Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Chazon Ish Used a Jew as a Shabbos Goy for years and even Sold him the Chametz!


  1. Who is the speaker

  2. The story goes a little differently. The goy handled mechiras chometz for many rabbonim in Bnei Berak. When he was old and sick he asked Rav Wosner to visit him in the hospital. He asked him to arrange that when.he dies he shoukd be buried in the Jewish cemetery of Tel Aviv. He asked him "Why?" He said because my mother's family is buried there. "My father was Moslem.and for this workd it is better to be Moslem.but fir the workd to come better Jewish." But the story has many versions like most legends.

  3. 5:31
    Nice to rewrite history but my father z"l who lived in Bnei-Brak in those days told me this story the way R' Nota told it in the video. The Chazon Ish followers wouldn't want to believe that the Holy Chazon Ish would fall for this scam so they started twisting the story in a million ways. The bottom line is that for over 10 years the Chazon Ish's "shabbos Goy" was a Jew and that he sold his chametz to hi, as well, those are the facts!

  4. Why stop at the Chazon Ish ? Let start a rumer that the baal Shem also used A 'Goy/Jew' as his shabbos goy? And then publish it a new 'Masay Zadikim to authenticate it. Or take it some more generations back ??
