Monday, September 16, 2024

Leibel Schwartz Owner of Electric Outlet Dies at 69

Reb Leibel Schwartz Z”L, died suddenly he was 69 years old.

Leibel was the owner of Electric Outlet in Spring Valley and previously owned the Lake House Hotel in the Catskills and Ramapo Plumbing in Monsey.

The Levaya will take place on Sunday afternoon at Rabbi Templer’s Shul 24 Crestview Terrace, Monsey at 1:00PM, followed by the kevurah at Monsey Beis Hachaim.



  1. Looks like Hashem didn’t even wait for Yom Kipur to permit Reb Schwartz a chance to change His mind and spare Reb Schwart’s life. I wonder why Hashem ignored all his daily heartfelt tefillos? Maybe He was just in a bad mood that day.
    Just asking.

    1. Maybe hashem spared him last Rosh Hashanah and yom Kippur and gave him an extra year. Everyone dies at some point. Your insinuation is very insensitive and mindless.

    2. Anon 3:57,

      Why only one extra year of life? Why not two or three? Wow, if Hashem wants to torture someone, he sure is the expert.

    3. Blatant Heresy is fine on this site
      only cool to Israel is forbidden

  2. The poor guy almost lost Electric Outlet at one point because a relative from KJ stole from him big time

  3. He had a store branch in Lakewood when his son lived there. And he opened a branch on 13th Ave in Boro Park that he was commuting to every morning for the last 8 years. He was no youngster when he started it. You wouldn't know it when you first bumped into him but he knew much of Shas & Shulchan Aruch

  4. DIN, I admire your policy of not censoring comments, but really you have to draw some kind of line.
    You shouldn't let your blog be soiled by insane rambling like this meshugener at "6:26 PM"
    Not every criminally insane idiot who wants to vomit out his nonsense should have a platform on your blog

  5. Oy! Was this expected? I knew Leiby from way back. The Yoeli-putz in Kiryas Yoel also gave him the agmus nefesh of generating an FBI raid on the business. Yoeli was then putting on a "fatigue syndrome" act for years in the hope it would absolve him of the criminal & restitution consequences.

  6. Mr Schwartz also owned Ramapo Wholesalers

    Which he sold to a national player in 2016
