Monday, August 5, 2024

What to have at home in case of war

Alongside the Home Front Command's recommendation to keep products in every
home that can last for 3 days, such as food, water, medicines, toiletries,
rechargeable batteries for mobile phones, a battery-operated transistor,
etc., the Ministry of Economy has held internal discussions in recent months
with the Ministry of Health, the National Emergency Authority, and the Home Front
Command and formulated a list of emergency food items.

The recommended food items include dry goods that do not require cooking
like raw tahini, nuts, couscous, bulgur, oats, various canned goods, tuna,
hot meals, biscuits, rice cakes, crackers, dried fruits, cooked legumes,
peanut butter, honey, sugar, halva, tea, coffee, etc.

Inventory Check
The Ministry of Economy has instructed the chains to prepare for the sale of
quantities sufficient for 3-7 days, with guidelines for the supermarket
chains to prepare with appropriate stocks for the population. The ministry
conducts regular checks and has found that there are sufficient stocks in
the chains, warehouses, and production, and there is no need for food


  1. After 7 days the war will be over???? All of the missiles gone??? Is Israel gonna nuke them or something??
