Monday, August 5, 2024

Hashgachos In Israel Now Certify if the Shabbos Goy is a Genuine Goy


Because of the stressful situation now in Israel, Frum Jews need a Goy on Shabbos to give them the News! "Nias Goy" Goy News! 
But how does anyone know who fits the criteria of a Genuine Goy??
Not to worry! 
Hashgachos in Israel are always rated by the "heimishe oilam" and Badatz is number1, Machpud #2, Rabbanut #3 and Tzohar #4!

So the Goy of Badatz is 100% a genuine Goy. A Ben achar ben achar ben, a Goy!

The Goyim of the other Hashgachas are questionable Goyim. The Goy of the Rabbinate could even have a name like Rabinovitz! The guy in the video wants to know if the Badatz Goy would eat from the Hashgacha of Machpud!