Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Message to the anti-draft Gedoilim... Way Before We Were a Nation We Had an Army and We Fought!



  1. Wrong,as usual. .Not this sort of army.

    iirc All your coarse counter-thrusts essentially come back to the same fact - you lacked grandparents
    & all your vituperative naysaying won't amount to an anthill! As the whole foundation of this entity was originally & remains inherently jewishly baseless..

    1. What "entity?" Are you talking about the State of Israel? and you are saying that this State is "inherently Jewishly baseless?"
      That's news to all of us Chareidim living in the State! Chareidim and Shoimre Torah Communities have grown over 5,000% since the establishment of the State! More Jews learning Torah in the Zionist State than anywhere in the world, and more Torah being learned in this Zionist "entity" than any time in Jewish History since Yehoshuah conquered Canaan! You are a "vituperative" person who is probably disgusted with your miserable life!

    2. Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach TikvahAugust 6, 2024 at 6:17 PM

      "not this sort of army?" did you watch the video? Rabbi Lau Shlitah is precisely talking about the IDF!

    3. SO?! Who decided that that is judaism? So all those charedim (many relatives included) & leadership sold out for olam hazeh,albeit sweet & beautiful.
      They found dealing with the unpalatable reality too complex & potentially dangerous to confront,so they chose that method to duck out.
      Reverting again to the Same red herrings.

  2. 8:52
    No one has a clue to what your blabbering about!

    1. projecting yourself to everybody?

  3. Rabbi Lau is a nice man, BTAIM,
    a.his brother was a major mossadnik & buddy with Shimon Peres
    b.He was raised to be & remains a rav me'taam
    c. The poor soldiers are wonderful,they are however are also tragic victims of the present system.

  4. Gedalye Leibowitz EsqAugust 7, 2024 at 9:20 PM

    Cohen Y
    A "nice man?' Rabbi Lau is a Holocaust Survivor and a Tzaddik. Rabbi Landau is "a nice man"
    a) Kol Hakoved, his brother also a Holocaust survivor served his country with distinction, unlike most Chareidie parasites that are mooching from the system!
    b) He was raised by the Bais Yisrael the Gerer Rebbe!
    c) So the System in the days of Tanach was better? You dumb fool! Read Tanach!

  5. Cohen Y
    I don't even know where to begin! You choose your "gedoilim" and then denigrate those who don't fit into your perception of a Gadol!
    I suggest you read the bio of Rav Lau shlitah, there is no bigger "gadol" who suffered what he did yet became the Chief Rabbi. Shame on you!
    His brother was a giant in middos especially for his dedication to the State of Israel! Israel gave him a home and he gave back having Hakoras Hatoiv, more than many Chareidie Gedoilim who ate and are eating of the fat of the land and then like the meraglim badmouth their hosts! Shame on you and your ilk!

  6. Cohen Y
    We are at war, Jewish children in uniform are dying every day, Rabbi Lau praises them,comes this Y Cohen sicko and attempts to denigrate one of the great rabbis of Israel! How sick and perverted? How low does one go?

  7. Iirc he was a rather weak student
    But it's ok, unnecessary to go into the pit with you johnny- come lately

  8. Reference to Tanach
    is without any relevance.The original structure was promised on a blessed religious Commonwealth,however awry & errant it would develop until exile/destruction.If the Ma'apilim would have established a country, it would have also gained your support?

  9. Y Cohen
    "he was rather a weak student" so was the Netziv z"l and the more recent Rav Shteinman z"l!
    As far as Tanach is concerned, this is exactly why Chareidim don't learn it, they would rather bury their heads in sand, if they learned it they would have seen that the Israeli Governments since 1948 were all better than 98% of the Jewish Kings and Shoiftem!
    "Ma'apilim?" This comment comes from being a huge Am-haaretz and following anti-Zionist propaganda, so let me give you a lesson in Torah!
    The "ma'apilim" went against the biggest Navie, Moshe, a navie that spoke "peh el peh" to Hashem. We don't have Nevim today!
    Most meforshim (Chizkuni, R' Yosef Bechor Shor etc) state that the Amorites were actually NOT successful in beating the ma'apilim, they compared them to bees (the metaphor in the Torah by Moshe in reference to this very incident ) just like a bee stings and dies so to the Amorites stung them by chasing them away they never managed to actually kill them but they the Amorites died! The Netziv actually says that the Mapilim meant well and were tzaddikim. If you learned Tanach you would see that most neveeim prophesied that Jews would come back to the Eretz Yisrael BEFORE Mashiach and the signs according to Amos would be, the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael which we are witnessing right now, the ingathering of Jews from the 4 corners of the world, which is a miracle in itself, and we are witnessing this miraculous Aliyah before our very eyes, and children playing in the streets of Yerushalayim. Only an Apikoras would deny this. By the way an Apikoras can be a Rosh Yeshiva in Bnei-Brak as well.

  10. Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach TikvahAugust 8, 2024 at 10:22 PM

    Why are you defending the gadol Hador, Rabbi Lau against this Rasha who denigrates Talmedei Chachamim that doesn't fit into his profile of what a gadol should be? I've read his comments over the years, and he is a self-righteous fanatic. He sounds like someone who came to Yiddishkeit very late in life and whose family are not frum! There is no way that any heimishe guy,FFB, would talk or think like this lunatic. I find this thinking only by the "baalei Teshuva"

  11. Y Cohen
    Funny that you should say that Rabbi Lau who was a child Holocaust Survivor was a weak student. LOL!!
    A child who witnessed the worst calamity to have happened to the Jewish people and managed to reach greatness and is a bono-fide Talmud Chacham who learned in Kol Torah and in Ponovitz, and got his semicha in 1961, should be commended, yet this Cohen drek puts him down. Why? Because his agenda doesn't coincide! What a narcissist!

  12. He was a rather weak student in Ponevezs
    (The proper pronunciation, most charedi- Israelis -charedi included-get wrong
    My family comes from there,how about yours Phil)as every older insider there was aware.His brother put him there because the family had to keep somebody with the rabbinic tradition intact.
    Iirc there were 8 kings of Yehuda that were tzaddikim.Furthermore,Donna Gracia & Don Yosef Nasi attempted contrive a semi-autonomous Jewish community in Teveria vicinity.On better foundation arguably than your present state.
    How was it that that wasn't enough to oblige the Jews of the world to get involved; to protect it.Would it have obliged your [trumpeting vacous] self?

  13. Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach TikvahAugust 9, 2024 at 6:10 PM

    Y Cohen
    You continue with your biased nonsense!
    Who gives a flying crap of the "proper pronunciation
    of a city that murdered its Jews including hundreds of Ponovitz students and its staff!
    Who cares if he was a weak or strong student, what does this have to do with anything? Who cares why his brother put him there, every student attending any yeshiva was put there by a relative for some reason. There is always a reason
    We look at results, here is an accomplished ordained Rav, Talmud Chachim, who knew not a letter of the Alef Bais until he was 11 years old, and who was an orphan. Not only an orphan but an orphan whose parents were brutally murdered in the worst Jewish calamity in its entire history. And despite witnessing that and despite suffering unbelievable trauma, managed to reach heights both materialistically and spiritually that few people from normal backgrounds achieve. Yet you, with your sophisticated meaningless dribble must be extremely jealous! Why else would you keep repeating your nonsense?
    BTW Rav Gifter, Rav Finkel, Rav Chaim Scheinberg all went to public school as children and even as teenagers! Rav Scheinberg says that he was a "weak student" so what are you blabbering about
    There were 37 Jewish kings the vast majority were Murderers and Pagen worshipers, even 4 of those 8 that you mention were evil most of their lives! The Donna Gracia & Don Yosef Nasi attempt was a colossal disaster as it only involved the tiny city of Teveria , Jews refused to take her up on her endeavor! I guess it wasn't time for Jews to come home!
    The Zionists on the other hand built a beautiful country where Chareidim has grown like never ever before in history! It houses the majority of the Jewish people which is now over 7 million!
    Guys like you destroyed many tzaddikim. For example you guys took Rav Kook z"l and made him into a rasha. You guys are "asid leitein din ve'cheshbon" both in this world and in hell!

  14. Afra l'pumei,Phil.
    Now that your own valueless system has been sadly laid bare,rather than soul search, you'll froth at those who warned you predecessors from the beginning.iirc so happens we aren't NK or any of the sort,rather far from it. Irrelevant & ok though.
    Doubt you are aware Rabbi Lau is a freemason - has been for decades.Which helped him launch his career.

  15. Y Cohen
    I'll tell you some people that were from the Ma'pilim! Talmeidei Hagra, Talmeidei Baal Shem, Chazon Ish, Steipler, Harav Eliyashiv,
    Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach! Etc.
    You mentioned that Harav Lau is a "Freemason" You forgot to mention that he had three eyes and a tail!

  16. Everyone knows that Rav Lau is not a "Freemason" he is secretly a Muslim married to a transgender

  17. Y Cohen
    I know for a fact that Rav Lau is not a "Freemason" because the director is the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg and there is no way in hell that he would allow Rav Lau to join!
