Monday, September 9, 2024

Sarah Friedland wins Venice prize – then viciously attacks Israel

Her remarks are, of course, disgusting. But what’s so scary is the heavy applause and approval coming from the audience. Look at these well-dressed, sophisticated, educated people applauding the condemnation of Jews. These are not the stupid naïve protesters on our campuses and streets. 

 The 81st Venice International Film Festival witnessed Sarah Friedland's "Familiar Touch" win awards for Best Director, Best First Film, and Best Actress. During her acceptance speech for the Luigi de Laurentiis Prize, Friedland, the self-hating Jew, took the opportunity to make a political statement and voiced her support for Palestinians.

 During her acceptance speech, she said, "As a Jewish American artist working in a time-based medium, I must note, I'm accepting this award on the 336th day of Israel's genocide in Gaza and 76th year of occupation. I believe it is our responsibility as filmmakers to use the institutional platforms through which we work to redress Israel's impunity on the global stage. I stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and their struggle for liberation."

International Human Rights Lawyer and CEO of the International Human Rights Forum, Arsen Ostrovsky, called her a "self-hating Jew" who "spout lies against Israel and essentially called for genocide of the Jewish state."


  1. "The self-hate jew is like the girl who was raped and is looking for the cause of this crime in herself. At the end, she concludes that it happened because of her own feminity, so she'll try to eradicate this feminity.
    The same happens to the self-hate jew: he suffers under antisemitism, pogrom and Shoah, he concludes that the evil is in him and try to eradicate it by eradicating everything jewish in him AND in other jews.
    As a psychotherapist I encountered a lot of such people, raped women, self-hate jews and anti-macho softies. You can’t cure that with arguments. Only with psychotherapy."

    1. Or this is something beyond therapy

  2. Not one single word about the hostages the baby’s killed what a absolute despicable human

  3. I have a shidduch for her, the "Zone of Interest" guy. Now that would be a couple.

  4. The fate of the Terrorist-huggers in the Gaza envelope, taught her nothing.

    1. She cannot be taught anything.
      Only a long heavy psychotherapy might help a bit.

    2. That method is superficial.Won't really help.
