaakov Amrani. The man is alleged to have lived in a stunning form of isolation, without having seen a single human face, for the past 40 years! Details about his identity and background remain unknown.
It’s also worth noting that Israel often sees the emergence of tzadikim whose backgrounds are not widely known.
Did he play the part in some 70s show, maybe Gilligan’s Island, of a character who kept mentioning he “hasn’t taken a bath in 40 years”?
ReplyDeleteSo how did he have a child?
ReplyDeleteWas he badly burned and immunosuppressed ?
ReplyDeleteYosef HaTzadik was called a tzadik not because of his separation from the world but because of being involved with the world and overcoming its temptations, such as the wife of Potifar. Not that we should have to have such situations but if faced with challenges, one should have a connection to his Rebbe and/or father to overcome them.
ReplyDeleteFrom the group that gave us Berland and other mishugaim and scoundrels? So he didn't go to Uman?
ReplyDeleteOr is he from "Lev Tamei"?
P.S. Anyone want to buy a bridge?
Don't confuse righteouness for OCD
DeleteMaybe the Uber-Tzadik is Uber-Rigjteous AND for reasons known only to him , Hashem has also smitten him with OCD.
DeleteAt last an Uber-Tzaddik who after 40 years materializes to demonstrate that all men and especially lamed-vavniks like himself are halachically obligated to cover up to prevent women from harboring impure sexual thoughts at the sight of these great holy men.
ReplyDeleteThe era of burkas for men has begun..
You say that sarcastically but consider: the onus for not looking at immodest women is on the man. Yes, the woman has to dress properly but the man has the responsibility to avert his eyes. The whole Taliban-esque attempt to erase women to avoid men being tempted is a reversal of this.
DeleteSo maybe this guy is taking the other side. Yes, we're not allowed to look so instead of banning women, I'll just cover my eyes.
The movements look like a woman underneath all those drapes. Unlikely it's a man
ReplyDeleteIt would be interesting to have some more information on this person. Does anyone know anything about him?
DeleteDude looks like a lady.
ReplyDeleteWhy would this bother people Klal hakavod if someone can separate himself from the world and you guys make fun of him wow that’s low
ReplyDeleteGo read rebbe nachman 13th story about the beggars you will change your look on this yid
You mean if I drape a curtain over any of you, we call you a Tzaddik? How about everyone here with a smartphone who actively avoids looking at what they shouldn't. There's a Tzaddik.
ReplyDelete-For a few months at least.Let's get the movement going