Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Douglas Murray Defends Netanyahu, Says Wars are Not Won Due to Compromise


 Douglas Murray appeared on Piers Morgan’s show and, as he so often does, Murray spoke powerfully, emphatically and eloquently in his defense of Israel.

Murray pushed back on the presumption that Netanyahu is not compromising. He said it’s not Netanyahu who is uncompromising, rather it is Hamas. They could have returned the hostages all these months, they could have used the billions in tax dollars they got from US and British citizens to build a booming paradise. Rather they chose to build tunnels and enrich their leaders.

Murray said “These are fanatics, they want the death of their own citizens in order to put pressure on the West. How can you compromise with that?”

Murray said that Westerners tend to believe that wars end because one side “comes around” and agrees, however, the reality is, that wars end because one side wins and the other side loses.

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