Thursday, August 22, 2024

“Once Palestine is free, not a single homosexual will be allowed to live in our pure land. Such perverted abominations will not be accepted among us.”



  1. Tel Aviv is considered the most sinful city in the world. Considered from the top, if not number one LGBT destinations in the world. If Moshe Rabbienu would be alive today, he would not allow homosexuality in Israel either. And you would throw him out of your synogogue. If there would be no sexual immorality in Israel, then you wouldn't even know that Palestinians exists. But everytime a Jew in Israel sins, it gives power to Yishmael. And all the Israel's weapons will not help, the salvation will only come when the Jews do Teshuva and repent.

    1. Considered the most sinful city by whom? I googled it and Tel Aviv doesn’t appear. HaShem isn’t stricter than Google.

    2. It is explicit flagrant sins in the Holyland count for worse.Especially by Jews.

  2. ...and yet the useful idiots of the redical leftist lgbtq community (including jews in that movement) will still call for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews.

  3. Jews and Muslims should work together promoting the sheva mitzvos. The evil secular government promotes things against the Torah. Israel needs a Torah government.

    1. Halevai. Ultimate World. overdue

  4. 6:17
    Tell me when was the last time Israel had a Torah government? Between Shlomo Hamelech and Chezkayahu Hamelech all Governments were corrupt and Ovdei Avoda Zara! This is probably the closest government to Torah than all governments in the times of Tanach!

    1. Isn't.Far from it.
      cf Orot Reiyah.
      Furthermore even if that fool contention would have some merit repeating the same thing over & over & expecting different results is the definition of..?..!
