Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Big Lie that the Allied Forces Defeated the Nazis!


To all my fellow Jews !

It’s long past time that we all realize that everything we believed about the history of the last 79 years is wrong. Just take a look around you. It almost doesn’t matter where you are in the world. Look deeply and what do you see?

We’ve been taught that the allied forces defeated the Nazis and that on May 7th, 1945, the Nazis surrendered. But when you look at everything we see and hear and read, and the very specific type of propaganda employed, and the types of personalities pushing the propaganda, you quickly realize that the Nazis were not defeated. Not even a little.

We start to realize they evolved. They learned what worked and what didn’t. They had many allies and sympathizers of their own spread all over the world, especially in the West and throughout Europe. They had an extensive spy network embedded in most countries indoctrinating, pushing their propaganda and recruiting for the next stage. Over the decades we’ve seen many glimpses of that evolution, from Nazi General Secretaries of the United Nations to the 1972 Munich Olympics attack perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists aided by their Nazi collaborators.

The close relationship between the Nazis and the Arabs of the region has been around for a century. Just as the Nazis gave Amin Al Husseini refuge in Berlin, so too did the Arab world give refuge to some of the most notorious Nazis after the war. Together they continued their joint efforts to eliminate the Jewish nation, wherever we were.

And here we are today, with the identical kinds of propaganda and propagandists, the Nazis of old have finally risen to show us exactly what they’ve become and evolved into, and their reach is literally everywhere. Every political party, every educational institution, the United Nations, the NGOs, the media. It’s almost like a far fetched James Bond film, yet when we look at everything happening around us with open eyes and clear minds, we can see it.

Sure we have some friends out there. But as a nation, we stand alone. The United Kingdom is going into their elections tomorrow and you cannot find a single party that doesn’t have strong elements of our enemies.

Few know what the Nazis are truly capable of more than the Jewish people. They didn’t just genocide 6 million of us. They took our wealth, our possessions, our identities, our everything. We had no defense against it then.

But we do have defense against it now. And the most important defense against it is opening our eyes and accepting that our greatest enemies of old have come together today to become our greatest enemies of now. We have to be united like never before. We have to accept that to live we must stand up and fight. We have our own nation and it stands proudly against all our enemies. Our soldiers put everything on the line to defend all of us. Our future. Our very existence.

Today we face an existential threat that we have never faced before. Sure we’ve defeated our enemies throughout history, but always at great cost. We must be ready to do it again and put everything on the line if we are to survive. We may need to do whatever it takes. There is no negotiation with our enemies. They have made it clear they have no interest. There is no diplomacy. There is no reasoning. And to survive, unfortunately, there can be no mercy. No empathy. No sympathy. No “we are better than this because we are Jews”. We are not fighting against those with morality. And we cannot give it. This is about the survival of our people and we have to stop trying to find the good in them. There is no good. They want just one thing… you, me, and everyone we know to be dead. That’s it. They keep telling you that. It’s time to believe them.

We have one chance to get through this. Only one. It won’t be easy and most of us will have to make the most impossible of choices. But we must survive. We will survive. But only if we are together.

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