Sunday, August 4, 2024

'Hamas truck' in Williamsburg doesn't care that Satmar is AntiZionist and menaces them

Satmar "shventz" think that Goyim care that Satmar hate their fellow brothers and sisters in Israel! To Hamas a Satmar Chusid is the same as a Zionist girl in a halter! They hate them both! 

An antisemitic 'Hamas truck' has been menacing Jewish residents of Williamsburg, Brooklyn recently, the New York Post reported.

The black Ford F-150 pickup truck has blood-red paint applied to it, including images of bloody handprints that appear to reference the infamous photograph of a man raising his bloody hands in the air in triumph following the brutal lynching of two IDF reservists in Ramallah in 2000.

The truck flies Palestinian flags, has a picture of former Palestinian Authority chairman and PLO leader Yasser Arafat on its front hood, and is covered in fake bullet holes. It is often seen parked near the local Chabad center, and has been known to blast Arabic-language music from speakers on the outside of the vehicle.

Jewish residents of Williamsburg said that the truck made them fearful to be Jewish in Brooklyn, with one calling it an "intimidation tactic" aimed at Jewish people.

One user on X called the truck "a modern day incarnation of the 1977 "Nazi" march in Skokie, IL." Another user questioned why police did nothing after examining the vehicle.

The vehicle does not have a valid license plate or registration, instead featuring a fake license plate that reads 'oh Gaza.' Its windows are also tinted to a degree that is likely illegal in Brooklyn.

The owner of the truck was identified as Jose Littef, 21. Littef has yet to face legal consequences for his vehicle's lack of a license plate and registration or for illegal parking and other illegal actions made while driving.

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