Friday, August 9, 2024

Weiss the Neturei Farta Head ym"s Posts Video Expressing Sorrow for the Jew murderer Haniyeh

  The demented and despicable leader of Neturei Karta, Weiss ym"s, released a video on social media, expressing condolences over the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Speaking from Dohar, Qatar, he began with the words “Asalaam alaikum” in Arabic.

He continued: “We are here to show the Palestinian people that all the terrible actions of the Zionist state has nothing to do with Judaism or the Jewish people. We have come here to the funeral of Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh, and to give condolences to the people of Palestine on the 76 years of Nakba, and the last ten months of the carnage of the genocide in Gaza.”

He said, “People think [the war] is being done in the name of Judaism….Judaism is totally in opposition to the State of Israel and everything that emanates from the state. This state of Israel…has no right to the occupation…we have sympathy and we are in solidarity with Palestine.

He called the war a “satanic crime” and said the “murder of the leaders of Palestine, President Arafat and Ismail Haniyeh stated clearly they are not against the Jewish people…”


  1. He should ask himself: how many palis or other arabs will mourn his death...

  2. If he was lucky enough, to live in aso called Pali State. His head would be offed B4 anyone elses.

  3. @Anonymous 2;39PM,

    When NK Weiss dies I’ll mourn his death only to the extent that he didn’t die sooner.
