Thursday, December 5, 2024

Haredi parties Want To Topple Netanyahu Because of the "Draft Law"


As we all know, the leaders of the Chareidie parties are all corrupt many have sat in jail for taking graft והמבין יבון 

All they care is making sure that their constituents get funds but then send their Roshei Yeshivas to America to schnoor and  say "we don't get government funding," and to make sure their big shlubs don't go to the army!

Should they be successful in bringing down the government, they will be shooting their own feet, and I suggest that Netanyahu ignore them and let them carry out their bluff! 

Should there be new elections because of them, they will never be in a government again, the left hate them and Netanyahu has a long memory!

The haredi parties are planning to intensify their pressure for the enactment of the Draft Law.

The haredi Mishpacha newspaper reported on Wednesday night that the haredi parties, who are considered loyal coalition partners of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are preparing to present him with a significant challenge.

According to the report, the haredi lawmakers intend to submit two significant legislative proposals that could place Netanyahu in a serious political dilemma.

The first proposal is a Draft Law tailored to the haredi community, which would exempt large numbers of yeshiva students from mandatory military service.

Alongside this, a second proposal will be submitted—a law to dissolve the Knesset. Approval of this law would bring down the government and lead to new elections.

These two contradictory proposals constitute both an ultimatum to the Prime Minister and an explicit threat to the continuation of his tenure.

1 comment:

  1. Bibi will surrender to the Chareidi demands. He always does.
