Friday, August 2, 2024

Chareidie Bnei-Brak Mob Instigated by the Litvishe "gedoilim" Attempted to Lynch Rabbi Leibel and his Family!

ובני קורח לא מתו
As posted on July 31, Litvishe Gedoilim such as Rav Landau and Rav Hirsch published a Loshon Hara Kol Korah in the Loshon Hara Yated, denigrating a Gadol Ba'Torah and Huge Talmud Chachim, the Tzaddik and Gaon Harav Leibel Shlitah, who is actually one of their own! 
His crime? 
To train Chareidim to get a profession and if not learning to join the IDF. Slowly but surely Chareidim are realizing that their way is unsustainable and is collapsing! Finally a breath of fresh air!
The Litvaks are in a panic and are scrambling around like poisoned mice to stop this in its tracks. So the old guard instigated and provoked violence against a huge Torah Scholar and an angry mob of Chareidim  attempted to break into his Bnei-Brak to beat the crap out of him and his household. At one point, police were called and had to protect the Tzaddik from a sure lynching! 
Meanwhile, the Litvishe Gedoilim were flying around the world in private jets to schnoor money under false pretenses, claiming that Torah in Israel is in danger because the  Zionists refuse to support them! 
Now this attack didn't happen in Jenin, Gaza or Ramallah, this happened in Bnei_Brak.
זו תורה וזו שכרה!

 Mob Attacks  Rabbi's House 

A real drama  happened in the last few hours as hundreds of Litvishe Chareidim closed in on Rabbi David Label's house in Bnei Brak and tried to break into it, the situation was out of control . 
In the household of Rabbi Laebel they said in the midst of the attempting lynching: "The situation is very dangerous."

As expected, no condemnation was heard from the section of ultra-Orthodox public representatives. 

This time too - as in the past, the one who condemned the case was precisely Moti Leitner, deputy to the mayor of Beit Shemesh who said:
 "A public that educates talmidim to grow up to respect Torah greats, then storms and tries to break into the house of a great man in Israel. 
What did the hooligans think that they would do after breaking into his house? 
To kill the rabbi and the members of his household? 
 There could be dangerous consequences. 
This madness must be stopped now, before disaster strikes.

*חדשות העיר:* ‏דרמה של ממש מתרחשת בשעה האחרונה כאשר מאות חרדים צרים על ביתו של הרב דוד לייבל בבני ברק ומנסים לפרוץ אותו, אין שליטה על האירוע. בבית הרב אומרים: "המצב מסוכן מאוד".

כצפוי, מגזרת נציגי הציבור החרדים שום גינוי לא נשמע. גם הפעם - כבעבר, מי שגינה הראשון את מקרה היה דווקא מוטי לייטנר, משנה לראש העיר בית שמש שאמר: "ציבור שמחנך לכבד תלמידי חכמים וגדל על כבוד לגדולי תורה מסתער ומנסה לפרוץ לביתו של גדול בישראל. מה היו החוליגנים מבצעים אחרי פריצה לביתו? רוצחים את הרב ובני ביתו נפש? מתברר שלהסתה מופרעת נגד הרב יש השלכות מסוכנות. הטירוף הזה חייב להיעצר עכשיו, לפני שחלילה יתרחש אסון".


  1. Actually this was a huge opportunity for the army.
    Think about it: the two excuses Chareidim use to avoid service as (a) Torah study protects and (b) we're too busy sitting and learning, that's all we do!
    So any boy at this protest obviously doesn't believe (a) and isn't doing (b). Presto! Draft him on the spot!

  2. Al regel achas, I would like to know more, like which Chilonim ia the maverick working with.

    So there is an amendment added by DIN to sefer Chofetz Chaim that gedolim criticizing a threat to limud Hatorah is lashon horah but bashing the Teitelbaum brothers is a chiyuv?

  3. Hershel
    Al regel achas I'll tell you that it is the same Chilonim that Rav Landau and Rav Hirsch use!

    There is no amendment to the Chafetz Chayim's monumental work of Loshon Hara!

    There is no threat to limud ha'torah that is a fabricated lie, in fact, in the Zionist country, Charedie institutions grew over 20.000% in the last 30 years!

    Now it's time to reflect and get those guys to get a job and help share the burden of Klall Yisrael in Israel! It's unsustainable, and this has never done in the history of Klall Yisrael since we stood at Sinai!
    Time to go back to our true Torah Values as prescribed by the Gadol Hador Rabbi Leibler shlitah!
    As far as the Teitelbaum brothers are concerned, when you have two brothers encouraging their sheep to daven three times a day against their fellow Jews Ill go with the Chofetz Chayim's prescription in his Shmiras Haloshon מצוה לפרסם!

  4. Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach TikvahAugust 2, 2024 at 6:35 PM

    "A maverick?" You shtick tenofas!
    Rav Landau and R' Hirsch are the "mavericks"
    Rav Leibler's position is the position of all Gedoilei Yisrael in the past including Tanaim and Amaraim all of whom had professions!
